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  • I've never had an issue, and everything I've seen on here tells me the iPhone is the only device that doesn't experience any issues. I have no idea why. FYI, don't expect help from Glu. They've been non-existent around here, and completely useless for me when I've gone directly to them. Worst customer support I've seen on…
  • I got it, but was very disappointed. I thought I would win the special weapon once I achieved the score, but no. It simple allowed me to get the weapon for 70% off. The price for that thing is retarded with or without the discount. Not worth. The Ranger is all you need in this game to win everything. But back to your…
  • Seems everyone is having trouble on every device except the iPhone. I've been playing this game for a long time and never had any issues.
  • Stop spending money on this game, and don't use ANY earned credits except for major guns. Take advantage of the free credit offers by watching videos and signing up for free trials. And play everyday to earn the 15 free stars every 15 days. The free credit amounts get higher and higher each time you achieve a new title. I…
  • Sorry bro, but the entire staff seems to be either MIA or doesn't give a shit anymore. Don't expect any kind of reply and/or help from the staff. Looking thru old posts yesterday, my guess is they bailed months ago. They claim to read everything that's posted, but that's a lie. If they did, they would have responded to the…
  • I'm with you, BHD. I've pretty much maxed out the gameRattle in the right front area as far as I can go. Can we please get some updates?!? New levels? New titles? New challenges? Anything??
  • No offense, but why did you waste ANY money on this game? I've been at level 30 (highest level) for a while and have attained the highest title (Contract Killer 6), and all without spending a dime.

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