
Handles, is there a logical end to the base upgrading madness?

Handles, I would like to ask a question about where base upgrades truly end (if they do end at all eventually).

For some time now, I've been observing the way bases are labeled when we upgrade to a new tier. Just to name a few (correct me if I'm wrong), we had Alpha (tier 1), Hotel (tier 8), India (tier 9), Juliette (tiers 10 and 11 oddly enough), and Lima (tier 12). Tier 13 recently came out a surprisingly early this time (seems less than a month since tier 12 came out) and seeing how pretty much each base tier is named in a sequential alphabetical order, would base upgrades stop after tier 26 (z is the 26th letter of the English alphabet)? Likewise, in Mission Impossible, since headquarters are titled similarly, would the same be true for this game? Finally, what happens if tier 26 is the last base tier but new content is still added? Would PVP weapon events reset their star ranking from the predicted 26.5 to something like 1 or 1.5 star guns, would 26.5 star guns continually cycle every week until the end of time, would guns continually get more powerful (27.5 stars and up), or would totally different awards come for playing global and league pvp to a certain amount of ap/ep and vp/cp respectively? Could it be possible that after the final base tier is released, the previous base tiers could be upgraded for in-game cash from campaign missions?
DiamondJackers: You got jacked! :cool:
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