
home buying guide?

Hi! Just started playing and have been looking for a guide about owning properties in this game. My success has been limited. Questions still unanswered are: Can I own multiple properties at once, or do I loose my current property and whatever money invested in furniture when I buy a new home?

Are there any sites anyone has found detailing furniture prices and upgrades for all the homes?

I'm trying to figure out how to make the smartest investment...after I get off the D-List, of course. Thx 4 any help. :D


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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    Hey Megabrat!

    Firstly a huge starry welcome to forums and to Stardom Hollywood :D

    Firstly, You can own all the homes in Hollywood and still have access to them all :3

    And the best place to look up the homes is on the Houses page on the Stardom: Hollywood wiki that Shiro & I created :) Some of the pages still require info to be added, which we are working on but the main things you need to know are on there.

    The smartest investment is the Headley Mansion when you can buy it :3 But it's down to personal taste/opinion.

    Hope this helps ^_^
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