
Just wanted to share...

Rob1583Rob1583 Registered Users 87 Posts
So I'm the leader of the team "skullpluckas", the ios team that has finished 1st the last 2 events. Something so ridicoulous happened, I felt like I needed to share and see if any other team leaders have dealt with a similar issue.

I created the team with the intent of making it a private team only joinable by invite. There were problems with people getting the invites, so I had to make it public so those players could manually search it and join. We got a really good player wanting to join like 2 days into the event (suburbs), so I kicked the person not invited with the lowest score to make room.

Once the event ended, I recieved a gamecenter request from someone claiming to be the person I kicked, literally begging me to kick a named player off so he could join. His name was different, (now "swaggkilla12345678") but all the gear was almost the same and he was mentioning my teammates by name. I felt kind of bad, so I kicked the now lowest ranked uninvited player, who had already recieved a 1st place crown for him.

A little over a day into the event, (the last one), I came to the realization he was not who he claimed to be when I saw the real person on the leaderboard ahead of him. I messaged him I should kick him for lying to me about that, and he begged me to just let him stay on for that event because he wanted the crown so much. I caved and let him stay. Shortly after, I recieved a gamecenter request from another person named "gamevidz" asking me to kick a named player so he could join my "clan". He was using the same vocabulary as "swaggkilla", and when I called him on being the same person he admitted, saying it was "his other account". (He later changed his story to it was his brother.)

It irritated me firstly because getting his crown was not good enough, and he wanted his "other account" to have the crown too, but also because he was telling me to kick my friend because they suck. This person is a way better player, and I told him no way, its my friend, and besides i'm not risking my team getting disqualified for something the game would probably recognize as cheating. (Not only that, but the person I originally kicked for him was ranked much higher than him anyway.)

This kid, swaggkilla, bombarded me with messages throughout the entire event to download some game "mini militia" and some game "doodle army". I mean, literally begging like a child for me to get these games. Some I ignored, other times I told him I'm not interested while the event is going on, but he kept asking, probably 25 times alltogether. I was amazed anyone could possibly be so annoying, and I now knew the reason for when he told me he got kicked off his last team. I don't know why, mabey because I would have felt bad, but I just let him stay till the event ended so he could get his stupid crown he was so obsessed with.

Since the event ended, he still would not stop begging me to download those stupid games, so I unfriended him, and replaced him with someone else for our team. Next thing I know, he sends me a friend request strictly so he can write a message calling me a f****** b****, and saying how my team sucks, and how I suck and my teammates did all the work. Yeah, my team sucks so much we got 1st place last two times, and I suck so much that I was 3rd overall and 1st overall 5 times in the past, but whatever. I thought that was pretty humorous, but being called a b**** definately doesn't fly with me, so I accepted the request so I could write back and give him a piece of my mind. He wrote back calling me a b**** again, and F me and tell the person I added F them, and that he had joined "the secret team". Lol, ok.

Well that was much longer than I planned for it to be, but I found it so ridicoulous I just had to share. So if anyone has recently added "swaggkilla12345678" to your team, just a heads up, thats what your dealing with.
Have any other team leaders had similar problems with disgruntilled former members? Lol


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    Wreck96Wreck96 Registered Users 19 Posts
    Lol good read.
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    zulu.kilozulu.kilo Registered Users 109 Posts
    Rob1583 wrote: »
    So I'm the leader of the team "skullpluckas", the ios team that has finished 1st the last 2 events. Something so ridicoulous happened, I felt like I needed to share and see if any other team leaders have dealt with a similar issue.

    I created the team with the intent of making it a private team only joinable by invite. There were problems with people getting the invites, so I had to make it public so those players could manually search it and join. We got a really good player wanting to join like 2 days into the event (suburbs), so I kicked the person not invited with the lowest score to make room.

    Once the event ended, I recieved a gamecenter request from someone claiming to be the person I kicked, literally begging me to kick a named player off so he could join. His name was different, (now "swaggkilla12345678") but all the gear was almost the same and he was mentioning my teammates by name. I felt kind of bad, so I kicked the now lowest ranked uninvited player, who had already recieved a 1st place crown for him.

    A little over a day into the event, (the last one), I came to the realization he was not who he claimed to be when I saw the real person on the leaderboard ahead of him. I messaged him I should kick him for lying to me about that, and he begged me to just let him stay on for that event because he wanted the crown so much. I caved and let him stay. Shortly after, I recieved a gamecenter request from another person named "gamevidz" asking me to kick a named player so he could join my "clan". He was using the same vocabulary as "swaggkilla", and when I called him on being the same person he admitted, saying it was "his other account". (He later changed his story to it was his brother.)

