
Game Load Speedup

bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
While my gameplay is working fine, loading pages has been extremely slow. It takes over 7 minutes for the Drone Weapons Change page to load, 2 minutes to load a campaign, 1:00 to load Drone Weapons Upgrade page, 0:40 to load Drone upgrade page. Very slow.

Others in my clan have reported a dramatic speedup in load times after Glu "wiped" all of the Drone weapons pages for unequiped Drone weapons from their hard drive.

I have resisted this for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it is a little scary.

I am starting this thread to document that process, so that others can decide whether they want to pursue this.

My game has loaded increasingly slowly in recent days. I had 721 pages of Drone Weapons parts and that was contributing to slow load times. I complained to Glu about this after much delay at 1 am on Sept 14. I received a response later that same day at 6:12 pm the same day. They acknowledge my problem and asked how many pages of Drone parts I had.

I responded that I had 720 pages of Drone parts and at 7:05 pm they responded that the dev team was working on a fix, but that for now, they had a "workaround" for the problem which was to "wipe" all pages of unequipped parts, and asked if that was OK.

At 7:15 pm I gave my permission to wipe the pages. At 8:16 they responded that they were gathering all the tickets that had reported the same problem and would submit them all at once to the development team.

That is where we stand now. I still have all my Drone weapons pages. i will report any developments.


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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Just some clarification, when you say wipe we're really referring to re-initializing tables in some database. The parts aren't really wiped rather the tables that contains the data is reset which leads me to my next question ... every part you ever won or picked up by any other means will be lost, which means you can no longer upgrade your weapons from where they currently are without winning new parts, so is this what you want? It's an all or nothing type deal, sort of like starting over from a given point in time (not the beginning).

    I suppose this is a reasonable option if you're satisfied with where you are weapons wise and is an option to consider if your loading times are as bad as BRAD's.

    Additionally, what is described above affects a very small percentage of players, those at say 410K level. If you're at early-med level development of your drone, you will be killing your drone development program since those parts are no longer available; extremely rare at best.

    This move requires serious consideration since it cannot be reversed, but if you don't care about the drone and just want the loading speed increased, then go for it but remember a drone without an upgraded weapon is just a playmate sitting on your shoulder.

    The numbers are fairly simple ... you need 8 parts to fuse a weapon upgrade that will provide a modest increase in power, but now you will need to re-acquire those parts foregoing the thousands you already have. I am by no means discouraging doing this, but please take the time to think it through.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    When you say wipe the drones, do you mean ‘Like With A Cloth Or Something?’

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    HAHA funny guy ... not knocking my main man, but it's always amusing when non-technical folk attempt to communicate using the IT vernacular ... makes me smile at times.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Just some clarification, when you say wipe we're really referring to re-initializing tables in some database. The parts aren't really wiped rather the tables that contains the data is reset which leads me to my next question ... every part you ever won or picked up by any other means will be lost, which means you can no longer upgrade your weapons from where they currently are without winning new parts, so is this what you want? It's an all or nothing type deal, sort of like starting over from a given point in time (not the beginning).

    I suppose this is a reasonable option if you're satisfied with where you are weapons wise and is an option to consider if your loading times are as bad as BRAD's.

    Additionally, what is described above affects a very small percentage of players, those at say 410K level. If you're at early-med level development of your drone, you will be killing your drone development program since those parts are no longer available; extremely rare at best.

    This move requires serious consideration since it cannot be reversed, but if you don't care about the drone and just want the loading speed increased, then go for it but remember a drone without an upgraded weapon is just a playmate sitting on your shoulder.

    The numbers are fairly simple ... you need 8 parts to fuse a weapon upgrade that will provide a modest increase in power, but now you will need to re-acquire those parts foregoing the thousands you already have. I am by no means discouraging doing this, but please take the time to think it through.

    I agree and I have resisted making the jump, but I look at the rate that I am winning high value parts and it exceeds my consumpion of parts in upgrades. As it is, I am unable to find high value parts. I have reviewed 135 pages of my total of 720, taking only 64 K parts to fuse. In that 135 pages, I found only one part with a value above 64K, a single 92K Shield.

    Since I can't find the good parts in my inventory, I have decided to wipe it, but I have created this thread to share my experience good or bad with others.

