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  • How can you find out if your team has a cheater in it? Is there a list of cheaters somewhere? I just don't want my club jailed because of 1 person cheating. 
  • Have videos for cash. 
    in I agree Comment by SwMoThunder July 2017
  • I played the slugfest on Wednesday and when I got up to level 4 I could not win a game to save my life. I spent probably 2000 gold to try and get up to level 5 and it just would not happen. My top slugger is 106 silver and they were putting me with sluggers way over me. I think in an event like that, they should keep you…
  • I tried to invite you and it said not found. I am making changes to my club weekly. If someone remains at low point for a week I will boot them. I am needing players that want to participate in the events. I have a few good ones but I need more. Your welcome to join and see how it goes. I just need to know how to invite…
  • You can join my team and I will make you assistant gm. Cubs42018

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