
Drone strategy

freddagofreddago Registered Users 39 Posts
My support drone has a power of 1020 equipped with four weapons with power 1000 each. I could now upgrade each weapon to 3360 or I could upgrade the drone itself to for example 6400 and change the weapons to 6400. What strategy would be best? If I first upgrade the weapons to 3360 and then upgrade the drone and change weapons would the weapon upgrade to 3360 be a waste..? So basically are you upgrading the drone and change weapon power or do you upgrade the weapons first?


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    NK14NK14 Registered Users 300 Posts
    Just an opinion.
    Do not even think about spending gems upgrading drone weapons, at least until you get your drone to the 50K range.
    You will go where you look at...
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Agreed .. even though the feature now appears to be working, I don't think the benefit justifies the cost, but hey consider the source for I HATE DRONES !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    freddago wrote: »
    My support drone has a power of 1020 equipped with four weapons with power 1000 each. I could now upgrade each weapon to 3360 or I could upgrade the drone itself to for example 6400 and change the weapons to 6400. What strategy would be best? If I first upgrade the weapons to 3360 and then upgrade the drone and change weapons would the weapon upgrade to 3360 be a waste..? So basically are you upgrading the drone and change weapon power or do you upgrade the weapons first?

    First, you cannot upgrade a weapon beyond the Drone rating, so upgrade the Drone first. Second, don't bother to upgrade the weapons at all until you get the Drone to 8k. Then change to the 8 K weapons. Then go back to upgrading the Drone.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Agreed .. even though the feature now appears to be working, I don't think the benefit justifies the cost, but hey consider the source for I HATE DRONES !!!

    As you know, I was a naysayer on Drones. I still believe that the expense of the upgrades is a detriment to the game.

    Still, the Drones, if you stay at it long enough, get to be a powerful ally. My IOS Drone is now at Level 94, power is 55 K, armed with 51 K weapons and it actually kills things.

    My current priority is to prioritize Drone upgrade behind Secondary weapons upgrades and Base Economy upgrades, but ahead of everything else.

    BTW, the upgrade from Level 93 to Level 94 cost 3.7 M Diamonds and raised my Drone Power from 54 K to 55 K. Pretty depressing. Think about this, I am 80% of the way through the 120 levels, but my Drone Power is less than 15% of max. Talk about back loaded! In order to get to 369 K by Level 120 I must receive nearly 15 K power increase every level bump. Last bump netted 1 lousy K.

    I assume this will all pay off at some point, but probably later rather than sooner.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    First, you cannot upgrade a weapon beyond the Drone rating, so upgrade the Drone first. Second, don't bother to upgrade the weapons at all until you get the Drone to 8k. Then change to the 8 K weapons. Then go back to upgrading the Drone.

    Good advice ... I'll also check it out ... THX
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Good advice ... I'll also check it out ... THX

    What is your current Drone Power? I brag about my 55 K Drone on IOS, and don't mention that my Amazon Drone is a pitiful 6.9 K wimp. I have got to get it to the 8 K level use I can change up the weaponry.
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    Didn't Handles say there where non-bot owned "legaly paid for" 369K drones out in the field?

    Must cost something approaching our National debt to purchase, or earn?
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    What is your current Drone Power? I brag about my 55 K Drone on IOS, and don't mention that my Amazon Drone is a pitiful 6.9 K wimp. I have got to get it to the 8 K level use I can change up the weaponry.

    9,500 ... clearly I haven't looked at this for quite some time.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    Didn't Handles say there where non-bot owned "legaly paid for" 369K drones out in the field?

    Must cost something approaching our National debt to purchase, or earn?

    By now I'm sure there are some, but I noticed 369K drones a day after the feature was released, so ... whet the hell; just grin and bear it.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts

    OK ... I'll Bite ... So I equipped my baby boy with the bare necessities and took him on a training mission.

    I grabbed the first SHORT that came up with an enemy DRONE (throw him in the deep end).

    I cleared all the prerequisite resistance and left the spook and HIS drone for my BOY to handle. Go get him, I commanded.

    It took him a minute or so, but my boy broke his cherry in proud style and took the "KILL SHOT" (several times I might add).

    Way to go LITTLE ME !!! ... LMAO ... LESSON ONE: Try to WIN but do NO HARM ... PASSED
    That rocket contrail is from LITTLE ME ... thanks BRADR752

    OK enough fun ... back to upgrading my BASE and grab a TESLA along the way.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    ImreefImreef Registered Users 69 Posts
    lobrien111 wrote: »
    I am a new player and i have not figured out how to update my drones can anyone help?
    Click on the button that says "upgrade" on the home page. Then click on one of the hexagons to bring up the XP modules. Pick out the ones you want to use then click "fuse". Finally click on whether you want to use diamonds or gold to pay for the upgrade.
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