    No action from Glu so far.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Here is the latest on the attempt to wipe unequipped support drone weapons in an effort to speed up the game. As of Sept. 15 5:04 pm, I received a message that "as promised our team has wiped all unequipped support drone weapons. We hope that this makes the game function smooth. I'd suggest you not to stock up the drone parts." My first question: How do you not stock up on drone parts? They insist on piling more on every time you win a PVP. I guess they think I should lose to avoid accumulating unwanted drone parts.

    I then checked my Drone parts inventory, which showed the same 707 pages of inventory that I had before. I closed the program, rebooted my iPad and restarted. A second check revealed the same 707 pages and the same slow load times.

    In short, so far I have accomplished nothing.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I agree and I have resisted making the jump, but I look at the rate that I am winning high value parts and it exceeds my consumpion of parts in upgrades. As it is, I am unable to find high value parts. I have reviewed 135 pages of my total of 720, taking only 64 K parts to fuse. In that 135 pages, I found only one part with a value above 64K, a single 92K Shield.

    Since I can't find the good parts in my inventory, I have decided to wipe it, but I have created this thread to share my experience good or bad with others.

    No action from Glu so far.

    I know why you're doing it and it makes sense. I just wanted to make sure that the less advanced players (early to mid drone development) understood the implications.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    I know why you're doing it and it makes sense. I just wanted to make sure that the less advanced players (early to mid drone development) understood the implications.

    Great point and what I am doing is clearly "Adult Swim Only." Hopefully, I will be able to provide answers eventually.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Here is the latest on the attempt to wipe unequipped support drone weapons in an effort to speed up the game. As of Sept. 15 5:04 pm, I received a message that "as promised our team has wiped all unequipped support drone weapons. We hope that this makes the game function smooth. I'd suggest you not to stock up the drone parts." My first question: How do you not stock up on drone parts? They insist on piling more on every time you win a PVP. I guess they think I should lose to avoid accumulating unwanted drone parts.

    I then checked my Drone parts inventory, which showed the same 707 pages of inventory that I had before. I closed the program, rebooted my iPad and restarted. A second check revealed the same 707 pages and the same slow load times.

    In short, so far I have accomplished nothing.

    It could be that the database tables are locked while you're playing the game and cannot be updated. Mention this to them when you let them know that nothing changed. Also, usually bulk database updates get queued and are processed in the background when activity is light. You may still see a change ... give it until morning.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    I am prepared to give it some Time. What do you make of their advice "not to stock up on drone parts?" Seems like real good advice, I just don't know how to do it.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I am prepared to give it some Time. What do you make of their advice "not to stock up on drone parts?" Seems like real good advice, I just don't know how to do it.

    The one single thing I can take away from bonehead advice such as that ... that particular person doesn't know how the game works and has never played the game and THAT is the core of all our problems !!!
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    I'm not convinced it's a database setup. If so, it would be simple to change the sql method of showing the parts reports as single items with tallies. I think even parts that were upgraded could appear as separate items.

    If it were actual individual parts, this would better explain everyone's bogged down programs, and effecting mission loads, store loads, and startup/switches. The Amazon version unlike the Google version, uses multiple data directories, rather than one large data file. You'd think that the one file would become very fragmented over time, but maybe they've allocated the space for data?

    Every new region slows down access to campaigns. I'm about 90 seconds after each mission before I have any menus. Freezing, especially with drone picks is near unplayable. Even though my drone is a baby less than 40K, I'd gladly ditch the parts if it would improve the performance. Short sighted thinking, maybe, but dying during a global because of graphics lockup would be worth the hit to something I may never update.

    Looking forward to seeing results, Bradr. And, yes - I think Glu just wants you to buy downgraded weapons, and overstock equipment from store. Better to stop playing PVP, and just spin the wheel because this game is now a c*rap shoot.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    I'm not convinced it's a database setup. If so, it would be simple to change the sql method of showing the parts reports as single items with tallies. I think even parts that were upgraded could appear as separate items.

    If it were actual individual parts, this would better explain everyone's bogged down programs, and effecting mission loads, store loads, and startup/switches. The Amazon version unlike the Google version, uses multiple data directories, rather than one large data file. You'd think that the one file would become very fragmented over time, but maybe they've allocated the space for data?

    Every new region slows down access to campaigns. I'm about 90 seconds after each mission before I have any menus. Freezing, especially with drone picks is near unplayable. Even though my drone is a baby less than 40K, I'd gladly ditch the parts if it would improve the performance. Short sighted thinking, maybe, but dying during a global because of graphics lockup would be worth the hit to something I may never update.

