Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Oppenent Car Levels

james61485james61485 Registered Users 13 Posts
Why can't we see opponent vehicle levels? With all the rampant glitching faster cars into the wrong lobbies, being able to see that a Jetta is a 1650 car in a 1620 lobby would eliminate 99% of scams. Of course, there could be a way to falsify the car level but that would likely be much harder and not get so commonplace. This seems like such a common-sense thing, why don't they do it?


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    215 Assassin215 Assassin Registered Users 966 Posts
    That would be a good idea I don't mind losing to a similarly rated car but I hate when a lobby jumper races for pinks or money.
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    WhatNoiseWhatNoise Registered Users 1 Posts
    I don't even think that the dev team would need to bring back/show an opponents car rating. Frankly, I don't think that would be entirely fair to know. But, I personally think a simple solution would be to treat multiplayer just like showdown and turf. Lobbies should be distinct and there wouldn't even be the possibility of joining a lower lobby with a higher rated car. I used to be in multiplayer quite a bit, but not anymore because of so much bullshit and lobby jumpers.

    The rule would still work in the case of joining friends as well. It just would keep players in respective legitimate lobbies.

    Only instance that I see this being a problem would be in the instance of trading/selling. You'd have to be in an appropriately matched car. But quite frankly would mostly affect newer players to the game that might not have a 1669 or higher car to do higher level maxed trades. Then again, a newb probably wouldn't be trading for maxed cars in the first place...

    I've given this a lot of thought lately, and I totally think it's something feasible to do. Certain something that should be considered and discussed. :)
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    james61485james61485 Registered Users 13 Posts
    I agree it wouldn't be entirely fair to know he car classes... IF there weren't so many lobby jumpers. Honestly I'm open to any method they could use to keep the lobby jumpers out (I don't know what exploit they use, so I don't know what's involved in precenting it). Especially since I'm not a hardcore player and miss many of the turf and showdown events, being able to have some good casual multiplayer would be awesome.
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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts
    It is true, we used to show a car's rating. We removed it simply because, as Brken123 has pointed out, our philosophy is" you never know what's under your opponent's hood". If we did show the ratings, high stakes betting would be a game of numbers. "I should beat a car with a rating of X so I'll formulate my race decisions accordingly."

    High Stakes betting is more than just betting big, it's about that uncertain gamble. Can your car beat this car? All you know about the car, its what you can see. It's a Camaro, it's an Evo, it's an Si. That's all you know. You shouldn't know it's inner workings. It's about nerve. Do you have the nerve to bet big? The outcome should be uncertain. That's what gambling is. There are no sure things. You need to study your opponent, be able to call out a bluff, ask yourself not only. "Can I beat him/her?" also ask yourself, "Why does that person think he can beat me?"
    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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    james61485james61485 Registered Users 13 Posts
    That all makes sense. However, the whole "you never know what's under your opponents hood" thing is kind of undermined by the class-based lobbies to begin with. If that were taken literally, then nobody would be competitive without a top-tier car unless they added bracket racing. I don't expect to win every race. I actually expect to loose at least half (although my real results are somewhat better). But if there's going to be different lobbies based on performance class, that should be enforced. It only makes sense. My issue isn't so much with being able to see what the other guy has, but just piece of mind that I don't get destroyed for playing by the rules. If there was a solution that doesn't involve showing opponent car info, I'd be down for that as well.

    The garage view does help, but its VERY time consuming. And it just doesn't feel good knowing that you're only doing it because of lax enforcement of the lobby classes. Likewise with other methods like fouling the first race, etc. It all adds up to cutting a significant chunk out of my playtime for something that really should be handled by the Dev team.
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    Racer KaiRacer Kai Registered Users 136 Posts
    Why not: 1. Make all multiplayer lobbies behave like turf or showdown events - no lobby jumping allowed, 2. Make an unlimited lobby where anyone at any rating can join, thus solving the trading issue if multiplayer lobbies are locked down.

    If you want to join friends, join them in the unlimited lobby, otherwise join them with a car suitable for their lobby.
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    james61485james61485 Registered Users 13 Posts
    I use the term class when I actually mean rating; forgive me for the incorrect terminology. I have no issues racing vehicles of different letter classes. When I said "top teir car", I was referring to a car tuned to the 1670s or whatever the highest rating range is. A true " you never know what's under your opponents hood" experience would mean that you don't get grouped by ratings, it would all just be open-class heads-up racing. And the only way to make that competitive for people who weren't loaded with game cash is to add E.T. brackets. I'm not saying we should add brackets, as that would involve essentially a huge overhaul and I quite like the game as is, save for how easily people do whatever tricks they use to bring seriously overrated cars into a lobby.
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    BTSRBTSR Registered Users 427 Posts
    The only way to know someone's rating is to either

    1) race and win/lose
    2) watch the "spectator's view" and see what their time is, and if you can beat it.

    Nothing else.

    And there's no way for me to disable racing so I can sit in a lobby just to be a spectator. I'd love to sit and spend 10-15 minutes in a lobby racing before deciding to race (especially in turfs!) so I can get some idea of who I am racing and who I could race.
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