
False odds on primes in weekend box

GondiGondi Registered Users, Member 5 Posts
It’s become clear that the Labor Day weekend box prime box odds were incorrect. Every week we see many people posting screenshots and bragging about there prime pulls. These were absent this weekend.  Many social media outlets confirmed that something is wrong with the odds last weekend. I sent a ticket in asking if the prime odds were correct. I’m disappointed that the representative would flat out tell me that “yes, the odds are correct as advertised”. This is untrue. The odds were not 2.5% for a prime player. They were much lower.  I think it’s about to reach a boiling point to this game. Glu is gonna lose many future customers if things like this continue.

Im not talking about the Monday woh box I’m referring to the normal box bought with gold from the store.


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    nym5fannym5fan Registered Users, Member 767 Posts
    edited September 2018
    I only opened freebie boxes and pulled 1 player out of 8 boxes. It was Prime Diaz. So I had a 12.5% success rate. I think it is just completely random and varies by user. I do know many that are sick of it. One of our longtime club members (since TSB 16 and VIP status) quit yesterday.
    From Wentz he came, he shall be returned!
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    GondiGondi Registered Users, Member 5 Posts
    Did you get Diaz from the woh box or the actual free gift box? I only ask because Sunday a large group of the tsb community took a pool and only two out of many 8000-9000 boxes pulled a prime. Many people pulled a prime from the Monday box but it was different. There is no question after months of playing that the odds were wrong maybe .025% instead of 2.5. could have been a simple error but the advertised odds were incorrect. If you did get one from the weekend box you are very lucky and congrats he looks like a beast as a reliever.
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    nym5fannym5fan Registered Users, Member 767 Posts
    Gondi said:

    Did you get Diaz from the woh box or the actual free gift box? I only ask because Sunday a large group of the tsb community took a pool and only two out of many 8000-9000 boxes pulled a prime. Many people pulled a prime from the Monday box but it was different. There is no question after months of playing that the odds were wrong maybe .025% instead of 2.5. could have been a simple error but the advertised odds were incorrect. If you did get one from the weekend box you are very lucky and congrats he looks like a beast as a reliever.

    Yeah, mine was the one from WoH
    From Wentz he came, he shall be returned!
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    SandpipersSandpipers Registered Users, Member 1,327 Posts
    All the players I pulled from the labor day box were from the freebies and woh yesterday. I bought I think 5 boxes and got xp. Then received 12 freebies over the weekend due to having 3 teams, got 5 players. Won 4th level in woh and got Prime diaz. Bought two more boxes last night just to see what would happen, and got more xp.....
    It's all done with mirrors
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    GondiGondi Registered Users, Member 5 Posts
    Guys the woh box is different.. It only had the options of 4 players 2 prime 50% chance. The regular weekend box had xp and players. But the primes odds weren’t 2.5% as advertised. It’s not even a question at this point. Somehow an error didn’t give us what were sapose to be paying for. It’s not gonna matter cause nothing will be be acknowledged but a mistake has been made and it’s wrong. I would have totally bought a different box if the odds on prime were posted correctly.
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