Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Overwritten account linked to Facebook :(

t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
So was really enjoying the new update and stupidly showed my little brother the new game features.

Well to cut a long story short he decided to use my Ipad while I was out and made a new game on the device only.

I came back and logged into my game on my phone, only to find it had gone and Facebook was now associated with this brand new account.

I can't get my account back!!

I have emailed the game via the support button, but is there anything more I can do???

Having withdrawal symptoms already :(

Any help or advice appreciated


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    NickNasty6NickNasty6 Registered Users 15 Posts
    You're at the mercy of the support team getting around to fixing it for you... I have had a long grueling wait.. They replied to my initial ticket two days after asking for more info. I replied immediately and have since waited 16 days. missed 3 turfs and got kicked off team. just had purchased the R class BMW and hadn't even raced it yet.. now this awesome new update is out and I can't even enjoy it..
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Sorry to hear that nick. I hope your issue is sorted ASAP.
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Been few days now and not even a ticket has been received.

    Come on admin... I know your busy with the bugs of 3.0 but I need to get my account back.

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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Come on guys... Haven't even had a courtsey email to say my problem has been received, let alone a ticket!

    I know u guys are busy ironing out the niggles with the update but come on.

    Any comment from admin? I've sent two emails with all the info required.
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts

    I still haven't even received a ticket yet!!!
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    This getting beyond a joke now. 6 emails later and still no response.
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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts
    So just a reminder. I am not Customer Service. I cannot speed up the process. I know it's not fair, but you know, they do need to answer tickets that came in before yours.

    You can always refer to these two threads to make sure that when you do send in a ticket, they do not need to contact you asking for more info:

    Customer Service: http://tinyurl.com/lygu7xf

    Account Issues: http://tinyurl.com/kcsg86w
    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Rysst I understand and not for one minute blaming you, however think it is absurd to not even had a ticket as yet.

    Surely this can't be normal? Can it?
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Gonna try to NOT send in another email as someone said when u do you go to the back of the queue each time and your case gets delayed
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    chevyboy37chevyboy37 Registered Users 51 Posts
    Same here guys i lost my account, and i have gave them everything they asked for, and yes i gave my information through the IN GAME EMAIL LINK. My lost account is chevyboy37, my new racer account name is mavrick12, my google sign in name is also chevyboy37, i have a note 4 running 4.4.4, and now its going on almost 2 months and i have paid over 1200 bucks real money to get my garage to where it is now, its funny how i get 10 or 20 notifications from racing rivals saying there sale is about to end but i cant get a reply to get my 1400 dollar account back. How about they make or get a pure dedicated log in system and quit relying and blaming google or apple or US the money payers. And now that my account is lost i missed out on 4 turf cars that i would have got with my team but i cant get into my account. So again please my lost account is chevyboy37, my new account racer associated with my google play is mavrick12, and my google play account name is also chevyboy37, i have a note 4 running 4.4.4, and one more thing if you guys have over 10mill players clearly you need more work force to keep up with the tens of thousands of emails you get about complaints. So please quit sending me 20 notifications in one hour about your sale ending and more notifications about my 1400 dollar missing account.
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    chevyboy37chevyboy37 Registered Users 51 Posts
    And yes test me bioootchh it is going to take quite some time buddy, i am now going on week 4 waiting to get my account back also, sorry to hear this hapoened to you also as it did me too. And yes sending more tickets will prolong the process. What sucks in our case is that yes we are missing out on our turf cars we would have got with our teams. I for some reason think that neither of us are going to get our accounts back so here soon im gonna start asking for my money to be refunded i cant even play and i spent waayyyy lots of real cash on my garage. Well bud good luck to both of us.
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Sorry to hear that Bro. I'm still haven't had a reply or ticket and it's been over 4 weeks now. Maybe even 5
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    aces jokeraces joker Registered Users 2 Posts
    Same thing happen to me what can I do to get my acc back I have done support for 5 weeks now nothing
    Can anyone help me please

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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    My friend Matty got his account back in 18 days. I still haven't and it's been much longer. What the hell, this is getting ridiculous now!

    Right... Here we go again...

    My IGN : t3st m3 b1achhh was disassociated from Facebook well over 5/6 weeks ago now.
    A new IGN : testmeb1achhh was created paired to my Facebook and I contacted the game through the ? Button in the game as advised via the FAQ.

    Well my statues today is... A big fat fail!!!!

    Have I contacted the game with all the relivent information?
    Yes- at least 8 times through various means (4 in game, and 4 emails to cie and glu)

    Have I had a response from anyone besides Rysst?
    No and he only posted links to FAQ

    Do I have my 100+ cars back?

    Have I had a response to my numerous emails?

    I have been very patient with this situation but am really getting stressed out now.

    I was told that each time I send in an email, get pushed to the back of the queue. Hence why I have stopped emailing. Is this true?

    I have spent real money in this game, well over $300 and astonished that I haven't been contacted once!

    Rysst I know it is not your job, but please please please can you look in to my account???

    I would be very grateful if I could ge it back for me before Christmas. It has been well over a month now.

    If you need any more information, please contact me.

    Yours hopefully t3st
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Back to the top.
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    With Christmas only hours away.... You'd think it's the best time for good news....

    But no... Still haven't had any responses from customer disservice.

    So I am now going to email them twice and day until they have the decent to reply. I knew they busy but it's been 8 weeks now maybe more since I reported the incident using the right channels.

    What a joke.
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    And still.... No luck wtf
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    Happy new year all... And the news is...

    Still nothing :(
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    t3st m3 b1achhht3st m3 b1achhh Registered Users 997 Posts
    And again.... Still nothing... That's of glu and cie.

    Top notch customer service
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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts
    So looked at your ticket, They replied asking for very specific information which you did not provide. You provided it partially, but they need the specific info they requested. They replied to other tickets but did not get replies from you so they closed.

    Refer to this thread and include all the information they need. It looks like you keep providing 2 of the three pieces of information they require.

    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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