Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

tourment giving you trouble ? this will help

skitlessskitless Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 1,280 Posts
Don't do it just wait until they fix it in maybe (2017) until then don't pink your cars unless turf and even then there is glitches to cheat you out of it. Golden Rule only gamble on what your willing to lose.


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    SkeeroSkeero Registered Users 170 Posts
    I said this in the other post. But its still true.
    Skeero said:

    Perfect example, ryst is facebook friends with the creator of most of these mods.

    How do we know ryst doesn't contribute to helping build more mods? He is the one that leaks turf events.

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    SkeeroSkeero Registered Users 170 Posts
    gssracer said:

    First thing @Skeero. Talking with someone doesnt mean they are helping them in exploits. Even if someone is your enemy, unfriending or blocking them is considered "rude" and some people wont do that. Secondly, Ryyst works for Racing Rivals and earns quite handsomely. He does not need the pennies these hackers earn by exploiting the game. I would say you need to watch your mouth before you put accusations on someone with no proof.

    Answer this, does GLUU make more money if cheaters play the game or not? During turf do you need to use more gems to rebuild a car you lost to keep playing?

    No one said anything about him being compensated by modders. GLUU benefits from it. So stop making things up.

    Just a FYI GLUU as a company has lost a lot of money as a company in the last 3 months. I plan on writing a shareholder letter with a formal complaint about several issues with this game. This game should be making a lot more money.

    You're trying to become a forum mod, so no need to come up with a response. I'm just stating the truth, this game would make less money without cheaters. Period.

    Here is a interesting read. Not specifically GLUU related.
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    ErickNMErickNM Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 115 Posts
    gssracer said:

    First thing @Skeero. Talking with someone doesnt mean they are helping them in exploits. Even if someone is your enemy, unfriending or blocking them is considered "rude" and some people wont do that. Secondly, Ryyst works for Racing Rivals and earns quite handsomely. He does not need the pennies these hackers earn by exploiting the game. I would say you need to watch your mouth before you put accusations on someone with no proof.

    @skitless If you really play the game you would know that these guts keep patching the hacks and they keep trying to create new ones, its an endless battle they do for earning money off racers like you, who pay them to gain advantage in game. So somehow we are responsible for it. Not the staff.

    Hmmm, no, I don't think it's professional at all to remain friends with people who are selling mods to a game you work on. In normal business practices that's called a conflict of interest. I don't know any details about what skeero is saying, but that's just how I see it if that's what is going on. The person who gets unfriended may think it's rude, but that's tough, that's life. It is for these very reasons that one should not remain friends with them --you will get accused of helping them.
    Wait, hold the phone, think about what you're saying with the "paying someone to get an advantage"
    All players pay SOMEONE to get an advantage in the game, just, one way is legitimate, and the other way is not.
    People pay money to GLU or CIE or whomever, in order to get upgrades, Better Cars, BOOSTS (for gosh sake, boosts!), repair their car (if you have the money, this can help a lot in turfs). So it is not just the modders or hackers who make money from people trying to gain an advantage. It's just part of the design of the game, and that's not bad thing. The devs of the game need to make money somehow. As to whether or not they allow cheaters or hackers because they make more money off of them, I'm not sure about that. If people stop playing the game because of hackers getting out of control, they ultimately are losing money, and a lot of it.
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    skitlessskitless Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 1,280 Posts
    @gssracer . @ErickNM I would like to mention i am not going after the adims though i will admit they take long time to fix issues. I started this post cause i got sick of ppl complaining about losing there car in torments and the most logical step is not to do pinks torument and secondly only bet what your willing to lose.
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    ErickNMErickNM Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 115 Posts
    gssracer said:

    So you think calling out the admins in public is helping you address your interests? You are infact insulting them by these stupid deeds. I have a serious doubt on you claiming being a shareholder or whatever because if you really were, you would know these details are discussed through the internal channel, not by calling out an admin in open or insulting them. You must be glad im not a mod or I would have jailed you for this contempt of the admins. @Skeero @ErickNM Calling out company staff in public is the worst thing and any shareholder would dread to do that.

    The way you are doing this is literally similar to your child shouting and hurling abuses at you in party crowded with people. you are doing exactly the same as that kid, seriously, you need to grow up and learn some manners.

    First of all, I am not a shareholder, and second of all, I haven't called anyone out. I merely stated that if what Skeero is saying is true --that there is an admin that is friends with people hacking the game--then this creates a conflict of interest. We also can't ignore these things either and pretend like they don't matter.
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    ErickNMErickNM Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 115 Posts
    gssracer, if you would have jailed me for my comment, then I think that shows a reason you should not be a mod. Please read my comment carefully, I did not say anything about any admin, and made no accusation, but merely commented on a hypothetical situation (because I have not idea if what skeero's saying is true). I said "if". And my argument is sound anyway. You can't just jail people because you disagree with them, or censor people because they bring something to light that just may need to be brought to light. Players of the game should not be under as much scrutiny as the developers of the game, CEO of the game company, and so on. That's not your job anyway. In the forums, you need to allow some level of disagreement, argument, even allow some level of calling out, because otherwise, what are they? Neutered, Robotic, Lobotomized, Big Brother incorporated forums.
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    ErickNMErickNM Unregistered / Not Logged In, Registered Users 115 Posts
    gssracer said:

    That Jail comment wasnt meant for you. It was for Skeero who made stupid accusations on admins without any backup proof. Apart from that healthy arguments and calling up an admin in public and putting on baseless accusations on him without proof are completely different things. If you are disrespecting a company and staff in front of everyone it will never be allowed in any forum and deserves to be punished.

