
This Update Is So Awesome, It "Sees" The Future in WoH

drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

Welp, as if I needed more confirmation that WoH is brutally scripted and determined ahead of time, now I have the game telling me what is going to happen next.  Has already happened about 15 times through my first shot.  I'm currently trying to win round 5 the first time and keep getting curved out despite strong, favorable matchups....... but at least I know it is coming!!!

Here are some doozies:

Three times already I have been informed my runner will score from third before the pitch comes. Naturally I see a straight pitch, hit it, and voila, run scores.

I was also informed twice of a double I was about to hit. Yay for me. Gapped those two with no problems!

Now here is where the real frickery comes in.  Those damn decisions of whether or not to swing at a bad pitch bc you don't know if the guy is trying to walk you, or if it is another classic WoH curve out.

Well, the update is helping me with that! At least five times now, I got the warning before the pitch. If it says "pitch call/control increase" or whatever it is, I know I'm about to be curved out.  The pitcher always gets a bump after throwing you balls you can't hit.

Another three times I was told ahead of time the pitcher's accuracy decreased, so I knew not to swing at "that" curve because that ball in the other batter's box will actually be called a ball. Sho nuff. Same pitch I "struck out" on earlier, is a ball this time.  Yay!!

Damn Glu. I wish you would save me the time and frustration on Monday's when I am getting curved to death in HoF mode.  All the great math in the world isn't going to save anyone from an obviously fixed outcome.

You guys run the NBA, NFL, and SEC too?

Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service


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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    I finally got past Petit and got to Verlander.

    Yep, same thing. Getting a notice when the ball will actually be a ball, and then the warning of Verlander's Pitches going up when he is about to frickin curve me out, giving me no effing chance.

    So I have Kruk, first and second, no out. Get a notice his pitch is decreasing. Sure enough, curve almost hits me, Ball 4, I load the bases.

    Then the warnings his pitch call or whatever is increasing. Sure enough, three straight MFing curves, all similar to previous ball 4, all strikes.

    Get the alert again. Curve out.

    Then, of course, just as a final FU from GLU...got it a third straight time.

    9 straight unhittable pitches with the bases loaded and no out.

    But at least I knew I was about to get effed! Thanks!

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    LOL. Just did a video reboot. Got three straight on again with no outs.

    Got a notice I was about to hit into a Double Play. So I let the first pitch slide. Slow, junk crap. Next pitch is a fast ball. I have no doubt I swung late and hit it the other way. Nope, pulled it to first and he turned the DP.

    Then I got the curve out notice. Sure enough, the loopers that would hit the right handed hitters that even Kruk can't contact. Game over.

    I know you can't beat Verlander every time, but it is clear you likely won't win the first time.

    Yes, my matchup favorability is more than double. I'm tired of hearing about the "math". This shit is scripted already.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    JTPASTORJTPASTOR Registered Users, Member 456 Posts
    edited October 2019
    I am not sure about this theory...but it seems to me that there is a range of numbers in which if your batter falls into that range then you “have a chance” at beating the WOH level you are on. If your numbers are not within this range then “you have no chance of winning.” I have been wondering how much your tier matters (Silver, Gold...etc), and they probably do based on the level of pitcher you are facing, but I tend to think that there is simply a “range”  or even a group of ranges that you have to be in to beat whatever level you are on. 

    For example. I beat 5.10 Verlader in Diamond with POTM Jimenez. His total number was like 512 with a video boost. So based on my theory, Jimenez fell within a range—maybe something like 495-515 that has a chance—and because of that I was able to beat him fairly easily without a restart. 

    I find it interesting how others post about not being able to beat it when they clearly have the resources necessary. And I’ve been in that place before. To me this means that from 0-1000 (I’m not sure if we have players with 20/20 skills that reach that yet. I know I’ve seen 800+) there are pockets of ranges that prevent or enable you to win your round. For my diamond team right now just over 500 is winning. But I’ve experience more difficulty sometimes doing 80 gold boost than playing without a boost and I think that is do to falling within a range that simply is designated as “no chance.” Maybe there is a third option that is included in this line of programming (or multiple options). 

    So if Jimenez skills were boosted more or if I did a 40 or 80 gold boost I might fall within a zone that mean he just won’t win. 

    Edit:And there probably is some factor into R/L matchups for some rounds. But not for all. Again Jimenez is R and Verlander R with only one activated skill at the beginning and he has won easily. 

    Anyways. I agree with our moderator that this is a math issue and not a “skill” issue for sure. But it’s a very complicated math for sure. 
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    criffycriffy Registered Users, Member 625 Posts
    JTTeams said:
    Anyways. I agree with our moderator that this is a math issue and not a “skill” issue for sure. But it’s a very complicated math for sure. 
    i don't think the math is complicated... the algorithm is simply hidden to the users so we won't ever know for sure without developer confirmation. i agree that sometimes 80g boosting does no good and it's all RNG based depending on your draw, but more likely than not does help.
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    mwilson829mwilson829 Registered Users, Member 364 Posts
    edited October 2019
    I'm willing to bet that the size of the difference in rating between the batter's OVR and the pitcher's OVR -- which increases dramatically as you progress from silver to gold to platinum to diamond -- determines your percentage chance of getting pitches over the middle of the plate.  Just using random numbers as an example:
    • If the difference in ratings is 100, you have a 30% chance of getting pitches over the middle of the plate
    • If the difference is 250, you have a 50% chance
    • If the difference is 300, you have a 60% chance
    • If the difference is 350, you have a 75% chance
    From there, the RNG determines your pitch sequence and outcome using an algorithm coded to those percentages.  That's why if you get enough chances, you can beat it at silver, and why you can still occasionally get curved to death throwing out a d10 stud with a gold boost.  Obviously, the more you boost, the greater the ratings difference, and the more likely you win.
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    I will beat this thing later today. I have done it the past few weeks with the same matchup and same math. Wednesdays are always "easier".

    Regardless, this just confirms for me and others what we already knew about this particular game.

    Also, understand that I was literally laughing my ass off when I made the three posts above. It is so absurd that it is laughable. Seriously.

    The "Double Play" notice is the one that still cracks me up the most. Wonder if I had just taken the out there and not swung if I would have been curved out next pitch sequence, or if it was determined to get me on a DP.

    I'll play it some more after work and will post if I get any further crystal ball notices during the game.

    As for the math you guys did above, that would make perfect sense. Like I said, I'm working on stashing enough resources to make the move, I'm just not going to spend as much money as some would doing it, especially for a product that has these glitches.

    This is like playing Madden and the announcer tells you before you run the play you picked what is going to happen, and then it happens. What is the point?

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    buddydavebuddydave Registered Users, Member 317 Posts
    edited October 2019

    Three times already I have been informed my runner will score from third before the pitch comes. Naturally I see a straight pitch, hit it, and voila, run scores.

     This happened to me dozens of times before the update.
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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    I finished up my work, took a little nappy nap, and came back to round five.

    I played through it (didn't sim any rounds) and went straight through my first try. Even started Verlander with a curve out, then scored five straight.

    I did get one much-needed "tip" from the game against Verlander, which helped a bunch. During my comeback, it let me know it was about to walk me on a 3-2 count with runners on second and third. Gave me the "pitcher rating drop" notice before throwing a normal curve that was ball four. I took the gamble and didn't swing. It paid off. LOL

    Loaded the bases and the next pitch cleared them with a double.  Ole Kruk went from first to home to tie it with two outs. Next hit was another double.

    I hope this thing keeps this up on Monday. This is very helpful now that I know what to do with it.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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