
HELP! On the assigns pack?!

Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
I'm thinking about purchasing the assigns pack! (Sp?) What are the two type of guns? Also,if ANYONE has purchased this pack,is it worth the money?!?! Help!!! Please!!


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    MozzenusMozzenus Registered Users 50 Posts
    No. Those guns have limited power. Will only get you so far before you need bigger guns. I wouldn't buy them myself. It is your choice.
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    OH OK!! TY! I'm looking at buying the $50.00 of Gold. My short gun is already maxed. Its the Hydra(?) My sniper is maxed but I haven't had any issues yet. I, at level 41 or 42. What would you,ANYONE, suggest I purchase? The other 2 pack of guns for 850(?) of Gold?
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    coolH2O73coolH2O73 Registered Users 14 Posts
    OH OK!! TY! I'm looking at buying the $50.00 of Gold. My short gun is already maxed. Its the Hydra(?) My sniper is maxed but I haven't had any issues yet. I, at level 41 or 42. What would you,ANYONE, suggest I purchase? The other 2 pack of guns for 850(?) of Gold?

    If you can take a hit on purchasing any of their weapons. I suggest you go big. Go for a heavy gun and tesla on your secondary, and keep your primary as they are. You can toggle back and forth once your playing. I suggest also a firepower of 5.5 stars or heavier. It should suffice for the pvp challenges. Good luck!
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    Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
    I'm thinking about purchasing the assigns pack! (Sp?) What are the two type of guns? Also,if ANYONE has purchased this pack,is it worth the money?!?! Help!!! Please!!

    I disagree with the people posting. You need to get the pitbull pack. The package only costs 850 gold and has two state of the art weapons. The first is the rapier elite and the second is the demon elite. Both weapons are extremely over powered and can easily topple bases with 5770 defense. Tesla rifles and heavy guns aren't practical because you'll need sniper rifles and assault guns when clearing missions.
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    Wow! Such good information!! Everyone was more than helpful! Thanks for taking the time to reply. My BIGGEST concern was about getting a Tesla. I really like the idea of being able able to get a person through cover! I really thought that would give a player a HUGE advantage?!?! Am I incorrect?
    I also looked at the Pit bull package & was debating ON WHAT TO DO?!?! PLEASE give me some insight on my problems! LOL!!
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    My BIGGEST concern was about getting a Tesla. I really like the idea of being able able to get a person through cover! I really thought that would give a player a HUGE advantage?!?! Am I incorrect?
    Tesla weapons do offer a big advantage, but I think we interpreted your request as how to play the game as a whole and that depends on how you want to play the game.

    If you want to play/complete all of the currently available campaign sections, you'll need a assault and sniper rifle that has 2880 power.

    If you also would like to compete against others in PVP (Player Versus Player), then you'll want something a bit more powerful than 2880. In my opinion, a Tesla weapon with 1500 power is just as useful as a sniper rifle with 2880 power; once you understand how to fully exploit the advantages a Tesla weapon gives you.

    GLU comes up with lots of different weapons, and weapon sales, all of the time. The weekend is a good time to check for new sales.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
    Wow! Such good information!! Everyone was more than helpful! Thanks for taking the time to reply. My BIGGEST concern was about getting a Tesla. I really like the idea of being able able to get a person through cover! I really thought that would give a player a HUGE advantage?!?! Am I incorrect?
    I also looked at the Pit bull package & was debating ON WHAT TO DO?!?! PLEASE give me some insight on my problems! LOL!!

    Hurry and get the Pitbull pack, it's only available for a limited time! The Demon elite costs 480 gold while the rapier elite costs another whopping 480 gold. At the moment, both guns are available for 850 gold which means that you're saving 110 gold if you act right now!
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    Thanks for the help but I'm very aware how to play the game etc...I DID NOT mean that sarcastic@ALL! I'm only saying that I want to put my $$ into the BEST deal on weapons!! So,Pit bull is the way to go??
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    PythonDjangoPythonDjango Registered Users 234 Posts
    You may want to hold off to see what specials are available in the next event. In the one where I bought a Demon Elite/Rapier Elite, then bought a Zeus Elite Tesla rifle later, I'd have been better off buying a Zeus Elite only for 750 Gold (it was half price), and buying a standard Rapier sniper rifle. Then spending another 250+ gold on Med Kits or spins, although I've bought 32 spins over the time I've played and not gotten a single non-grenade/rocket weapon, so I'm not recommending that option, but I digress.

    There was an event special where you'd receive a Genie assault rifle (same specs as the Demon Elite, just a different paint scheme) for spending 1000 gold. That would have gotten me the Zeus Elite, which I could always use in long range missions/matches, and the Genie for short range matches for 1000 Gold, vs what I did, which cost me 850 + 750 = 1600 gold. I just didn't recognize that opportunity before I'd already bought the Pitbull pack.
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    To be 100% honest I'm STUCK on Level 41 or 42 bc I don't have enough diamonds to do the FINAL freaking "upgrade!" on my Hydra! That said,it will ONLY HELP on maybe 1-2 more missions. I'm getting real antsy because I can ONLY do PvP & the "low-end" 4.5 K low experience points missions,& it sucks!! All I'm GOING to spend,already spent $30 on Gold prior,to get my Hydra & Long gun. Its almost maxed out,last upgrade is the diamonds. I wa s thinking about getting the Pit bull pack & then spending the remainder of my Gold on a Tesla,around the 250 Gold range. ANY THOUGHTS on this idea,ideas??
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    PythonDjangoPythonDjango Registered Users 234 Posts
    If you're not going to buy a Tesla or Heavy gun with a higher power than your sniper/assault rifles, then I wouldn't. Note that if your player level is high enough then you can upgrade your sniper rifle to a (standard) Rapier and your assault rifle to a (standard) Demon for cash instead of gold.

