
HANDLES: Unable to Upgrade Drone Weapons at 410K Power

amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
HANDLES: Ever since I reached 410K Power on the support drone, I have been unable to upgrade the drone's WEAPONS. I bumped the support drone's power to 420K and 430K and still cannot upgrade the weapons.

What appears to be happening is ... once I fully upgrade LEVEL 1, ALL of the available parts "go dark: and cannot be selected. This includes 51K, 64K, 410K and 510K parts for all of the weapons, MG, RL, SG and HR. You will also note that the initial upgrade of the weapon ONLY ALLOWED me to select 2 x 410K parts before the remaining 410K parts went dark. I then proceeded to use smaller parts to complete LEVEL 1 and afterwards EVERY PART went dark.

This runs contrary to what we've been accustomed to at lower drone power such as 92K for example.

AM I missing something in this regards OR is this a previously undiscovered bug in the drone development process itself?

I've included screen shots of the 5 step upgrade process; from start to finish.

I have suspended drone development for now so please advise so I can resume my drone development.


Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION


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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    HANDLES: Problem appears to be resolved ...


    DRONE: 440K (Power) - 124/150 (Level) - 52/1225 (XP) - 2.66M (Health)
    DRONE WEAPONS: MG (440K), RL (440K), HR (440K), SG (440K)
    DRONE WEAPONS PARTS: 333P (9,990)

    40 x TIER 15 (XP-29);

    LEVEL #2 on drone weapons (410K part root) requires 440K on the SUPPORT DRONE. Once I reached 440K all of the weapons parts were no longer dark; consequently since LEVEL #3 drone weapons would appear to exceed the 440K on the support drone, the support drone should be upgraded to 510K BEFORE any serious weapons upgrades are undertaken.

    Additionally, since the upper limit of the 410K part is 1.07M it is quite possible that one could upgrade the part to the maximum; but with 510K parts plentiful, this approach would seem to defy logic. GLU developers again hard at work, I suppose.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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