TSB on Twitch and other places to enjoy tap!

Morning all!

It’s my first time on this forum here. I wanted to make everyone aware of other places available to enjoy TSB, learn new things, and get to know more of the community. 

I recently started streaming the game on Twitch.Tv and we have been having an amazing time! We do certain events, box openings, regular chat and have giveaways planned for the near future. I would love for you to follow if you have interest! https://twitch.tv/thebostonfan17

I also created a subreddit page that consists of some of the same. Be sure to check out the MEGATHREAD as a good way to get started and see what we have to offer. https://www.reddit.com/r/TAPBASEBALL/comments/g8ahfc/official_tsb_20_megathread/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

Look forward to hearing from you,
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