
whats waiting us in the NEW patches update

hardeyboyzhardeyboyz Registered Users 75 Posts
while im browsing through google play.. i got a notification to update my FLCDD.. which took about 200+MB to download.. wonder what the new update will give in return..;) hope for free item or much more sensible mission timing and miuch more reduced price in store inventory :D

but then the only NEW is as below

- added senstivity slider for aiming to setting menu - hmm.. need this? i ask for change in aim cursor color
- bug fixed and other improvement to game performance - i think this is more to graphic and game acceleration.
- the word victory after winning a mission is now spelled by each word instead of the whole word appeared .. ( dunno got what use with these enhancement)

what about to make armor as permanent as rifle and machine gun?
what about reducing quadzooka price half from 1.4k to just 700? - it have been reduced to 1.2k
different time completion for different mission - still not change..lol

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