    Looking forward to seeing results, Bradr. And, yes - I think Glu just wants you to buy downgraded weapons, and overstock equipment from store. Better to stop playing PVP, and just spin the wheel because this game is now a c*rap shoot.

    Obviously you know what you're talking about so my brother, IT-to-IT ... relational databases are built on tables that are somehow linked together in some hierarchy. Each table is an object, therefore each weapons part is an object and has a corresponding table. Now the SQL query to which you are referring is a "client side" call, the client being your device. The clearing (wiping) of the parts only eliminates the symptom but does NOT fix the problem, hence the advice to not accumulate more parts. They say there's a fix forthcoming, yeah right.

    The additional directories on Amazon are related to features unique to Amazon (the company) and have very little to do with the CKS core functionality.

    The reason why parts appears the way they do on your device has nothing to do with the database design but rather the sloppy coding of the CKS game app itself and THAT is why the resources come under stress on your device. I am also convinced that these so-called developers are working within a "framework" that was put in place by the real developers quite some time in the past. They simply employ a set of templates and fill in the variables to "generate" new code.

    They're not developers at all, in the traditional sense and this explains everything wrong with the GLU game(s) based on this "gaming engine".

    As far as "fragmentation" ... this is a file system level concern, mostly problematic with Windows based systems. There is no fragmentation to speak of in Unix / Linux based systems such as IOS or Android.

    Performance could take an indirect hit from excessive amounts of drone parts (such as loading times and transition times) but frame rates are strictly related to the GPU and graphics subsystem and have nothing to do with large numbers of parts. In other words, loading of the game map may be slow, but once the map is fully loaded video lag and frame rate drops are caused by your device and what's running on it. Case in point: two identical devices, one experiences graphics problems and the other runs perfectly ... there is absolutely nothing GLU can do to fix this problem given their expertise.
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    OK! I've been schooled, good job.
    I'm an engineer that uses [too] many tools and analysis programs. I am not a programmer, nor IT expert like you. I'am using my limited reasoning the best I can, for instance, I do know with each release of a region, the game lagging seems to get worse, could be my limited ram, or other factors which you will correct me on. If the game was more modular, it could probably help, but regardless until it is truly unplayable, I'll manage.

    So back to Bradr's situation, it will be interesting to see if it improves other areas besides drone upgrades.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    I wouldn't characterize your reasoning as limited, on the contrary you're one of the few people that can understand what's really going on. IT is composed of masters of specific skills, specialists and you know this. I just happen to be a software and database guy who likes to play video games. Fortunately (more unfortunately) I have insights into things where I probably shouldn't have.

    I've encountered many environments similar to GLU, not in gaming per se, but in software development in general. Every time players reference skeleton crew, not enough resources, morons and the like, they are closer to the truth than they realize, with a single caveat ... these GLUTONS are ill equipped to resolve these types of problems; it's a design flaw (short coming) in the gaming engine, similar to that square peg round hole comparison I like to use.

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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    Meantime back at the ranch, I still have 711 pages of totally random parts that take forever to load.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    When you say random? I have intermingled parts of different types also, but the 51-64K and the 125, 1,000, 8,000 seem to group together with the 410-510K appear at the end. Not 100% but I always thought they were listed as we collected them.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    When you say random? I have intermingled parts of different types also, but the 51-64K and the 125, 1,000, 8,000 seem to group together with the 410-510K appear at the end. Not 100% but I always thought they were listed as we collected them.

    I shouldn't have said random, because it is my belief that they are in chronological order. Sadly, that leaves all the high value parts at the very end.

    I just leafed through the weapons parts pages to discover that the first 410 and 510 parts appear on pages 355 of 711 total pages.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I shouldn't have said random, because it is my belief that they are in chronological order. Sadly, that leaves all the high value parts at the very end.

    I just leafed through the weapons parts pages to discover that the first 410 and 510 parts appear on pages 355 of 711 total pages.

    Bro you were definitely on a mission ... 355 thru 711 are mostly 410K and 510K parts? That's just about half ... we're talking just over a month since those parts were introduced, if memory serves ... WOW
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    This one is huge: Tier 13 PVP is giving away 410 K Drone parts! I already have about 20 410 K weapons in my inventory.

    Alright STOP THE PRESSES ... are you telling me that 369K is only the START of my workload?