    I agree that we should not be making baseless accusations. What skeero seems to be pulling is the strawman argument, or the slippery slope.
    But still, If, If there is an employee of Racing Rivals, or of the Racing Rivals forums "friending" or being associated with anyone in a positive way, who is making it their business to hack the game, I do believe that that needs to be addressed.

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    SlipSlip Registered Users 1,429 Posts
    Well maybe they're friends so he can see what the next hack/mod is going to be and find a way to fix it before it's out.. Orrrrrrr maybe they bet on something. You know like maybe Ryyst bet him 20 bucks that he can patch all his mods or maybe the Modder bet Ryyst 20 bucks he can get past those patches. Or maybe they were close friends but they split because one decided to mod. And now the modder is trolling everyone because he just likes pissing his old friend off. Anyyyyways moral of the story is.... You never really know why they're friends so lets not please jump to conclusions...
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    [RR] Ryyst[RR] Ryyst Registered Users, Moderators 3,814 Posts
    FIrst of all. I don't make "side money" with anyone about this game. Why would I? Why should I? I get paid enough by the company.

    Second of all, it is true I have specific relationships with members of the Rivals community. Sometimes I do chat, mostly I don't because I just don't have the time. The players I do chat with almost always provide me and Glu with helpful information that benefits the game as a whole. Are they modders? Cheater? Hackers? Scammers? Maybe, I don't know. What I do know is that the people I am in contact with have given us information that has led to many good things for this game. They provided me with means to find hackers, to combat modded APKs, root out economic issues. Because of them we changed the way Turf lobbies are made, we added a first prize wheel to make the #1 Turf car more alluring, the recent bans were made because of information my "friends" provided. The fact that many modded APKs no longer work, all due to my "friends". I don't know what they do outside of the fact that they've helped all of you more than you know, and that's how it is. I may reward them from time to time, but thats my prerogative, these guys aren't hired staff. They provide me with info because they love this game.

    Third, if you are judging based on my Facebook friends? Just know I just usually accept friend requests, honestly, I don't know who most of them are, but I figured why not.

    Fourth. Does Glu make money off of hackers..... If they spend money, yes. Honestly, we are a company so yes we want to make money. However, do we want cheaters? Do we want hackers? Absolutely no. They hurt the game. They hurt legit players. Do you honestly think we want to be known for having cheaters and hackers? Do you think that is good PR, a good way to retain players? No. It's not. Does it take us time to figure out how to stop them? Yes. It's literally 1000s or more people trying to break this game vs a handful of devs here at Glu. While we wish that we had a "fix it" button to stop hackers, it simply does not exist. Hackers will always be an issue. We just try and find ways to make it harder. Its an issue we combat daily. When I meet with the heads of the departments here, I don't like bringing them bad news. They don't like hearing players are cheating. It ruins the spirit of the game. It kills what we envisioned the game to be. If you think otherwise then you really need to think about what we gain... and what we lose. We're in the job of retaining players, not losing them to the dregs of the gaming community.

    Fifth.. this quote: "How do we know ryst doesn't contribute to helping build more mods? He is the one that leaks turf events. "

    No. I do not contribute to helping build mods. People who make them make my life more difficult. I'd rather concentrate on fun things instead of having to investigate cheating and who is using what program of modded apk. I would rather try and have nice conversations or post fun things and plan cool events, but no, my time is devoured by hackers, cheats and exploiters. Our devs would rather work on improvements and adding better things to the game, instead we fight hackers and cheats. I assure you, we hate hackers, and we hate modders. How much so? I just banned more of them while writing this.

    No, I do not leak turf events. A lot of people ask me, I never tell them. I want it to be fair. Everyone finds out the events when we publicly announce them. Now, are there ways to find out before hand? Sure, the event info is in the game before hand, and we all know there are people with the talent of looking at code and whatever, so I'm sure that's how all that gets leaked before hand, but not much we can do about that. But it's not coming from me or my Admins.

    Lastly, you can believe me or not, that's up to you. I've said this before and I'll say it again. I do not and will not lie to the community. I'm here to try and build it, you can't do that on a foundation of lies. I may not be able to tell you all everything and I may be vague, but I will not be dishonest. People like to speculate and infer that I and Glu do things for whatever reasons, but really, all you have to do is ask me. I may not give you an answer but I will try and at least tell you why I can't give an answer. I may be vague, but I'll try and explain why I must be vague, and if I can tell you the answer... I will. It may not be the answer you want to hear, but it will be the truth.
    IGN: The Real {RR} Ryyst
    Soon to be Ex-Carbonated Community Manager

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