
Free gold offers

Idajohn37Idajohn37 Registered Users 1 Posts
Do yourself a favor. Never ever go to the offer page and hope to be free gold by just doing a simple deal as picking Pepsi over coke, or a Taco Bell survey because you will wind up doing hours on end of surveys and giving out your personal information and you won't get any gold for it.... And if you try to go to GLU for help they will send you to trial pay a third party who runs the gold buying programs ... I have sent all this information to the BBB, the FCC, and the gaming Commision showing them the scams they are running and hopefully with the help of my lawyers I can get all companies who do scams like this to be brought up on on a new tort charge that includes; missleading promotional meterial, promising payment for taking survey's but not fulfiling their end of the agreements and false advertising..... So again do not click on any of these adds please ... You will take a chance on losing your identity as well....
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