Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

It is time to make your voices heard in the App Store!

RptGuruRptGuru Registered Users 15 Posts
This game still has a 4+ rating more than two weeks after the most recent (and terrible) update deployed. Stop trying to race under these F'ed up conditions just giving yourself more to piss and moan about, go to the App Store and post an honest review and honest star rating. I seriously don't even know why some of you senior players are still trying to race in the current version. It is obviously a failure and not going to make you all warm and fuzzy no matter how shiny they make the cars look. _____________________________ GO REVIEW THE APP NOW AND DROP ITS RATING...Enough whining, do something to make them take notice. Make these devs accountable for their actions (or lack thereof) for deploying an update that had obviously not been thoroughly tested or QA'd. _____________________________ My rating that just posted; What was once a fun, engaging, fast-growing and exciting app is now a model for how not to handle app updates. I had been playing this game for nearly a year; had a 48 active-player team before teams were cut from 50 to 20. Built and helped lead a turf-winning team and ran with top teams whenever I could to score turf cars. Was one of the first trusted car dealers on the game having bought/sold more cars than most players ever accumulate in their career. I can honestly admit to spending on average $60/week on the app and countless hours enjoying every aspect of the game. __________________________ In that time, there were occasional performance issues and bugs, but it seemed that with each update, the performance of the app as well as the direction/motivation of the developers went off track. A TRAIN WRECK would be a more appropriate description of the apps current state; - After tasting a little of the money a successful app could generate, the motivation quickly (and obviously) shifted from enticing users to occasionally splurge on gems for boosts or gem car offers to making users completely dependent on gems in order to have any chance of winning a race. - Trading racing realism, sound synch/performance and response time to user actions for "enhanced graphics" that just makes the cars look shiny is the worst decision CIE has made for an update. Sadly, the cleanest version of their releases is months behind us and is probably lost forever. The racing experience this game used to offer died months ago and will probably never be restored. __________________ Just the loading time for what were once simple click-throughs/tasks is enough for me to stop playing. Factor in constant app crashes, the inability to communicate with anyone in-game and the uncertainty I would face should I decide to roll the dice and pink slip someone I was beating mid-race but end up losing because of a "black-screen" crash and I would be crazy to put another dime into this game. __________________ I really feel for the newer players that never had a clue as to how good this game USED TO BE. The friendships made and the strategies played are no longer possible because of it's reduced functionality. I have never rated a game before, but as you can tell, I at one point really enjoyed playing Racing Rivals. Now it's just a garage (car graveyard) where I can reminisce of a once great gaming experience. _____________ Goodbye Racing Rivals and CIE, I can no longer hog my cloud storage with faded memories from an app that no longer exists. By the way DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS APP...if you do, DO NOT SPEND A DIME ON IT. ______________ My in-game name was RptGuru, if you know me or even feel this rating please update a past rating or rate the game to give it an honest star rating which is currently at 4+. It definitely does not deserve that rating now and we as users should make sure that it drops significantly.


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    JawsJaws Registered Users 3,701 Posts
    Perfectly said bro! When it comes down to it. The mods need to stfu too cause it's annoying they won't admit how bad the game sucks. And there answer is, don't play it if you don't like it. Lol what about the money I spent on the shit. Terrible customer service. And sctually apple is doing something about it. You need to contact apple first and get your receipts together. I can help you get some of that money back.
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    RptGuruRptGuru Registered Users 15 Posts
    Oh...I am not here looking to get any of my money back. I want us to hinder them from making any more money with the poor quality product they have the nerve to expect us to accept. Please post a low-rated review in the App Store to warn people thinking about downloading the game
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    RptGuruRptGuru Registered Users 15 Posts
    Why can't you review?
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    RptGuruRptGuru Registered Users 15 Posts
    If you read this post and agree...LIKE IT! You have to take actions to initiate change. Reading and agreeing in your head does nothing for the cause. Like the post, comment on it and go write a review! If you can't stay off the game in it's current state long enough to do that, then you should seek help.
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    RptGuruRptGuru Registered Users 15 Posts
    Being a user-mod for the forum of a game on the verge of imploding wouldn't keep me from saying a damn thing. They paying you? Hell no...F that...they can take that User Mod title and stick it where the sun don't shine. You know it's f'ed and started to decline long before this latest update. If this is the forum, but not the stage to honestly discuss what is obviously a glaring problem, then it is a fake ass forum
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    protectmeauraprotectmeaura Registered Users 406 Posts
    Please carry on, do watch your language because this is a family friendly forum. I read all your posts and don't see why you have a beef with the game.
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    hexxum001hexxum001 Registered Users 3,954 Posts
    I already reviewed the game about a week ago. 1 star and basically said don't waste your time with this game until they fix it. This turf was slightly better than last but I still had an unacceptable number of buttons being stuck which cost me many races. Lag, freezing and being kicked out. And I am on an iphone5 before someone tries to blame my device. If CIE ever fixes this game, I will amend my review. But for now, 1 star and a recommendation for people to stay away from this game until they fix it.
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    OFF ROAD HEMI2OFF ROAD HEMI2 Registered Users 1,011 Posts
    This is a well worded, well thought out post. I wish more intelligent people posted topics in the same fashion.
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    VeyronVeyron Registered Users 13 Posts
    hexxum001 wrote: »
    I already reviewed the game about a week ago. 1 star and basically said don't waste your time with this game until they fix it. This turf was slightly better than last but I still had an unacceptable number of buttons being stuck which cost me many races. Lag, freezing and being kicked out. And I am on an iphone5 before someone tries to blame my device. If CIE ever fixes this game, I will amend my review. But for now, 1 star and a recommendation for people to stay away from this game until they fix it.

    U think ur sharp (: nice.
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    kingbeast35kingbeast35 Registered Users 279 Posts
    Yes the app is horrible on itunes.
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