
Oops wrong button

K0SM078K0SM078 Registered Users, Member 39 Posts
Has anyone other than me accidentally hit a button and purchased something that you didnt want? I think they should ask to confirm your purchase on everything that is bought with gold.


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    Wicked0WildcatsWicked0Wildcats Registered Users, Member 1,040 Posts
    Oh all the time.  I mean ok not all the time but over the course of 1 year of playing, probably 5-10 times.  

    I'd even go as far as to say that the game is designed to purposely try to get you to accidentally spend gold.  There is zero confirmation for gold spend of any amount and there won't be one, and they specifically make it policy not to refund for accidental taps.  They could easily do a mass open option on all draft picks to save time for players, but that would significantly cut down on accidental gold purchases of draft picks, where the vast majority of them likely occur.
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    What about when you are opening multiple free boxes and they move change places with the non free boxes in between opening them. How much gold have they collect from that. 
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    K0SM078K0SM078 Registered Users, Member 39 Posts
    Yeah the way its set up its pretty easy to hit the wrong button for sure
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    Wicked0WildcatsWicked0Wildcats Registered Users, Member 1,040 Posts
    Another way they do this is by putting upgrade options on the main menu page.  I just accidentally spent 1500 gold, and a ton of LXP to upgrade LL Votto from Diamond 1 to Diamond 2 which I had absolutely no desire to do because I was trying to start a bonus game from the main menu and accidentally hit upgrade on him.  

    Of all the ways they could make the game more convenient for players putting player upgrades on the main menu is totally unnecessary.  Upgrades are not usually a frequently mass hit button like bonus games or tourney games and even when they are they are easily accessed on the team roster to upgrade.  

    I've never deliberately upgraded from the main menu, I've accidentally upgraded from the main menu numerous tines.   
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    bigvivecbigvivec Registered Users, Member 2,133 Posts
    Every WOH I accidentally spend a couple hundred on player rebuys due to the game lagging and me zealously tapping....I end up using a player twice in a level and get charged.  
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    AcesehAceseh Registered Users, Member 37 Posts
    Ted Williams at diamond 9 is just sitting on my main screen waiting for me to misclick and spend 15K gold and 200K lxp. Dome it many times before 
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    woohoo77woohoo77 Registered Users, Member 300 Posts
    Oh they definitely place their buttons strategically.  As well as how you don't really know if you've clicked them or not.
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