
Notice for MI5 players in China

CKS HQCKS HQ Registered Users 5 Posts
如果您想继续游戏,请不要删除设备上的游戏版本,并尽快联系我们的客服,我们会帮助您转移到新服务器。我们已经发布了新的全球版本,您现在即可在商店中下载 https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mission-impossible-rogue-nation/id974110790?mt=8
1. 下载新的全球版碟中谍5,完成教学部分并创建新的PVP用户名(此用户名将成为全球版游戏的永久用户名)
2. 请保存好中国区版本的PVP界面截图和全球版本的PVP界面截图
3. 联系我们的客服(Customer Care),创建支持请求
4. 请在支持请求里注明“玩家账户转移(player transfer)”并附上步骤2的两张截图
如何联系客服:点击“选项(options)”下的“客服(Customer Care)”,选择右上角的“联系我们(contact us)”。请在弹出的对话框中,输入“玩家账户转移(player transfer)”并附上两张截图。请注意,必须在两个版本中各自进行一遍此操作,才能验证您的账户信息。所有操作完成后,我们会将您的存档转移到全球版。

In one month the China version of MI5 will no longer be supported & the servers will be taken offline (This affects only the China version of the game).
If you wish to continue playing the game, DO NOT delete the game from your device. Please contact Customer Care and we will assist you in transferring your progress to a new Server. A separate worldwide version of the game has been released, and is available NOW on the Store https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mission-impossible-rogue-nation/id974110790?mt=8

If you wish to transfer your save to the Worldwide version, please do following:
*DO NOT delete the original game until your account has been successfully transferred*
1. Download the new worldwide version of the game and play through the tutorial until you have created a new PVP name (This will be your permanent new name in the worldwide version of the game).
2. Take a screenshot of your in game PVP screen in BOTH versions of the game.
3. Contact Customer Care by creating a support ticket.
4. Include the text “player transfer” in your message, and attach both screenshots to your message.
The screenshots are needed to show your character names (both old and new), to ensure that the proper accounts are transferred.
To contact customer service in game: click on “options”; click on the “Customer Care” button and then click “contact us” which will be in the upper right corner. This will open a dialog with us. Please include the text “player transfer” and screenshots of both accounts. THIS MUST BE DONE IN BOTH VERSIONS OF THE GAME TO VERIFY AUTHENTICITY. After this is done we will transfer your save.
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