
This game is broken?

Hi I have only recently started playing but there is a bug that causes network errors whenever I close the app, when my screen locks or go on tapjoy and when I tried to spend money I didn't receive the gold I paid for. who else gets these issues? I use Xperia S.
How long have they occurred?
Has anyone heard anything from Glu or tried getting a response ?

I like this game but this issue is a major killjoy


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    ZAMFaddictZAMFaddict Registered Users 123 Posts
    Ganjalf wrote: »
    Hi I have only recently started playing but there is a bug that causes network errors whenever I close the app, when my screen locks or go on tapjoy and when I tried to spend money I didn't receive the gold I paid for. who else gets these issues? I use Xperia S.
    How long have they occurred?
    Has anyone heard anything from Glu or tried getting a response ?

    I like this game but this issue is a major killjoy

    The game is glitchy. There are reports of buying things and not getting them. Last event, I used skulls for an energy deal and got only a third of the energy I paid for. There are also issues with people not receiving prizes and being accused of cheating. Customer service at Glu needs help to say the least. If you fill out a help ticket, keep updating it yourself. The game itself is a good one if Glu could fix the glitches and respond to customers in a positive way. Be aware when spending cash on the game, that it is for enjoyment that day since your game will be gone if you ever change phones or your device breaks. You can't log into your account from a different device or save it in the cloud/online server. (I believe some have figured out ways around this by saving files themselves to an SD card or such.). Again, the game itself is addicting, but unfortunately it comes with glitch frustrations.
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    GanjalfGanjalf Registered Users 2 Posts
    Thank you for the reply
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