
HANDLES: We Have Yet Another Problem With DRONES

amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
HANDLES: We Have Yet Another Problem With DRONES.



When attempting to CHANGE me drone's machine gun, the drone screen will appear and immediately close ... then I get what appears in the screenshots above. I am returned to the CKS main screen. This has happened on several attempts so I decided to capture these images.

We're almost there. My gut tells me that I might have to many machine guns (i.e. loading resources) but I have no way of confirming that.

Google Nexus 7 (2013)
Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION


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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    I got around it HANDLES by UPGRADING then CHANGING the machine gun as a work around in case any one else asks.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    HandlesHandles Registered Users 911 Posts
    Glad you found a work around, however I will still have this reported to the dev team.
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    HandlesHandles Registered Users 911 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    I got around it HANDLES by UPGRADING then CHANGING the machine gun as a work around in case any one else asks.

    Can you give the steps, in order, on how you got around this?
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Horror of horrors, they have started giving Drone weapons with PVP wins on IOS again.

    No problems with Drone Weapons upgrades on Amazon.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Handles wrote: »
    Can you give the steps, in order, on how you got around this?

    Basically, all I wanted was to change my machine gun since the support drone's power had been upgraded. I tried several times to tap CHANGE and the above (screen shots) would occur.

    For the sake of trying, I decided to TAP UPGRADE to see if the same problem would occur.

    It didn't ... so I exited the game and started over just to confirm.

    I again TAPPED CHANGE ... the same thing occurred; the game seemed to be doing something but then the same screen(s) appear as before (above).

    Next time though I tapped UPGRADE ... then went back and TAPPPED CHANGE ... and I was in once again.

    Doesn't make much sense to me (upgrade versus change) but my guess is that they're different subroutines that might share certain variables or functions and somehow the UPGRADE clears the way for the CHANGE to work properly.

    I'll let you know if it happens again ...
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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