
02/11 HEAVY GLOBAL (I Can See ... I Can See !!!)



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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    RANK #1: 25,000 AP (MJURC2010)
    RANK #2: 24,821 AP (HKO456)
    RANK #3: 19,610 AP (TOKAPEB)
    RANK #4: 17,721 AP (ORLIIK)
    RANK #10: 12,885 AP (DOZEUR)
    RANK #22: 9,140 AP (SCORPION) ... Global: TOOBAD (35 PARTS) is no longer in play; obviously :cool:
    RANK #27: 8,499 AP (DOKVP)
    RANK #28: 8,499 AP (QUICKSILVERX)
    RANK #29: 8,499 AP (VOIPA)
    RANK #30: 8,498 AP (YRS777)

    Interesting ... RANKS #27-#30 deliberately ended their streaks to remain under 8,500 AP. My calculations suggest RANK #30 will exceed 9,000 AP eventually, so their efforts may backfire costing them precious time.

    C'est La Vie.

    Next Update @ 12 HOURS REMAINING.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    RANK #1: 25,000 AP (MJURC2010)
    RANK #2: 24,821 AP (HKO456)
    RANK #3: 19,610 AP (TOKAPEB)
    RANK #4: 17,721 AP (ORLIIK)
    RANK #10: 12,885 AP (DOZEUR)
    RANK #22: 9,140 AP (SCORPION) ... Global: TOOBAD (35 PARTS) is no longer in play; obviously :cool:
    RANK #27: 8,499 AP (DOKVP)
    RANK #28: 8,499 AP (QUICKSILVERX)
    RANK #29: 8,499 AP (VOIPA)
    RANK #30: 8,498 AP (YRS777)

    Interesting ... RANKS #27-#30 deliberately ended their streaks to remain under 8,500 AP. My calculations suggest RANK #30 will exceed 9,000 AP eventually, so their efforts may backfire costing them precious time.

    C'est La Vie.

    Next Update @ 12 HOURS REMAINING.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!

    I have seen this ploy numerous times in MIRN and I have had it done to me. The only difference is, I have never seen this technique used with this much time left in global. This is something that usually happens in the last couple of minutes of Global. It is kind of like Snipe Bidding on EBay.

    It is possible, that they were trying score the most possible points they could without going to Gold League. Some player in this game just baffle me to no end.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    concerned wrote: »
    I have seen this ploy numerous times in MIRN and I have had it done to me. The only difference is, I have never seen this technique used with this much time left in global. This is something that usually happens in the last couple of minutes of Global. It is kind of like Snipe Bidding on EBay.

    It is possible, that they were trying score the most possible points they could without going to Gold League. Some player in this game just baffle me to no end.

    Agreed I know they are trying to "maximize" their AP total and stay under 8,500 but it will cost them the leaderboard eventually, so I can't imagine what they are thinking. Taking a break is one thing, ending a 200 victory win streak and going comatose is another ... like you said, this is a last minute tactic that might work (in league play) ... certainly not a CKS Global.

    Now all 4 are at 8,499 and VOIPA who was the last to get there is in front of the other three ... I guess he's an expert at these things LMAO ...

    I think it was you who described it as "losing on purpose in order to win" ... what a ridiculous way to finish an effort after three days of slugging it out ... not for me for sure.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    Global numbers on Apple platform with 16 Hours to go:

    #1 24018 LAGUNITAS2
    #2 23771 KOPPU29
    #4 22919 ANHMINH7482
    #10 18396 JAZZZ

    #23 12946 BRAD752

    #30 11698 ZERO08

    I am sitting #127 with 5335 points.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    Global numbers on Apple platform with 13 Hours to go:

    #1 25793 LAGUNITAS2
    #2 25371 KOPPU29
    #3 23060 ANHMINH7482
    #10 19896 JAZZZ

    #22 13596 BRAD752

    #30 11843 ZERO08

    I am sitting #123 with 5585 points.
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    Agreed I know they are trying to "maximize" their AP total and stay under 8,500 but it will cost them the leaderboard eventually, so I can't imagine what they are thinking. Taking a break is one thing, ending a 200 victory win streak and going comatose is another ... like you said, this is a last minute tactic that might work (in league play) ... certainly not a CKS Global.

    Now all 4 are at 8,499 and VOIPA who was the last to get there is in front of the other three ... I guess he's an expert at these things LMAO ...

    I think it was you who described it as "losing on purpose in order to win" ... what a ridiculous way to finish an effort after three days of slugging it out ... not for me for sure.

    I have described it that way, and I don't remember if I was first. For that matter, most of the time I can't remember what I ate for dinner last night, LOL.

    But, you are right, what a way to play. But, this is what GLU has turned this game into. It is so frustrating to get into Silver League play and you only need 15 parts, no let's make that 10 parts to finish your weapon and it is Day 3. Now you need only a top 10 finish.

    You end up in a group that does not have a runner playing. The scores are moving up slowly and everyone is bunched within 2-4 points of each other. Now we are coming down to the wire. 1st place has 110 points and 2nd through 15 are sitting with 108 points. I have the same 108 and I am sitting in 10th Place, where I need to finish to get the last 10 parts.

