
I dont know what game I'm playing

Mudbug308Mudbug308 Registered Users 65 Posts
Ok so just want to vent, i know I'm not the only one who's had this. I feel like sometimes I'm playing duck hunter and that dam dog/glu is on the other side if the spooks balcony laughing. At first it rarely happened that the spook would jump off the balcony then it was the last minions too. Now i guess we have to play subamarine hunter with the guy's disappearing under the floor. My poor drone was facing straight down trying to kill it. Wish i knew how to post a screenshot on here.


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    Mudbug308Mudbug308 Registered Users 65 Posts
    My other issue is i dont see the value of player health because once you eliminate all minions, the spook/boss is a pushover. I may be expecting too much from a mobile based game but like i have said before, on all other games when you get to the boss it's time to turn your hat around backwards and fight like hell. I would welcome an opponent with the fighting strength and duration of say two Juggernauts. And i say the game shouldn't end once boss is dead, hell i paid thousands of diamonds for theses dam minions I expect them to avenge my death lol.
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    NK14NK14 Registered Users 300 Posts
    Mudbug308 wrote: »
    Ok so just want to vent, i know I'm not the only one who's had this. I feel like sometimes I'm playing duck hunter and that dam dog/glu is on the other side if the spooks balcony laughing. At first it rarely happened that the spook would jump off the balcony then it was the last minions too. Now i guess we have to play subamarine hunter with the guy's disappearing under the floor. My poor drone was facing straight down trying to kill it. Wish i knew how to post a screenshot on here.

    I had the same question and our fellow CKS players helped me out.
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