
Not Right

KeiaKeia Registered Users 423 Posts
Hi everyone I do not know if anyone still gets on here. I am sorry for been gone so long too. I dislike the new Stardom with Kardishine because Stardom Hollywood is now like the Stardom A list. Which mean both of the game get no attention on both of them and move on to the new game. Everytime they create a new Stardom the rest of the Stardom get neglect. Which is wrong. Another thing is a lot of people were exited for Stardom Hollywood to have babies. Now the new Stardom you can have babies which I think is unfair because not a lot of people like the Kardashine. And a lot of people suggest babies for Stardom Hollywood. I feel like they stole our ideas and put them on the new game. I feel the owner of all three Stardom should at least learn how to do update for two of the other games that been neglect. I also think it would be fair that in Stardom A-list you should get marry and have babies. Same for Stardom hollywood you should be allowed to have babies this way everyone has something they can enjoy. I am really upset that the new stardom with Kardashine you get to have babies before the other one did. I think I will be done playing Stardom for now on simply because two stardom are been neglect and I do not think it is right the new game get more attention then the other two stardom. I would like to know y'all opinion on the new stardom having a babies.
KKH Android player
Level 29
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    DaphyDaphy Registered Users 133 Posts
    I think you should give kkh a try. I like stardom Hollywood too but it's clear that it's not going to be updating. Plus, you might like it more than you think. The fashion is especially better in Kim Kardashian Hollywood. I get everything you're saying but at this point it's really no use
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