    Time and time again, I have seen one of the 11th to 15th place persons, intentionally forfeit a match, so that they can get that 1 point that jumps them into 2nd place. In the meantime, I get knocked out of the top 10 and end up short by 5 points. The only thing that will add more irritation to the equation, is when this player didn't even need the weapon.

    In MIRN, they do not awarded the 1 point for the loss during silver league play, so everyone always has a even number for points. But still we have had the issue where 1st thru 10th, and sometimes all the way to 16th and 17th are all within 2 points of each other.

    This really makes it fun and annoying. 2nd place has 100 points and 17th place has 100 points. Who knows what criteria GLU is using when they are arranging the players.

    The key here is as you have advised us, so many times, get your parts by the 2nd day of league play. Don't trust GLU for a third day.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    concerned wrote: »
    This really makes it fun and annoying. 2nd place has 100 points and 17th place has 100 points. Who knows what criteria GLU is using when they are arranging the players.

    You know what's funny about this? (There's only two of those guys left on the leaderboard BTW) ...

    I watched early this afternoon (when there were four) that there relative position would change for no apparent reason. They were not fighting any battles at all, all had 8,499 AP, and yet the order would change periodically.

    I think maybe GLU does this similar to playing roulette?
    Wherever you are placed when the event ends is your rank ... NOT who got there first or last ...
    just plain luck LMAO

    That's Par for The Course at the GLU Factory.

    One of the worst things GLU has ever done was introduce a separate 1st PLACE prize in league play ... that one move has done more damage to game play than any other, yet the GLUTONS will probably still claim it has "enhanced" competition.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    RANK #1: 27,375 AP (MJURC2010)
    RANK #2: 26,646 AP (HKO456)
    RANK #3: 22,435 AP (TOKAPEB)
    RANK #4: 18,921 AP (ORLIIK)
    RANK #10: 13,023 AP (ANCALAGON)
    RANK #20: 9,890 AP (SCORPION) ... Global: TOOBAD (35 PARTS) is no longer in play; obviously :cool:
    RANK #26: 9,078 AP (DAZ)
    RANK #27: 8,971 AP (CABESON)
    RANK #28: 8,782 AP (DAZCOPBRA1)
    RANK #29: 8,499 AP (YRS777) ... Has 20.5 TROLL (HEAVY); TIER 20 Base; 3.5M Drone.
    RANK #30: 8,499 AP (DOKVP) ... Has 21.5 DRUID (HEAVY); TIER 18 Base; 1.15M Drone.

    ... and then there were two ... Next Update @ 9 HOURS REMAINING.

    Obviously it wasn't for weapons parts OR GOLD LEAGUE placement. Why would someone so painstakingly score exactly 8,499 AP? Better yet, do it in 2.5 DAYS and then sit out the duration?

    I've tracked these players several times; they're definitely "high rollers".

    Another question: Why does someone build a 3.5M support drone anyway?

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    Global numbers on Apple platform with 10 Hours to go:

    #1 26168 LAGUNITAS2
    #2 26121 KOPPU29
    #5 23060 ANHMINH7482
    #10 20307 FANTATENTEI

    #23 13696 BRAD752

    #30 12135 GUESTD83D1340F

    I am sitting #124 with 5810 points.
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    Global numbers on Amazon platform with 9:45 Hours to go:

    #1 29821 LONERANGER
    #2 28207 KANE
    #3 28035 VAL18
    #6 THL163A

    #24 5235 SBDMAN
    #25 5235 SBDMAN

    #30 4960 HOTFOOTDUKE

    Thought this was interesting that our top 3 players could compete in Google or iOS.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    Global numbers on Amazon platform with 9:45 Hours to go:

    #1 29821 LONERANGER
    #2 28207 KANE
    #3 28035 VAL18
    #6 THL163A

    #24 5235 SBDMAN
    #25 5235 SBDMAN

    #30 4960 HOTFOOTDUKE

    Thought this was interesting that our top 3 players could compete in Google or iOS.

    Hey Man where have you been? Sure they could compete ... anyone can compete anywhere if you're willing to buy the PvP battles :) Don't cut yourself short ...
    ... all I see when I look at the AT Leaderboard is $$$, maybe some players playing for over a year, but just deep pockets is all.

    BTW ... how did you manage to score 5,235 AP on, I assume, two different devices? You deserve a prize just for precision LOL

    ** SMILES **
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    try_againtry_again Registered Users 1,302 Posts
    Amazingly, my old Nexus has not crashed this global, it's a total mystery to me, and has been a very long time since that happened.

    On my MIRN account, I'm at #12 with 5035 AP running at the same time as one of the CKS accounts above. Already have a scoped heavy of the same power they are playing for in the top 10, so not trying for prize there. That Samsung is rock steady for stability. I have climbed up to #3 A-T in that game.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    RANK #1: 28,375 AP (MJURC2010)
    RANK #2: 26,646 AP (HKO456)
    RANK #3: 24,510 AP (TOKAPEB)
    RANK #4: 18,921 AP (ORLIIK)
    RANK #10: 14,185 AP (DOZEUR)
    RANK #20: 10,041 AP (SCORPION) ... Global: TOOBAD (35 PARTS) is no longer in play; obviously :cool:
    RANK #30: 8,499 AP (DOKVP) ... Has 21.5 DRUID (HEAVY); TIER 18 Base; 1.15M Drone.

