Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Repair time is excessive

JRED907JRED907 Registered Users 35 Posts
So repair time was only a couple hours so why does it take so long now. It's like it got increased, it just took 14 hrs for a half repair and 8 hrs for a 1/4 repair. The repair time is excessive I can see 3-5 hours but 8-14 is a little much. Can we fix this. I don't think it's very fair to only be able to do 10-20 races and have my car have to be repaired 8-14 hours. You barley have time to race or do events because of repairs. It plain takes the fun out of it.


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    LegendMaskLegendMask Registered Users 406 Posts
    I totally agree with you, they should reconsider the gem prices for repair, time, and adding an option to pay extra RR $$$ for faster times
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    JRED907JRED907 Registered Users 35 Posts
    Yes i agree i would pay more for quicker repairs, or give you the option of low cash long repair Medium cash short repair Higher cash full repair Lower gem amount for full repair You get the option to pay with gems when you car has engine damage, but if you don't and pay the $500 it will drop the gem price two gems lower. They need to do something.
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    Repairs should definitely be cheaper.
    I'm sure y'all have played CSR Racing. In CSR the cars don't have repairs, but gas. So you run out of gas and then you can't race anymore and it takes I believe 90 mins for the gas to refill on it's own? OR you can pay 2 Gold (The equivalent of gems) to fill your tank. TWO. Videos are a great start to shortening repair times, as you can watch videos in CSR for 1/10 gas, but the gem price or repair time should be lowered to something reasonable.
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    Heavyd7676Heavyd7676 Registered Users 122 Posts
    ya guys ur complaining about repair times but other then the R class they truly are not excessive.... because once you have multiple cars you can keep racing as long as you want... very rarely do I run out of cars to race and I only have 14, as with CSR your screwed every like 9 races because your out of gas, which sucks! and if your complaining about turf wars you can either gem repair OR make a stress free setup rather than complain. just my .02 though
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    Oh ok. So your solution is 'get more cars.'

    Cause that's cheap, right?
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    I have 20 GTR's. They were all in engine damage within an hour in turf war. And I couldn't play with them again for 12+ hours. So your solution sucks.
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    JRED907JRED907 Registered Users 35 Posts
    You pretty much have to upgrade to win. I have raced with perfect starts and shifts and still got beat by a whole second or more which is bs. That means there are people in rooms that shouldn't be there. Upgrade or be maxed and win or get smoked by people that shouldnt be in the room. Also the damage points that can be taken should be maxed at 30 points per race.
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    Heavyd7676Heavyd7676 Registered Users 122 Posts
    that sucks for you then.... I race just fine with 4-5 cars in turf and still manage to put up decent points! and they fixed the being beat by a second thing this week, now you just have to learn the ratings and be at the top of your rating group. for example the ratings in R class last week for the rooms were 1650-1655 1656-1668 and 1668 to the top. I raced at 1668 and did just fine didn't get beat by no people by more then a second so I don't know what ur smoking really. And getting cars truly isn't that hard if you get a lil bit of money. plus there is pinks which is FREE (imagine that) so getting cars isn't that expensive. PLUS just a little FYI sometimes perfect shifts in this game do not get you the best times, just a little bit of info for you, plus there are different tunes that get you different places. you don't see all the big name people in top 30 teams complaining about repair times. they are plenty fair, and like I said BUILD A STRESS FREE SETUP TO BE AT THE TOP OF THE RATINGS IN ONE OF THESE ROOMS!!! all you have to do is use ur head. YALLS CRYING SUCKS!
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    Getting beat by a second? That's a lot lol. Oh really? Pinks are free? I had no idea! How do you think I got so GTR's, I bought em all? Not everyone has the skill or balls to pink up to 300+ cars. So essentially what you're saying is, I have to race a car with little or no upgrades and race in a slow room? If not, my car will be in 12 hr repair every 6-7 races? Doesn't that negate a big part of the game which is..idk..tuning and upgrading?
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    Heavyd7676Heavyd7676 Registered Users 122 Posts
    ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNND ur wrong again. YES TUNING! there are a lot of parts in stage 2 and 3 that actually take away stress, so you can have lots of upgrades you just have to know how to build a stress free car! you don't have to race with little or no upgrades to be stress free my friend. plus you can tune them to say have 10 stress or less and still be in say a 1644 room and still dominate other cars! its all about knowing how to tune and run a car, PLUS ITS NOT MY FAULT YOUR A LITTLE BITCH AND CANT PINK AWAY A CAR! LEARN TO **** DRIVE THEM AND IT WOULDNT BE AN ISSUE! LEARN TO PLAY THE GAME KINDA A PERK OF BUILDING SKILL YOU DIP STICK! plus gtr's are only 210k that aint nothing in the grand scheme of things and if ur in a maxed car that's "fast" you should be able to win more that are slower right therefor getting more cars resulting in longer play time. YOUR A LITTLE CRY BABY CUZ YOU CAN ONLY RACE 6-7 RACES! pick your opponents wisely and make good bets and pink slips and you would be FINE. DO US ALL A FAVOR, CRY ME A RIVER BUILD ME A BRIDGE AND GET THE **** OVER IT
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    If you learned to ****ing read, you'd see that I said I HAVE pinked, many many times, and that's how i've built up my garage. I'm referencing to people who don't want to pink? What's their option? No need to throw names and **** like a little kid. And you have no room to talk with your tiny 15 car garage lol. Typing big letters doesn't make you look smart, btw. Your options aren't very good, man. It limits people from playing the game unless they shell out hella $$$ for the gems. (Again, I don't really have this problem, but I'm speaking for those that do.)
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    If your car is maxed out it will have a lot of stress..bottom line. No one wants to race a slow car, dude. That's all I'm saying.
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    BigBirdMcCoyBigBirdMcCoy Registered Users 149 Posts
    It's been this way forever though and it is honestly fair. If you want shorter repair times, watch the videos, pay the gems, or race lower class cars.
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    GONZOGONZO Registered Users 2,993 Posts
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    ShinBeatsShinBeats Registered Users 908 Posts
    So I can either:

    Drive a slow car.

    or pay a lot of money, cause after 5 or so videos there aren't anymore available. Ok, got it.
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    240z240z Registered Users 152 Posts
    ShinBeats wrote: »
    So I can either:

    Drive a slow car.

    or pay a lot of money, cause after 5 or so videos there aren't anymore available. Ok, got it.

    Then buy more of the same car and max them.

    I hate maxing cars but it ain't that hard. When cie includes stage 1/2Stage 2 with a press of button(Still part install time) I'm sure everyone wouldn't care about maxing cars anymore.
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    BikermikeyblackBikermikeyblack Registered Users 376 Posts
    I think the repair time on an R car is rediculous some times upto 20-22 hours videos r only good for 30 min off big deal , my 2 cents .
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    Gvos523Gvos523 Registered Users 20 Posts
    I'm lucky to get more than 3 videos at a time, sucks.
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    [RR] Foxx[RR] Foxx Moderators 2,164 Posts
    1. The video cap should be removed as soon as this next release goes out

    2. I will look into repair times, as Turf Wars is quickly evolving to be much more than originally imagined.
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