Over the course of the last five years, Racing Rivals has grown into one of the most hardcore racing games in the world. This loyal community has spent countless hours competing in millions of races in “winner take all” fashion – all in the name of Turf Wars and pink slips.

However, all good things must come to an end… After spending time evaluating Rivals and its future – we’ve decided that it’s time to move on. Simply put, the revenue generated from Racing Rivals unfortunately no longer covers the cost of operations. This was not an easy decision to make.

On March 31st, 2019 – Rivals will be racing off into the sunset, and will be permanently shut down. Current players have until this date to utilize any accumulated virtual currency. We’ll be offering some massive reductions in the cost of crates, installs and repairs in addition to a reduction on timers as you race your way into the history books. Effective immediately, no new in-app purchases will be permitted.

In closing, a resounding and sincere THANK YOU to our extremely driven fans for your loyalty and dedication over the years – we hope you’ve enjoyed playing Racing Rivals as much as we’ve enjoyed creating it.

Things to improve the game, my 2 cents

dahater75dahater75 Registered Users 74 Posts
I'm on a top 25 team, we usually top 6. I say this because it will tell you I tune the he'll out of cars. These things I believe would help the game.

1) Tuning cars needs to change. Let's say I have 40 cars to tune. Well, that's all fine and good. Problem is let's say I'm on car 1. By the time I go through and tune all parts on car 1 to stage 1, I have to reset the game. If I don't reset the game there are so many memory leaks that car 2 is a hassle, and car 3 is next to impossible. Not.to mention.m3.logging into.game.to.see a few random parts not installed yet the rrc is.gone

Why not have a tuning jig. Let's say it cost 200k to tune a car. How about you have a system in place where 8 can save a tune, for mass tuning, click it car tunes itself I pay 300k. If.it normally.takes 5 hours to tune car, it takes 10 with tuning system. It's crazy and I spend more.time.tuning every turf than I do.racing. more racing that happens, more cash spent helping glu to make more money.

2) scamming is rampant in this game. It drives players away before they ever get a chance to learn the real game. So you can

A) for the love of God implement a trade screen. That alone will cut 75% of scamming out of the game. A legit trade screen would go a very long way.

B) light laggING. I've read it's hard to fix. It's really not. If connection goes down during a pinks, flag race and put both players back in lobby. Your 3 2 1 count does not work because the count is much faster than normal. I'm guessing that only affects the innocent because the lagger usually has a good rt, while the victim count is fast and gets burned. I shouldn't lose pinks to a cheater.

C) lobby jumpers. There needs to be a legit lobby just like in showdown that you can use, you can leave other lobbies opens but some should be legit so.we can pink and not have to worry about getting burnt.

3) boosting- there should be a.way to.tell if a.player uses boosts. I know you don't want that because.you want us to boost always making you more.money, but a guy can dream.

4) Ghost shifting- if I miss a gear in my car in the real world, let alone 2x it's an epic disaster. Yet the times now are all ghosted times. B CLASS renault running in the 8s in 56, come on. Most of the record times are now ghost shifted. The game is designed to.go.through your gears so make that a reality. Most people are ghosting now and I can't blame them. Simply put it works. Problem is, it's not supposed to, and new players don't know about it and get burned, you lose more.players. without new blood, the game will die. You've lost a lot.of people to.csr2. I would think you would want to keep new blood. Before.people say if.you could do.it you'd understand. Well, I can do it, I just don't want to. That said, there are a bunch of cars I avoid in turf b3cause they are ghost able. Thoguh nothing makes.me.happier than to beat them, they have to screw up. I just want the playing field even. My moral compass will not allow me to.ghost aga8nst people. It's supposed to be about th3 best tune, and the b3st launch and shifts. I could use 3 gears in a subi and beat the best a class non ghost able cars.

5) pinks crush points- veloster turbos worth less than 200 points?? Why am I in a b class, go to crush an r class, and points are.crappie? If anything I should get.more.points as r class vs b is a huge advantage. You say crush points are based on car damage, yet if car isn't above half it.doesn't hurt the r class time so why does it hurt the person crushing. I should get more.points for crushing higher class cars. Risk vs reward. As of now I have a fleet of veloster that I'll never use. I use b class they are a class, yet i get 50 points. Risk vs reward? I won't even pinks them any more.

6 turf rewards- crate dtm for turf?? Stop putting crate cars in turf. It's just not right. Also why so many repeats? It lessens the value of said.cars.

7) Nos failure- I can't tell.you how many times I've launched under .002 rt and my nos doesn't fired costing me pinks. I've even repeatedly.hit.the nos.button 5 and 6 times ane.i5.still not fire. Don't say you are.missing nos, I am not. It mostly happens under rt .002

Gem.repairs. why do I constantly have to.restart to.repair with gems. Th3 game is buggy as hell, but the money is missing and upgrades won't be installed.

I.will end this for now, thank you for reading and excuse my typos.


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