
Diamonds gone missing

chrismo68chrismo68 Registered Users 2 Posts
Just came back into the game after a few hours to collect my diamonds so i could purchase an upgrade to my sniper rifle. I had not been attacked in PvP at all yet my diamond count was at zero. Over 50k of diamonds just gone...
Anyone else had this happen, any ideas what happened?


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    Angels HolocaustAngels Holocaust Registered Users 571 Posts
    chrismo68 wrote: »
    Just came back into the game after a few hours to collect my diamonds so i could purchase an upgrade to my sniper rifle. I had not been attacked in PvP at all yet my diamond count was at zero. Over 50k of diamonds just gone...
    Anyone else had this happen, any ideas what happened?

    You do realize that if you're not playing the game, your diamonds will be vulnerable?
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    chrismo68chrismo68 Registered Users 2 Posts
    You do realize that if you're not playing the game, your diamonds will be vulnerable?

    Yes, I thought I stated that I had not been attacked at all while I was away from the game.
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    ImreefImreef Registered Users 69 Posts
    You probably were attacked, just hasn't showed up in your log yet. Like when you watch videos for gold. Close out the game then restart it and you should be able to see who attacked you and revenge them
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