
Anyone have luck getting unjailed?

crimsontide24crimsontide24 Registered Users, Member 3 Posts
Been playing for 3 years without issue until GLU decided to jail me this weekend. No response from customer service so far and guessing I'll get the "we cant tell you what you did but you definitely cheated" response.

Anyone actually have any luck getting unjailed before? Not sure what else I can do and sucks not being able to play with my club from last 3 versions.


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    DeuceDeuce Registered Users, Member 61 Posts
    Rooted devices and virtual spaces are autojail from what I understand, so it doesn't matter whether or not you "cheated" if you fall into either of those categories. If you don't fall into those categories and you sincerely didn't cheat, try to open a new ticket with a different CS rep and plead your case.
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    navyjack77navyjack77 Registered Users, Member 1,299 Posts
    1. What is a rooted device?
    2. What is a virtual space? 

    Just want ant to make sure I don’t accidentally do anything wrong.
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    TheLegend17TheLegend17 Registered Users, Member 373 Posts
    Rooted= SU off
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    DeuceDeuce Registered Users, Member 61 Posts
    1. What is a rooted device?
    2. What is a virtual space? 

    Just want ant to make sure I don’t accidentally do anything wrong.
    1. Rooted means, you've basically "jailbroken" your device, or increased the user privileges to allow you to make drastic changes to the file system.
    2. A virtual space is software that essentially creates an alternate, virtual device. If you run it on a computer, it will allow you to run an alternate operating system within the confines of the "virtual space." For instance, you may have a Mac that runs iOS, but the virtual space would allow you to run Windows.

    Anyone with better knowledge of this, correct me if I misspoke.
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    Deuce said:
    1. What is a rooted device?
    2. What is a virtual space? 

    Just want ant to make sure I don’t accidentally do anything wrong.
     Mac that runs iOS, but the virtual space would allow you to run Windows.

    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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    navyjack77navyjack77 Registered Users, Member 1,299 Posts
    @Houmy Shouldn’t have been that funny, but I was laughing for a good minute. Dad jokes at their best.
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    crimsontide24crimsontide24 Registered Users, Member 3 Posts
    Thanks for the replies. I definitely dont have a rooted device and been playing on same phone for past 2 versions without issue. Only thing I've done is watch a ton of videos and spent 10 bucks on the ballpark. I think I spent around 7 to 8k in gold on Friday before fan rewards started so it would go towards my ballpark instead. Not sure if that's the reason but not sure what else it could have been and never had issues before.

    Will try another ticket.
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    2003cobra2003cobra Registered Users, Member 2,725 Posts
    They seem to think that you cheat when you spend a lot of gold but little to no cash. They act like watching videos is a crime but the videos just keep rolling so we keep watching 
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    crimsontide24crimsontide24 Registered Users, Member 3 Posts
    Well yeah they finally responded after opening another ticket. They said I exploited the game somehow but cant tell me. All I've done is watch videos and play the club events so cant possibly fathom what I could have done. If they want to lose a customer of 3 years over this BS then loss is theirs I guess.

    Just sucks I cant continue on with my clubmates and wish I wouldn't have spent the 10 dollars on the ballpark now.
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    JEDDDOGGYJEDDDOGGY Registered Users, Member 2,460 Posts
    edited April 2019
    They really need to change how they are handling jailings. At least work with the user (or customer, if you're spending money on this game, especially in that case) to reach a resolution.
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    SandpipersSandpipers Registered Users, Member 1,327 Posts
    Their “systems” are flawed. The instability of the app on various devices, never mind poor or intermittent internet connection that can occur at anytime to anyone, causes a lot of issues. For the known cheats to carry on unabated while genuine clean players get jailed/banned is obnoxious. I don’t assume people who get jailed/banned are automatically cheats and neither should they. But hey, if they wanna slowly alienate their paying customers until the business collapses, go for it.
    It's all done with mirrors
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    HoumyHoumy Registered Users, Member 3,889 Posts
    @Houmy Shouldn’t have been that funny, but I was laughing for a good minute. Dad jokes at their best.
    @navyjack77 funny is about all I can do these days :wink: . My goal is to get my LOL hits over my likes & agrees :neutral: 

    "Get ready for some NFTs" - VIP NEWSLETTER ca. 2022

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