    Thought this was funny ... I recall that horror that immediately rushed through me LMAO

    Shortly afterwards, we lost NK14 ... RIP
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Bro you were definitely on a mission ... 355 thru 711 are mostly 410K and 510K parts? That's just about half ... we're talking just over a month since those parts were introduced, if memory serves ... WOW

    I am new to Drone weapons upgrade and I am just figuring it out. It turns out to be more cost and time efficient to leaf through those those 350 pages to get to the 510s. The cost is less than half of fusing the 64Ks and 1/10th the cost of fusings 8Ks per XP. In addition, the 510s give me 680XP which is 8 times what I get for the 64Ks. So scrolling through 350 pages once is much easier than scrolling though 135 pages 8 times. I assume you told me this some time ago, but I wasn't paying attention. (Again)
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I am new to Drone weapons upgrade and I am just figuring it out. It turns out to be more cost and time efficient to leaf through those those 350 pages to get to the 510s. The cost is less than half of fusing the 64Ks and 1/10th the cost of fusings 8Ks per XP. In addition, the 510s give me 680XP which is 8 times what I get for the 64Ks. So scrolling through 350 pages once is much easier than scrolling though 135 pages 8 times. I assume you told me this some time ago, but I wasn't paying attention. (Again)

    Yeah well kinda; once you get up in the ionosphere, where I can't reach you, I sometimes need to wait for your return to Earth *** SMILES *** I'm still trying to wrap my head around the number of parts you've accumulated. I did warn you that you might run off the rails at the pace you were setting, but this is truly a surprise.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts

    Well, Glu hasn't wiped my 715 pages of worthless Drone Weapons parts but they have removed all of my active 850K weapons.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »

    Well, Glu hasn't wiped my 715 pages of worthless Drone Weapons parts but they have removed all of my active 850K weapons.

    Well leave it to GLU to screw this up too. And let me guess, there is nothing that customer care can do for you.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »

    Well, Glu hasn't wiped my 715 pages of worthless Drone Weapons parts but they have removed all of my active 850K weapons.

    You probably need to re-inventory your weapons ... did you look for the 850K part5s? Just load them back on the drone ... they're there **SMILES**
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    So, they neutered all your drone work? You must be furious! I thought some of those parts were near unique to acquire!

    I would be throwing my tablet upside the wall right now... you seem too calm?
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    So, they neutered all your drone work? You must be furious! I thought some of those parts were near unique to acquire!

    I would be throwing my tablet upside the wall right now... you seem too calm?

    That's because he knows where they are, he's just trying to mentally prepare himself to wade through 700+ pages to locate them is all. LOL

    Actually this is a unique opportunity ... BRAD fight a battle and tell me what happens. Does the drone disappear OR does he just sit there doing nothing? Could be a potential for players suffering from frame rate drops and are willing to kill their drone.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    You probably need to re-inventory your weapons ... did you look for the 850K part5s? Just load them back on the drone ... they're there **SMILES**

    The Inventory was intact, so I was able to refit the weapons. The process took 40 minutes and the first 10 was a nailbiter while I waited to see if my stuff was still there. So everything is back to normal, the weapons are back in place, the 715 pages of parts are still there and the waits to upgrade are endless.

    I did a couple of PVPs with a weaponless Drone, it was interesting to say the least.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    The Inventory was intact, so I was able to refit the weapons. The process took 40 minutes and the first 10 was a nailbiter while I waited to see if my stuff was still there. So everything is back to normal, the weapons are back in place, the 715 pages of parts are still there and the waits to upgrade are endless.

    I did a couple of PVPs with a weaponless Drone, it was interesting to say the least.

    Interesting in what way. Please elaborate. I would really be interested in your take on fight with no drone.
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    The Inventory was intact, so I was able to refit the weapons. The process took 40 minutes and the first 10 was a nailbiter while I waited to see if my stuff was still there. So everything is back to normal, the weapons are back in place, the 715 pages of parts are still there and the waits to upgrade are endless.

    I did a couple of PVPs with a weaponless Drone, it was interesting to say the least.

    What a terrifying moment.

    So, I assume one/some in your clan have successfully tried this, and it went smoothly? Was their result the title of the thread?

    Obviously, I'm asking a bit of a personal question, so I'ill back off if you don't reply.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    I was just wondering BRAD did GLU ever get around to cleaning up you excess weapons parts?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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