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RaylinaD · Experienced Member


  • Not meaning to burst bubbles, but on iOS tier 15 was in the preview for PvP possible parts yesterday. I would presume that would indicate that it is available for someone to move to. I know that currently ALL of my short opponents are coming in at tier 15 with my 13.5 assault and 13.0 heavy (and my tier 11 base!) At least…
  • I should have added that this started two days ago as I related in a different post. The weapon I did a first upgrade on was a 13.0 heavy. That is under my 13.5 assault that was drawing me 13.0 opponents. I shrug. Huggles
  • I'll put in on this see if it gains any traction on the forum. I too am getting excessively higher opponents, which started right after I did one upgrade to a secondary weapon. Not one level upgrade, one part upgrade (I think it was rate of fire). I'm not opposed to a challenge, but survival is getting tough. Currently…
  • Been there did that. Took the 3.0 release to fix.
  • Noticed and much appreciated. Huggles, Raylina
  • Without your guidance a lot more people than I would be struggling with this game. Maybe as an addition to the TOOBAD philosophy, you could compile most of the forum notes you and Brad have posted into a snipers survival guide and market it. Return some "gold" to your pocket. Huggles
  • Scorpion, I'm breaking into tier 11 today. My sniper rifle is a no upgraded 14.0, my tesla is a non upgraded 13.5, my assault is a first level upgraded 13.5 and my heavy is a non upgraded 13.0. I have not pushed to upgrade the weapons because I'm tossing everything at the base. Any luck and I'll start tier 12 this weekend.…
  • Provided we would keep interest in the game and maintain the win/loss ratio, I see no need to upgrade. However, I am now being thrown opponents that have put my ratio to 4:1, where I had been 20:1. I suspect two scenarios are behind this. 1. I had almost 40 med kits and GLU wants me to use them up. 2. I bumped the power of…
  • I'd like to throw my own two bits worth into this discussion. I purchased the heavy offered with Modern Slavers, added med kits to hit the 750 mark gaining (but not equipping) the 15.5 assault. Since then I have harvested 3.4 million diamonds and have the base the final upgrade from tier 11. Tomorrow I will be able to push…
  • The SD adapters are available, but the OS doesn't like them. I have one and fight it constantly. It requires an additional app to access any files on it and those files don't necessarily get to be used by other apps on the iPad. Like GLU, Apple for the longest time has had a very high opinion of itself. I got into the iPad…
  • I won't discredit your observation. And my reference to Mr. Jobs was a minor attempt to poke at that "obsession". I own adherence to the Apple platform stems in part from not wanting to replace the software I have accumulated over the last six years. I know that with many handheld devices that closing an app does not…
  • Let me check with Steve Jobs... What's that Steve? All Apple products are top-end? No options, right! iPads come in 16, 32, 64 and 128 gb. Mine is third generation. I always have several apps running in the background. Also of note: iOS still has modern slavers as new. Huggles!
  • . I use an iPad 4 with 128 gb for my game play. I seldom experience video lag, but reload after a mission is almost 2 minutes. I agree that it is longer during globals than league days, but the difference is 15-20 seconds. Just offering statistics. Huggles
  • Am I mistaken that a VIP set was to have opened today as well as the announcement of the new region? And with this post, after nine months, I advance to junior. Yeah me!
  • I started playing in CKS 1, evolved through the drones in CKS 2 and into this version. I agree that the drones in v2 were a joke. Haven't a drone in v3 that has been much of a challenge yet though. Maybe I could hope for being able to select targets at a level or higher. Would not do to allow picking on weaklings.
  • I am curious at you 4xp modules. The smallest I have are 12xp, obtained at tier 2. When did you acquire them? I play on iOS.
  • Only issue I have found when it does not pay the gold immediately is that my battle log will not load, nor will other bonuses. Usually it will be a day or two, then it all comes at once. :(
  • Global for iOS matches the weapons.
  • So far as I have been able to discern, it appears to go after whoever is firing at the time it recharges. Recruits fire almost constantly so they get the most attention, followed by mercenarys, special forces, rockets and snipers. The only change to that is if you have a specific bad guy on a contract, then the drone will…
  • I have observed that the missile is not guided, like the turret. That is why the drone misses. It fires when the target is standing and the target ducks. Or fires at a moving target. Oh, to have wire guidance.
  • On those occasions where I jumped levels with a new tier there was no gold bars. That started around level 80. Sorry.
  • I'm still low enough, and watch the potential return, that often I can achieve a 200-1000% return on what was taken. I usually don't revenge unless I can double what was lost.
  • You meanies keep your mitts off of that young man. I may not have the power you do but I'll take you down if you harm one hair on his head. 😝
  • Contracts! I'm surprised that this little item has been overlooked. I'm not really into the PvP so I do lots of contracts. Thus I have 22,000 xp for the drone and over 200 million in cash. Only item missing as you said is the diamonds. And since the last release I've been forced into the PvP so even that will be solved.
  • Wish I could help. I figured I've got a bit over 22,000 xp. Would like to sell some of them. Huggles
  • Here is the lady's information for analysis: Level 130 Base Tier 10: Sentry 10.1 (665.6 D/405 G) Gun 10.1 (665.6 D/405 G) Health 10.3 (819.2 D/585 G) Economy 10.4 Vault=819.2 C- 68.8/P- 23.3 Spear Elite- 14.5 Sniper, level 1 upgrade 892 D/110 G Torch Elite- 13.5 Tesla, level 1 upgrade 492 D/100 G Doberman- 13.5 Assault,…
  • A note to all who read this thread: if you are looking for revenge during a league event, do one PVP match before the revenge. That startes the tally process and will then count your revenge match. Otherwise the server won't list you in a league and you will not get the credit. Just saying.
  • There will always be another Friday, but will it make the weekend or start something new?
  • I kneel to the power of wisdom and hope others read this thread for their own sanity and to know my beginning position. Goal one: base to tier 13. Goal two: existing weapons to max. Goal three: drone power to max then add the best weapons possible. I'm a patient lady and have a plan. I'll update this thread as it…

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