

Hi everyone. Just a quick question. How do I get a screenshot of my avatar on the game so I can use it on my profile on this forum? Or what other way is there to do it? Thanks


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    ShiroShiro Moderators 2,066 Posts
    If you have an Apple device, hit the power button and the menu button at the same time and it will snap a picture of your screen.
    If you have android, they will vary depending on model, and that's something you can look up online.

    After that, you can crop your picture on your phone or computer. Then get the photo to your computer somehow so you have the picture file.

    Hope this helps. :0
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    Marie84Marie84 Registered Users 8 Posts
    Hi shiro, it worked. Thank you. You also responded to another question I asked. About not getting any calls for movie roles. It's been happening for a few weeks now. I will only get calls for specific movies that I got such as the one I'm doing now "the super dupers." I'm not getting the calls every hour anymore. Where the agent will say "you won't believe what I had to do to get you an audition for this action movie," or "if you don't take this job in this comedy I won't have a beer to cry in." He'll have 4 options and you can say "tell me again" or "keep looking." And he will call back in an hour again. Has this happened to you? Thanks again
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    I know you was addressing Shiro but couldn't help but comment :D From what I read it sounds like you are only getting the goal projects. This happens when you have several lined up. It has happened to me pretty much throughout the game since I hit the a list. It's due to being popular xD Just complete the goal projects when they come, as soon as you get through them you'll eventually get the options again :)
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    Marie84Marie84 Registered Users 8 Posts
    Hi samuraipizzacat, Thank you for helping me. I didn't mean to sound like I was only asking shiro. She helped me with another problem I was having so I asked about this one. I think you're right, I am only getting goal projects. But how do I complete the goals when some of them are to complete 3 actions in a week, and get 5 stars in a romance movie, and complete 3 fantasy projects. I have like 9 things to do right now and they aren't sending me movies when I finish filming the one I have to do. I have a lot of lag time where I get no calls except to just give me new goals. So the game gets boring because I have nothing to do.
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    I just didn't want to look like I was butting in xD It's no problemo, it's what I'm here for ^_^

    As for the projects, the romance & fantasy one, don't worry too much about it. I've had that romance goal for about 3 weeks & it was only a few days ago I was able to select a romance movie in order to do it. As for the action goal, you've probably got 3 action film goals lined up, some of them being Spy Fall & Future Cop. So you should get through that one pretty quickly.

    There usually is a timer with the project films which shows when they will be available. For example: Spy Fall; Available in 7 hours. When you finish a project come out of the studio & go to the next screen. If you don't get a call from your agent. Exit the app & close it down. Can do that by double clicking the home button & a panel with apps will appear at the bottom of the screen. Press & hold on one of the apps until they wiggle. Find Stardom Hollywood & select the red (-) on the top right corner, then click the home button to return. open stardom & as soon as it has opened you should receive a call from your agent either with a goal project if there is one available or with the 4 films you can choose from :)
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    Marie84Marie84 Registered Users 8 Posts
    Awesome advice, thank you samuraipizzacat! I will try this when I get home. I see you like cats from your name. I have 4 and I'm going to ikea right now to get stuff to build ledges on the wall for them. Thanks for your help.
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    You're more than welcome ^_^ My username is after a cartoon but you're right I do like cats too haha! Ohh wow! 4 cats! I don't have any :( but I have a dog :D An indoor climbing frame for cats! Now they will love that!
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    ShiroShiro Moderators 2,066 Posts
    Oh good, you got that all solved and stuff :3

    Thanks Samurai for taking over while I'm sleeping xD Our time zones make it so I work when you sleep and you work when I sleep .... well not work but you know... (yeah i just woke up and im dead lol)
    Tag teaming? Though I think you do better than me anyways :P
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    That's alright, it's what I'm here for :p You're right the time difference does come in handy with stuff like this! Haha! I know what you're getting at xD Tag teaming is a good way of putting it ^_^ Aww shucks! Thanks :3 but it's not true :D
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    ShiroShiro Moderators 2,066 Posts
    lol Definitely
    Yeah I think you are, I suck at explaining things xD
    and then you're like a strategy guide giving all them answers :P lol
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    Haha! The weird thing is when I'm talking I find it hard to explain stuff but I'm writing it down I find it a lot easier xD hahaha! I just remember too much haha! I kinda take note without meaning to :3 Shame I can't be like that with anything else lol!
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    Marie84Marie84 Registered Users 8 Posts
    Hi samuraipizzacat and shiro. Thank you both for helping me. I'm in Florida and I know it's very different times for all of us so thank you for helping me when you can. I can't find anything to click on when I have my stardom app wiggling. No option to do anything but delete it. And I just finished my movie and restarted it and still no calls for anything. I never get calls anymore. I have tried everything. I switched back to Arnie as well. Thanks for continuing to help me, both of you. I'm going to go set up my cat wall ledges now. We just got home. What cartoon. Is you name from samuraipizzacat? Do they have it here in the U.S.? I will post a picture of what I made when I am done, if it will let me. <3
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    Oh wow! I wish I lived in florida! I'm all the way in London, England =( Honestly it's no trouble!

    In order to close down the app you need to double click quickly on the home button (the button at the bottom of the screen) then the panel will appear at the bottom of the page =) like this


    And then holding those apps til they wiggle it should like this


    And it's that red icon on the corner of the app that closes it =)
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    Ohhh and the cartoon was out back in the 80s lol! I just loved it when I was kid :) search Samurai Pizza Cats on google & loads of episodes on YouTube come up! It's about 3 super hero cats who work at a pizza place. It was awesome :3

    I look forward to seeing those pictures ^_^
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    Marie84Marie84 Registered Users 8 Posts
    O my gosh it worked! I did what you said and as soon as I went back on Arnie called with movies!!! Thanks you so much! I'm so greatful to you two. I know it's just a game but I was in a bad motorcycle accident and have been out of work for over two months now. That's when I found this game and it has truly helped me get through this hard time. It keeps me busy and keeps my mind off of everything. Thank you so much!
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    ShiroShiro Moderators 2,066 Posts
    Awesome, glad it worked :]

    Wow that sounds terrible, but I'm glad you found peace in Stardom :]
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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    Glad it worked :D happy to have helped.

    Ohh that sounds terrible! Hope you get better soon & stardom continues to help you through it :)
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    Marie84Marie84 Registered Users 8 Posts
    Thank you both.
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