
Craziest Glitch Ever!

Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
The weirdest thing just happened to me. I was on lv 80, getting credits and all of a sudden when I leveled up, it went to 91 instead of 81. It gave me the gold that I would have received if I had to lv up to 91. It's unfortunate because I won't be able to fight as much.


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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    The weirdest thing just happened to me. I was on lv 80, getting credits and all of a sudden when I leveled up, it went to 91 instead of 81. It gave me the gold that I would have received if I had to lv up to 91. It's unfortunate because I won't be able to fight as much.

    That is strange ... are the contracts even visible OR are you missing a campaign?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    That is strange ... are the contracts even visible OR are you missing a campaign?

    All my contracts are visible and I'm not missing a campaign.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    All my contracts are visible and I'm not missing a campaign.

    So ... you've got your GOLD, you have all your contracts, so other than being able to get a better BASE DEFENSE (which costs more) what's the problem?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    So ... you've got your GOLD, you have all your contracts, so other than being able to get a better BASE DEFENSE (which costs more) what's the problem?

    The problem is that I won't be able to do the free contracts and get experience modules for my drone. The game jumped me from lv 80 to 91, how many exp modules do you think I lost? I could have easily gotten to lv 91 by grinding and don't forget, your game level does little to nothing except allow you to buy some assault/sniper rifles for in game cash. Now, I'm too scared to level up because I don't want to reach 100 and not be able to get more experience modules. Also, if I reach 100, I'll continue to accumulate experience and lose out on future gold.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    The problem is that I won't be able to do the free contracts and get experience modules for my drone. The game jumped me from lv 80 to 91, how many exp modules do you think I lost? I could have easily gotten to lv 91 by grinding and don't forget, your game level does little to nothing except allow you to buy some assault/sniper rifles for in game cash. Now, I'm too scared to level up because I don't want to reach 100 and not be able to get more experience modules. Also, if I reach 100, I'll continue to accumulate experience and lose out on future gold.

    OK so this all about drones? I'm missing something obviously ... you close a contract, win the battle and get the xp drone part(s). Are you saying that when you win the contract battle, there are no xp drone part awards available?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    Scorpio11Scorpio11 Registered Users 16 Posts
    Same for me. Jumping to lv. 100, like many others, no gold, no drone parts. I guess Glu did it again. "New future" - none upgradable drones
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Scorpio11 wrote: »
    Same for me. Jumping to lv. 100, like many others, no gold, no drone parts. I guess Glu did it again. "New future" - none upgradable drones

    Yep ... I've all but given up on the drones aspect of the game. They are of no help to me at all; they actually get in the way with the graphics glitches ... LOL ... I hate drones !!!

    My problem is I have too MANY drone parts. I'm collecting them at an alarming rate and can't even use them. If I could, I'd donate my many parts to you guys.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    RMorr50912RMorr50912 Registered Users 79 Posts
    I magically jumped from level 90 to 100 too. No gold, nothing. I specifically stopped campaign mode so I wouldn't lose the 50 gold and they got me anyway. I didn't even start The Unchosen because I was waiting to get the 5 gold for leveling up. Don't even get me started on the drone parts. The game completely locks up if I go anywhere near them!
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    wupuupwupuup Registered Users 2 Posts
    That's better than what happened to me. I was at level 90 then I got bumped to level 100 with no gold or any chance to get it
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    caderaidercaderaider Registered Users 8 Posts
    I am getting this new glitch where you can play for about 45 seconds, then my character freezes! I can't move, shoot, etc... What really is upsetting is during these games you play and use a lot of equipment and it ends up all being for nothing, a big loss! Mudassar.k was always helpful and other customer service providers at times were o.k., now I am dealing with rajesh and his response shows he doesn't care if you lose all your equipment, I.e. money, at least to me that's the impression! I guess glu can learn we don't have to spend any money and get the same results! If they take and don't give back, the well will run dry! Also glu bad p.r. is never a good tactic! Rajesh doesn't even reply anymore and never addressed my gaming issues!
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