Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

about Facebook users closing

project420project420 Registered Users 37 Posts
i just wanted to know when this will be in effect because currently my account is linked through Facebook and i am currently playing on android/google play but not logged in under game center because i have already connected with it years ago and when i click connect to game center it says if i want to log in with my past account or continue playing...

i am worried because my current account i have spent countless hours building my garage the way it is today and have spent some gems doing so

My question is will i be ok when you shut down the browser version of racing rivals? i dont play on fb browsers but i am linked under facebook on my mobile device

Can you guys delete my old account thats linked to the game center if thats possible so i cna link my current account to it to be safe?

thnx ur input is much appreciated


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    crazyjrcrazyjr Registered Users 547 Posts
    I believe, it's only a rumor right now. I play on a PC and refuse to get a device, just to play. I believe it started, when RYYST sent that message, about addressing the tie glitch issue. Now that the tie glitch is gone, there doesn't seem to be a problem, with keeping FB active.
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    crazyjrcrazyjr Registered Users 547 Posts
    I have not seen a single tie glitch, in the last couple days. seen people claim it, but not seen one myself. Though i only money race with the regular racers, not the new guys. The only ties i've seen are the double redlights. Not saying it still doesn't exist, i just haven't seen it. I even tried to create one yesterday, with a teammate and couldn't. And i have a computer
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    0815tuner0815tuner Registered Users 9 Posts
    after a update (like 5? month ago) i wasn´t able to play the game on my xperia play so i have make a swap to fb.
    now i only can say if fb realy gets closed:
    good work RR

    i get more and more tremble fingers and the keybord the is best way to play this great game for me.

    so i think i can put this game in a trashcan an can say was funny that i still have spend some money on it.

    i think wanna make all my cars to RL money.

    it also was still nice to have 2 fb acc.
    once for watchout for scammer.
    and the otherone to scamm the scammer.

    now i think i can sale overall more than 200 cars

    and because tie racing
    i also got some but it was because the wlan signal was to weak today !!!!

    during the tie bug time
    racing at FF no problems
    racing at IE also no probems
    but with racing on google chrome browser nearly everyrace was a tie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i got called hacker at free races!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    not nice
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    OhSoLifeOhSoLife Registered Users 23 Posts
    I find this to be upsetting. The App is so large it takes up massive space on my phone every single update. I have been forced to play thru facebook which I find now to actually be better they want to remove it. LOL..
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    DozerboyDozerboy Registered Users 213 Posts
    Im pretty disappointed. I defiantly don't see me playing much longer. The lag is so bad on my phone you can't run anything more then a 56 tune and its still crashing alot.
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    crazyjrcrazyjr Registered Users 547 Posts
    Half of me is hoping this is a April fools joke, but it won't be. I got a maxxed account with 80 cars, Just started a new account (2nd FB0 yesterday, to move my cars and collect gems. now find this today. I understand "the greater good argument", so don't start. I am a PC player, i never got the ultra perfect, never hacked or glitched, but i am being punished for the sins of others. I just spent a 25,00 FB card last week was going to put another on this week, but no need now. you F'ed up me, i'll F up your profits, even if it's just 25.00

    Sprry if i'm bitter, I'm being punished for other actions. Do you Blame me for being bitter? BTW it's ironic, the one car i could win in the showdown, is a F'ing slap in the face of every true racer. I might've tried if it was the Top Fool Dragster, but not them POS's. Your loss GLU, I'll never play another game of yours again. That includes Deer Hunter and Dino hunter games. If this is your idea of customer service, I won't ever be back.
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    crazyjrcrazyjr Registered Users 547 Posts
    project420 wrote: »

    lol you sound like you just lost your whole life savings... To be honest i think the SUTA RESA is a funny car,a "true" car enthusiast would enjoy any car... hense the april fools day joke?

    plus they didnt completely close down facebook users... they simply found a better solution then closing the whole game.... you arent being "punished" for anything cause you havnt lose anything......you sound over dramatic like your life is ruined...
    We all don't have nice job and cars, in real life, I can't even afford a decent phone or tablet, to play this game with. But i was willing to support the game, even if it was just a little. Sorry to bother you, with my little paltry 25.00 comment.

    You want the truth? I'm trying for disability, cause i can't work anymore. I lost my job, due to my problems. I help my sister, who i live with, with odd jobs. Since i have no car, I have no need for money right now, While i'm waiting on the government to decide, Yes this game is a part of my life. It's the one thing i can do and am good at. You have no idea how rough, some people have it. My sis buys me a 25.00 FB card so i can enjoy my game, for the odd jobs i do. Yes it was my lifes savings, cause i have nothing else. Thank you for making me feel more worthless than i thought i could. Yes i'm being punished, for the sins of others. I can't get a phone, or tablet, my PC is all i have. I never hacked, glitched or lobbyjumped. My IGN is Lid Drafter483, anyone that has raced me, knows i race hard and acknowledge good players. I usually don't put my personal life on display, but you basically insulted me without knowing me. Sorry to post on your thread and bother you, but they don't need any more threads on this.

    all i will say from now on is it was fun, wish you could actually fix it, instead of just plugging the hole, But my racing in this game ends in 10 days, so yeah i'm F'ing bitter
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    crazyjrcrazyjr Registered Users 547 Posts
    You know, not all of us are lucky enough to get the dream jobs, or even decent jobs for that matter. I destroyed my body, working 2 bit jobs, as part of America's former backbone. I hope when you are in my shoes, someone kicks you in the nuts like you just did to me. I did my time, I'm doing what i can to survive right now. Just don't need you reminding me how worthless i am. Go F yourself
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