
Has glu given up on this game already?

grendel327grendel327 Registered Users, Member 25 Posts
The box odds this weekend are just unreal.   I am tired of getting to pity box every fing time only to pull the same worthless prime goodrum in the box or bxp player in 250 box.  Pity box at least 6 times on each of those boxes and not one fing player I can use.   And do t get me started about the bs odds on Heroes and villain boxes.     Glu has destroyed this game.  It’s not even fun to play anymore.   Glu has no idea how to run a business.   Happy customers spend money and play the game. Unhappy customers quit and you make no money.   Why do the idiots at glu think people will keep spending on their game when they cannot pull any players ?   I used the gold I had built up and from videos.   Now it’s all gone.   I’ve been playing for three years now and I’m about to give glu the finger and quit.  This is the worst I’ve ever seen this game.  Glu has ruined every aspect of this game.  Ea did that to on their mobile football game and now no one plays it. 


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    drsmartassphddrsmartassphd Registered Users, Member 3,133 Posts

    After I realized how bad I was being screwed last night, for craps and giggles, I went into "Don't Give a Frick Mode" and spent all 50K of my gold to try and chase the 510 2B in the 250 box. After over 200+ boxes, I did get Roberts twice, but no sign of the guy I wanted. LOL. Went out with a bang, IMO. From this point on it is F2P. Since every aspect of the game is destroyed anyway, combined with them screwing me (again), I finally hit that point.

    Three times this year I've dropped close to 100K gold chasing a guy and never got him. Last year, 100K gold was more than enough to get the top guy two or three times.

    Can't stress this enough: CHECK YOUR CHARGES and quit giving this unethical company your money. I know it is a hard habit to break, but they are only in it for your money. That's it.

    There will always be a large group of players that are happy to give them thousands of dollars a week. Unless you can afford that, don't play, or play and keep your expectations LOW.

    Enjoy your day, everyone! Can't wait to see how they ruin WoH again tomorrow, Royale Wednesday, and Royale next weekend.

    Yes, we are aware of the game having crashing issues in the middle of WoH, but we can't compensate you for the gold you lost at this time. This is done on a case by case basis. - TSB Customer Service