    I played a lot of "Open Contract" missions to increase my level (and get extra cash for upgrades) and bought "cash guns" before I decided to buy enough gold to fund top-tier weapons. They're the two circular icon missions on each map -- you won't be assigned to them, but you can play them 3 times per hour each for extra experience and cash. That's certainly another option.

    I've started another player on my iPad where I intend to see how feasible it is to build a player buying absolutely no gold. I know that it can be done, but it'll take a lot longer. I'll probably never be truly competitive with PythonDjango2, but the missions and matches will be more challenging, which is a type of fun itself.
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    PythonDjangoPythonDjango Registered Users 234 Posts
    A benefit of Tesla/Heavy guns that should not be overlooked is that you can play the "challenge missions" for all the levels that your secondary gun is powerful enough to qualify for. Those are the Tesla/Heavy gun icons on the campaign maps. The payoff for these missions are diamonds, and increase with each campaign region -- at high levels, payouts are quite significant. When I bought my Zeus Elite and PaleHorse guns, completing those missions (on the current level and going back to play them on previous campaigns) pretty much paid for my tier 6 base upgrades.
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    Ok,here is what I've got to work with on my weapons! My Hydra is 99.9% MAXED,(ONLY thing left left is the FINAL Diamond Damage Upgrade for Damage) I don't want to waste my Diamonds/Gold to upgrade because it will ONLY HELP me on ONE (1) maybe TWO (2) Campaigns!)
    My Rapier is the same way on upgrades. (ONLY thing left is,my FINAL Damage Upgrade.)
    SO,NOW I'm wondering if I should JUST buy the HIGHEST Powered Short Weapon & BITE THE BULLET & get a higher powered Tesla so I can advance?
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    David TDavid T Registered Users 1,055 Posts
    Thanks for the help but I'm very aware how to play the game etc...I DID NOT mean that sarcastic@ALL! I'm only saying that I want to put my $$ into the BEST deal on weapons!! So,Pit bull is the way to go??

    Cool, no worries. I understand the 'anxious' part of this game. For me it's about short term versus long term gain. I'm where you are in the game, relatively, so personally, I would go for the long term and wait for a special limited time offer on a single weapon, like what GLU did with the Pale Horse and the Elite versions of the current weapons being offered in the store; those weapons look like they have enough power to carry you into a future tier 7 defense. You might be missing out on a PVP tournament, but that's usually when they offer the best weapons deals.

    For the short term the pitbull package could be useful and if you haven't gone through the global assault Tesla/Heavy trials, then you can probably score a good deal on the best Tesla/Heavy offered in the store, not attached to a PVP tournament or VIP exclusive.

    Good luck, and see you in the field.
    iPhone 4, usually.
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    HEY THANKS! Sadly,I went ahead & did both,the Heavy/Tesla trials. I was desperate for those stinking Diamonds & YES, my Base wasn't large enough so I did "waste/loose a decent amount! NOT to mention the GOOD deals on BOTH! I just HATE IT because I'm totally STUCK on EVERY Campaign dealing with my Short weapon! I've done ALL I can regarding my Long gun. Somebody gave me a SUPER SMART idea! Continue playing those super simple "contracts/campaigns so I'm slowly saving up my $$. I only have a little over 100-K now BUT I'm working on it. 3 an hour takes a WHILE!
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    IamreadyIamready Registered Users 224 Posts
    HEY THANKS! Sadly,I went ahead & did both,the Heavy/Tesla trials. I was desperate for those stinking Diamonds & YES, my Base wasn't large enough so I did "waste/loose a decent amount! NOT to mention the GOOD deals on BOTH! I just HATE IT because I'm totally STUCK on EVERY Campaign dealing with my Short weapon! I've done ALL I can regarding my Long gun. Somebody gave me a SUPER SMART idea! Continue playing those super simple "contracts/campaigns so I'm slowly saving up my $$. I only have a little over 100-K now BUT I'm working on it. 3 an hour takes a WHILE!

    its better to wait for the weekend sales before you buy,or else you can spend the gold to buy tesla or heavy gun and you will get sniper and short range gun from the 'spend gold to reward' in the vip event!i suggest you buy tesla or heavy gun as it is not available for cash!i have reaper sniper which i bought for cash!i didn't spend any gold to buy the short range or snipers! just wait before you spend the hard earned money as new guns are coming occasionally!thanks
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    Cord-Ex 5.0Cord-Ex 5.0 Registered Users 11 Posts
    GREAT ADVICE! I didn't agree when I first read several of the replies! Common sense kicked in & I took to heart the multiple responses from many of you,MUCH MORE skilled players!,& did wait!
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    IamreadyIamready Registered Users 224 Posts
    great,have a blast playing the game and hope you get some nice guns,take care
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