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  • 9k prime xp, 5.5k xp and 12 evo. Can't complain. I'm always short on evo and every way of buying it gives the tiniest amounts ><
    in 42k gift Comment by soxfan July 2018
  • I've had good luck (1-2 hours) til recently. Sent one in monday, got an initial response in 30 mins but nothing since. Usually it's great but I think they've got their hands full atm.
    in VIP support Comment by soxfan July 2018
  • 48 years, will be legend trout jr by that point lol To add to the list, every time I beat slugfest level 1 round 1 I get bonus points but don't move forward. No response for 2 days from cs =/
  • Not sure what you mean by update, def not brave like that though lol
  • For the amount of times I've left bonus bums in my lineup in cvc by accident I agree haha
  • Platinum is a nightmare with all gold 10 players, don't go past gold 6 division til you save a ton of xp/evo/cash! Nice sluggers though!!
  • What is the platoon advantage? Sorry just never knew (seen people reference it but don't understand)
  • So I could get two regular batters to p7 or one to p10. Would bring them (guessing) to 250ish overall (at p7). Or just do ramos to p7 to get him to 270ish and hopefully cap him with the next vip gift. Idk =/ Thank you very much that helps a lot! EDIT: Should have added that I have All-Star Betts too, 355 max but still…
  • Ok thank you. Will probably try the AL one a few more times and be done.
  • Another question on the all-star boxes. I'm on android so I can't see the odds on both. Are the odds the same on both for getting a player? If so, since the NL one has 3 less 355 max players, would that be my best chance for a 425 max player? Curious on where to spend, the positions and handedness (is that a word?) on the…
  • I never see offers like that, just the $70 5 star pick and a $5 #1 pick and two first rounders. Where do they come up?
  • Sharing hubbys...interesting!
  • Best you can do is assume it's a potw's team or Astros and adjust at noon
  • Not me either, but I'd like to buy him a few slugger picks lol
  • Just curious if someone could fill me in on this part. Thank you for all the responses! Still can't beat level 1 of derby =/ the r5 guy gets 5500+ every time ><
    in Evo Comment by soxfan July 2018
  • in Evo Comment by soxfan July 2018
  • Thanks guys, I really appreciate the help. I take it if the club levels up too fast you actually lose your reward? That's silly, but great to know beforehand! Primes costing 900 gold and 150 evo just to get to platinum is already a ton. Not looking forward to getting them diamond someday lol
    in Evo Comment by soxfan July 2018
  • Never thought of that, yeah we just hit platinum so the leveling has slowed considerably. I play casually with coworkers so I'll have to get them and our few random active members on board. Thanks I think that's worth a shot! (Or at least better than spending 10000 gold on evo boxes to only get 175-200 evo) Edit: Right now…
    in Evo Comment by soxfan July 2018

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