
I D E A, Idea

1. It's a rubbish idea but like a furniture store or something like that
2. I have mentioned this before but your parents getting involved and meeting you for the first time in ages?
3. I'm not married so I dunno if you can.. But you and your husband should move in together..sorry if you can !
4. Maybe when you are rock bottom, like 500 fans or abit more you can work at the bars and stuff?
5. I think we should have a news station (IF THERE IS A NEWS STATION IM SORRY) with lots of other news reporters?
6. Maybe on a night like um bedtime clothes for example:

Dressing gown
Night dress
➴Nature has fixed no limits on our hopes.♬


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    SamuraiPizzaCatSamuraiPizzaCat Member 3,359 Posts
    I especially like the idea about being at rock bottom working at bars at stuff. This could be one way of getting you back on top by networking with celebs in the bar to get better projects. I also like the new station idea. Having more than just Ray Powers reporting would be refreshing! Surely he can't be the only news reporter in Hollywood xD

    As for husband/wife moving in with you, this in fact does happen when you get hitched :o They are in every room of every home you owe, hanging around doing nothing :p

    Some awesome ideas here, TylerPurry! Keep them coming ^_^
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