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  • I added you! My Game Centre ID is triciac26 and my name in the game is Millie :-)
  • Hi I added you already! My Game Centre ID is triciac26 and my name in the game is Millie. Gift requests: 1 teal wrap dress (75 K stars) Kim is wearing it here: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/07/02/article-2677298-1F511AE600000578-829_634x934.jpg 2 white button down dress with denim jacket (120 K stars) 3 round gold…
  • he's still calling even though you paid twice already?? i was going to pay 10 K stars but now i'm hesitating cos he might just call again and ask for more stars. wow what a ripoff
  • ugh this is also happening to me!! i literally just got out of the restaurant after a date when my boyfriend/fiance called. i contacted support at support@glu.com but they said it may take up to 5 days for them to reply! honestly, their support team is useless. :mad: please tell me if you find a way to solve this!
  • Hi! My GC name is triciac26, IGN is Millie. I don't know how to attach pictures here (haha) so here is a link of a collage of the stuff i want instead: http://www.fotor.com/show/57b4ee2e04a94cddbd451838347441c8?lg=en_US Anything that adds gold stars would be nice too. :-)
  • oh my goodness thank you for the gifts!!! :-) :-)

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