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5 Agrees


MidnightDescent · Junior Member


  • Yesterday they said on FB that the new update was coming "very soon". It seems my Very Soon is a lot sooner than the update's idea of sooner. The anticipation is killing me.
  • Same here. I almost dislocated something trying to grab the update. Only to find it was all for nought. Ah well. Back to waiting.
  • Usually when you go on a date it tells you what number you are. And sometimes, just to be annoying, that Ray guy tweets something to make you lose a few ranking points and you get to know then.
  • There are six hours left on the weekend gig. So...... Is anybody else hoping that in six hours and five minutes there will be an update launched?
  • I can't believe how excited I am for this update. I think you're right too. I think there may be purchase options for the babies. Oh the waiting is killing me. It's like trying to tear off a bandaid one skin cell at a time. Just do it already!!!
  • Wow, I'm super disappointed if that's the case. I wanted a baby room that we could decorate with cute little baby things. A photo booth options seems so .... Disappointing.
  • It's a virtual kid. So there will be no crazy old ladies screaming at you for going to Starbucks and not taking your mini-me with you. And no being p-o-o-ped on or vomited on IRL so that's also a plus. Note: edited because who knew baby doodoo was a bad word.
  • I can't believe how excited I am about virtual babies. And the sneak peek is so beautiful. I hope it's soon. My virtual biological clock is ticking super loud ;)
  • Omg! When Kim asked my gal to cover the Lif event, where I'm at now, it was because the baby was feeling poorly and keeping her up at night. The whole time I'm like "please be the baby update, please be the baby update" but I never saw this till your post. Omg! I'm so excited!
  • I am, sweetie. Thank you for your words. They made me smile. Xo
  • Dying laughing at that one
  • I can't have kids in real life and am okay with the idea of having one in a virtual universe. Then again, had you suggested virtual kids a few years ago (after my 4th miscarriage) I may have punched you in the face. No offense.
  • I play on my iPad because I like the screen, but sometimes I play it on my phone, and just always select the cloud version. Then when I go and play it again on my iPad I pick the cloud version again - so that it updates based on what I last played on my phone. No problems whatsoever. jeez I hope I didn't just jinx myself...
  • Woohoo! There was a little update today and my girl now broken 9000 with her beau. I logged in today and saw him with a love heart speech bubble and when I clicked it he got all sappy with her. And now all is right with the world. Note, I know his star number isn't even in the top 100, but he's lovely and the only guy…
  • Or at least add him to the VIPs so we can flirt with him in the photo booth......
  • Insomnia and persistence to the point I'm sure my avatars spouse is kind of sick of her. Till tomorrow at least. When he calls and says "I miss you, let's hang out", even though he was standing Right Beside Her All Dang Night. Lol
  • i find it in the shop where you buy k stars and energy.
  • iOS Ipad Dating stuck at 8999 count, can't get to 9000.
  • Of course it doesn't help that Ray Powers tries to stir things by talking about the sparks flying between them. Then again, it is Cassio we are talking about. So sad we can't get our avatars to date him. He's a flirty honey for sure.
  • He makes our beau jealous though And quick funny. When you're at the photoshoot with Cassio, he will ask if you want to do a power pose or a close pose. The power pose does nothing (he just stands there) but two seconds after you say yes to the close pose, he does a YES gesture with lots of hearts and a big smile. No…
  • I miss Napa too. Really loved how romantic it was, and I even bought the teddy bear. All gone. Heartbroken.
  • Same. The girl seemed like she was an overachiever who wouldn't give the job the time it needed, and the other guy was such a p-r-I-c-k that I wanted to punch him. That left the gushing hero worshiping superfan so I figured why not, at least he will be devoted to me (and might even b I t c h -slap Willow if she dares say…
  • I thought it was just me that found the constant scrolling super annoying. Now all we need is for our spouses to buck up and pay for a date once in a while, and it will be great ;)
  • New beautiful beach pad to buy, but the biggest surprise was finding you have to get to Malibu via LAX, not while in LA. I can understand that Napa would be a plane ride away, but Malibu? I hope they move it in the next update. Other than that, love it. And the girls are super sweet. They make me wish I was 20 again so I…
  • I dint get any new quests specific to a comeback when I did it more than once. The only gigs were Simon's usual one when I finished the misc quest (the one you get when you're all caught up and waiting for the update).
  • I love the comeback quest and have to say I did have a momentary hear-drop-to-my-stomach the first time I said yes. But the dress is so worth it, and having the rumor that I was in rehab cracked me up. I agree the comeback outfits should stay as such, and not be given away over some special event. We earned them. I'm prett…
  • I picked love guru and now when I go on dates there is a big heart among the regular tappable actions you can tap on for bigger and better points and hearts. I figure the fashion one means you get a new tappable action on the catwalk.
  • I shut down the game and restarted and it was there again. Holy wows (it doesn't like 'c r a p' or 'p o o p' it seems), scared myself. Really wanted the dress, apparently ;)

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5 Agrees