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    grendel327grendel327 Registered Users, Member 25 Posts
    Yep.  I’ve given glu my last dollar.    They can shove this game up their asses.   They are the most ones company out there.   I can’t wait to sit back and watch when this game folds because of their greed and stupidity 
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    whynotwhynot Registered Users, Member 1,749 Posts
    Did somebody say rigged boxes?
    I'm confused by what you mean by 5.7 and 5.8.  You mean the round and level? 
    - Blueleopard
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    ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
    whynot said:
    Did somebody say rigged boxes?
    That has to be voted the best question/statement of the year! You can continue say that line and it'll never get old!
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    FrankTheTank04FrankTheTank04 Registered Users, Member 1,096 Posts
    These unhappy customers are still spending money and watching 500 vids a day though, so that's why glu continues to do what they do.  They could make the odds -50% and people would still be buying.  The gamers are the ones to blame.  Glu won't ever change until the gamer/addict does(not gonna happen).  Got people claiming to spend hundreds-thousands a week on this game.  Wow, what a brag.  Not something to be proud of folks.
    Just no.  
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    ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
    These unhappy customers are still spending money and watching 500 vids a day though, so that's why glu continues to do what they do.  They could make the odds -50% and people would still be buying.  The gamers are the ones to blame.  Glu won't ever change until the gamer/addict does(not gonna happen).  Got people claiming to spend hundreds-thousands a week on this game.  Wow, what a brag.  Not something to be proud of folks.
    Not at all. Very sad. I spent another $200 on another pair of Oakley sunglasses last weekend but I have something to show for it and sales people and customer service was an amazing experience. I'll go back and probably drop another couple hundred again on apparel. Why? Because they gave me an awesome experience. See the thing is when I went into the store to buy my first pair it was awesome attentiveness to the customer and when I went back the second time it wasn't like I already have your business sorry for your luck it was like welcome back, they engaged me, I was made to feel as if I was getting value for the money I ended up dropping and I will continue to do business with them. I got an amazing product at a fair price but most importantly it is the experience that's keeps me going back and spending money. I don't want to give Glu a red cent of my money for the shitty experience they provide. If it was an amazing experience, boxes at reasonable prices with reasonable odds, and were engaging the customers, I would spend. But not for a shitty shit show that this game is.
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    BearmeatBearmeat Registered Users, Member 576 Posts
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
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    ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
    Bearmeat said:
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
    I continue to play because I spend nothing so no greenbacks off my wallet. But I was just saying what they could do to get me to spend. I'll continue to play like I am they are just missing a huge opportunity. About the engaging part you have to engage yourself it's not the game engaging you. If they were selling boxes and other products inexpensively okay yeah I get that let the customer engage themselves kinda like Walmart. But Glu is not inexpensive they are one of the more expensive games out there so I kinda expect to be engaged, kinda like how I walked into that Oakley store or an upper scale store. You don't put Walmart mentality to a Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel because when you do you get this kind of mess that Glu has.
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    Itsouttahere2Itsouttahere2 Registered Users, Member 697 Posts
    Bearmeat said:
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
    And there you go again giving your unsolicited opinion, if you’re happy with this game good for you! But enough with your “it is what it is” or “it’s the gamers choice if they want to play or spend or don’t spend” no shit bro! We all know that already and don’t need you constantly reminding everyone. If people want to complain let them, what’s it to you!!
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    BearmeatBearmeat Registered Users, Member 576 Posts
    Bearmeat said:
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
    And there you go again giving your unsolicited opinion, if you’re happy with this game good for you! But enough with your “it is what it is” or “it’s the gamers choice if they want to play or spend or don’t spend” no shit bro! We all know that already and don’t need you constantly reminding everyone. If people want to complain let them, what’s it to you!!
    I don’t like whiners. Plain and simple. It’s your choice to do what you want. You can’t then retract the very principal of free speech when I say my part
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    BearmeatBearmeat Registered Users, Member 576 Posts
    edited October 2020
    Bearmeat said:
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
    I continue to play because I spend nothing so no greenbacks off my wallet. But I was just saying what they could do to get me to spend. I'll continue to play like I am they are just missing a huge opportunity. About the engaging part you have to engage yourself it's not the game engaging you. If they were selling boxes and other products inexpensively okay yeah I get that let the customer engage themselves kinda like Walmart. But Glu is not inexpensive they are one of the more expensive games out there so I kinda expect to be engaged, kinda like how I walked into that Oakley store or an upper scale store. You don't put Walmart mentality to a Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel because when you do you get this kind of mess that Glu has.
    I don’t know about that. I see the games my kids play. It’s the same business model. Same in store specials. 
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    ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
    edited October 2020
    @Bearmeat I get that but the experience, if you give your customer an awesome experience they will want to spend and spend more. They to have make us think we are winning. With these boxes they have, there is anything but winning. The game experience is really bad. Good graphics only get you so far. This game could be top notch, this game could be a damn good mobile game but because the experience is lousy it's what we have. I keep playing because I don't spend it's not costing me anything but if I was I would have stopped along time ago. You are right people have their their choice... Play or not to play pay or not to pay..... It's not the player I blame it's the unethical, slummy business practices of this company.... preying on the addict....
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    Itsouttahere2Itsouttahere2 Registered Users, Member 697 Posts
    Bearmeat said:
    Bearmeat said:
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
    And there you go again giving your unsolicited opinion, if you’re happy with this game good for you! But enough with your “it is what it is” or “it’s the gamers choice if they want to play or spend or don’t spend” no shit bro! We all know that already and don’t need you constantly reminding everyone. If people want to complain let them, what’s it to you!!
    I don’t like whiners. Plain and simple. It’s your choice to do what you want. You can’t then retract the very principal of free speech when I say my part
    You’re absolutely entitled to free speech but then so is everyone else. So why bother with the constant critique of people who exercise their free speech by complaining? 
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    ToughthundercatsToughthundercats Registered Users, Member 1,959 Posts
    He sounds like a Glu crony.... Probably in bed in with them....🙄
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    BearmeatBearmeat Registered Users, Member 576 Posts
    He sounds like a Glu crony.... Probably in bed in with them....🙄
    Just Tyrone
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    dkarski87dkarski87 Registered Users, Member 3,040 Posts
    No, that's me. Im in bed with @TyroneEastwood as we speak!
    "Oops we need to restart! Yeap that's 2019 for ya!"
    – The Great Houmy
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    Itsouttahere2Itsouttahere2 Registered Users, Member 697 Posts
    He sounds like a Glu crony.... Probably in bed in with them....🙄
    Obviously you’re not paying attention I’m not defending glu I’m defending those who like myself and you complain about Glu’s bullshit practices!
    pay attention son!
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    Itsouttahere2Itsouttahere2 Registered Users, Member 697 Posts
    Bearmeat said:
    Bearmeat said:
    Bearmeat said:
    Bearmeat said:
    Meh. It is what it is. It’s the gamers choice whether they want to play or not....or spend or don’t spend. While I’m not crazy about their business model, I stay engaged still. We all have choices. I just don’t see the value of complaining and continuing to play. 
    And there you go again giving your unsolicited opinion, if you’re happy with this game good for you! But enough with your “it is what it is” or “it’s the gamers choice if they want to play or spend or don’t spend” no shit bro! We all know that already and don’t need you constantly reminding everyone. If people want to complain let them, what’s it to you!!
    I don’t like whiners. Plain and simple. It’s your choice to do what you want. You can’t then retract the very principal of free speech when I say my part
    You’re absolutely entitled to free speech but then so is everyone else. So why bother with the constant critique of people who exercise their free speech by complaining? 
    Because I feel like you’re a complete bítch. Adapt and move on. 
    What’s wrong bro can’t take that critique that you so eagerly hand out? You f.. king Pussy!
    I can handle anything. I don’t get offended by anything whatsoever. But give me a good argument at least
    Ain’t upset, but quite frankly don’t have the time!
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    jmsorioles33jmsorioles33 Registered Users, Member 392 Posts
    dkarski87 said:
    No, that's me. Im in bed with @TyroneEastwood as we speak!
    Cant it be both? More the merrier 
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