    It irritated me firstly because getting his crown was not good enough, and he wanted his "other account" to have the crown too, but also because he was telling me to kick my friend because they suck. This person is a way better player, and I told him no way, its my friend, and besides i'm not risking my team getting disqualified for something the game would probably recognize as cheating. (Not only that, but the person I originally kicked for him was ranked much higher than him anyway.)

    This kid, swaggkilla, bombarded me with messages throughout the entire event to download some game "mini militia" and some game "doodle army". I mean, literally begging like a child for me to get these games. Some I ignored, other times I told him I'm not interested while the event is going on, but he kept asking, probably 25 times alltogether. I was amazed anyone could possibly be so annoying, and I now knew the reason for when he told me he got kicked off his last team. I don't know why, mabey because I would have felt bad, but I just let him stay till the event ended so he could get his stupid crown he was so obsessed with.

    Since the event ended, he still would not stop begging me to download those stupid games, so I unfriended him, and replaced him with someone else for our team. Next thing I know, he sends me a friend request strictly so he can write a message calling me a f****** b****, and saying how my team sucks, and how I suck and my teammates did all the work. Yeah, my team sucks so much we got 1st place last two times, and I suck so much that I was 3rd overall and 1st overall 5 times in the past, but whatever. I thought that was pretty humorous, but being called a b**** definately doesn't fly with me, so I accepted the request so I could write back and give him a piece of my mind. He wrote back calling me a b**** again, and F me and tell the person I added F them, and that he had joined "the secret team". Lol, ok.

    Well that was much longer than I planned for it to be, but I found it so ridicoulous I just had to share. So if anyone has recently added "swaggkilla12345678" to your team, just a heads up, thats what your dealing with.
    Have any other team leaders had similar problems with disgruntilled former members? Lol

    Sounds like you have a baby on your hands. Go to the nearest 99 cent store and buy him a pacifier: coat it with some laxatives first though... ;)
    "star" [via Android]
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    BrainmistBrainmist Registered Users 36 Posts
    There seem to be a lot of self indulgent twips on these games. I boot and ignore them. They can whine all they want, but they can't make me care or listen.
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    Rob1583Rob1583 Registered Users 87 Posts
    Brainmist we miss you on iOS! Seems like the majority of players are on android now.
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    markz1661markz1661 Registered Users 8 Posts
    you should only add people you know or really strong players if you get this problem a lot
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    markz1661markz1661 Registered Users 8 Posts
    Rob you think i could join lol i average 2k skulls a day :) and i started almost 2days ago and am lv17 lol :cool:
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    SuperlimboSuperlimbo Registered Users 51 Posts
    Well, swag-whatever was not that helpful but this explains why rob didn't reply to some of my messages. :) He could never find them amongst the litter of notes; and I would say rob more than carries part of the team.
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    Rob1583Rob1583 Registered Users 87 Posts
    Thanks, its really a team effort though. We're all such high ranking players that we help each other out a lot, I'm grateful I have such an awesome team. (6 of us finished top 10 last time!) Superlimbo, if I didn't reply I'm sorry, the message system on my game seems to be especially screwy. It makes my game freeze a lot, and many times it doesn't tell me that the message was sent so I have to send it again. Other times it will send to the wrong person. I've also noticed that some people, such as myself, cannot use punctation marks, while others can. I wish they would fix this along with other things, but thats another story.
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    Sja105Sja105 Registered Users 29 Posts
    Talking about messaging... I would like to see in game messaging for teams. Think that could be helpful.
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    BrainmistBrainmist Registered Users 36 Posts
    I miss you guys too! A new Nexus 7 moves a heck of a lot faster than a first edition iPad, though.

    I'm really languishing as far as these new 45k zombies go. Tempted to just abandon the game.
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    Rob1583Rob1583 Registered Users 87 Posts
    Yeah, I def hear that. I'm kind of getting bored with this game as well, you can only play these recycled events so many times before they get old. I woulden't mind if they re-did the Xmas and Halloween events though, I never even got to play the Halloween one. Mabey going back to the way it was before this scaling enemy garbage would be nice too. If they add the option to level up higher than level 30, I'm just gonna avoid the XP all together. I'm all set with 100k hp bosses.
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