    ... and then there was one ... Next Update @ 6 HOURS REMAINING.

    This one looks like a wrap but I'll finish it out on cruise control and look forward to league play; Gotta get more DIAMONDS.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    try_again wrote: »
    Amazingly, my old Nexus has not crashed this global, it's a total mystery to me, and has been a very long time since that happened.

    On my MIRN account, I'm at #12 with 5035 AP running at the same time as one of the CKS accounts above. Already have a scoped heavy of the same power they are playing for in the top 10, so not trying for prize there. That Samsung is rock steady for stability. I have climbed up to #3 A-T in that game.

    The game has become much more stable and fluid. I haven't seen a crash or restart all Global.
    Now that I think about it ... it has been awhile. Now I don't want to give GLU any KUDOS because that would be bad luck :)

    How are your upgrades going?
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    Global numbers on Apple platform with 7 Hours to go:

    #1 26418 LAGUNITAS2
    #2 26121 KOPPU29
    #7 23485 ANHMINH7482
    #10 20471 JAZZZ

    #24 14421 BRAD752

    #30 12285 GUESTD83D1340F

    I am sitting #123 with 6010 points.
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    concerned wrote: »
    Global numbers on Apple platform with 7 Hours to go:

    #1 26418 LAGUNITAS2
    #2 26121 KOPPU29
    #7 23485 ANHMINH7482
    #10 20471 JAZZZ

    #24 14421 BRAD752

    #30 12285 GUESTD83D1340F

    I am sitting #123 with 6010 points.

    Thanks for posting IOS standings, Concerned. I am a little surprised that the competition is not more fierce. This Global offers two great guns. Hopefully, you will get one of them in Silver League.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    RANK #1: 29,675 AP (MJURC2010)
    RANK #2: 27,521 AP (HKO456)
    RANK #3: 25,010 AP (TOKAPEB)
    RANK #4: 19,146 AP (ORLIIK)
    RANK #10: 15,010 AP (LEON000)
    RANK #20: 10,251 AP (SCORPION) ... Global: TOOBAD (35 PARTS) is no longer in play; obviously :cool:
    RANK #30: 8,499 AP (DOKVP) ... Looking like NOT a genius? He already owns a 21.5 HEAVY.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    RANK #1: 31,999 AP (MJURC2010)
    RANK #2: 31,507 AP (HKO456)
    RANK #3: 25,010 AP (TOKAPEB)
    RANK #10: 16,290 AP (ANCALAGON)
    RANK #26: 10,401 AP (SCORPION) ... Global: TOOBAD (10,000 AP) successfully executed :cool:
    RANK #30: 09,828 AP (DAZ)

    DRONE and BASE:
    BASE: 79.95M (75% Upgraded); LEVEL: 190; GAME CASH: 2.15B; HIGH VAULT: 853.02K.
    DRONE: 6.01M (Power) - 160/190 (Level) - 679/1560 (XP) - 31.13M (Health)
    DRONE WEAPONS: MG (5M-L3), RL (5M-L3), HR (5M-L3), SG (5M-L3)
    DRONE WEAPONS PARTS: 2,673 + (4 x 2.02M)
    ..... 26.2M: MG (377); HR (364); RL (390); SG (379)
    ..... 32.8M: MG (285); HR (294); RL (291); SG (293)

    520 x TIER 18 (XP-29); 018 x TIER 19 (XP-30); 070 x TIER 18 (XP-36);
    070 x TIER 19 (XP-37); 010 x TIER 18 (XP-44); 030 x TIER 19 (XP-45);

    SNIPER: 20.0 NOMAD (acquired 01/14) @ 100%.
    TESLA: 19.5 BETELGEUSE (acquired 01/14) @ 100%.
    ASSAULT: 20.5 URSA (acquired 01/16) @ 100%.
    HEAVY: 20.5 ORC (acquired 02/15) @ 70%.

    TOOBAD (20.5 ORC, 20.5 OCTOPUS):
    GLOBAL EVENT (02/11/2016) --- RANK #26 (10,401 AP) --- 20.5 ORC HEAVY Acquired.
    GOLD LEAGUE EVENT (DAY #1) --- RANK #07 (153 VP) --- 10 Parts Acquired, 40 Parts To Go.
    GOLD LEAGUE EVENT (DAY #2) --- RANK #05 (126 VP) --- 12 Parts Acquired, 28 Parts To Go.
    GOLD LEAGUE EVENT (DAY #3) --- RANK #04 (106 VP) --- 12 Parts Acquired.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    concernedconcerned Registered Users 814 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    Thanks for posting IOS standings, Concerned. I am a little surprised that the competition is not more fierce. This Global offers two great guns. Hopefully, you will get one of them in Silver League.

    I was able to get my 20.5 ORC last night in league. It is only 20% upgraded, but it has already made a big difference in vault sizes. My SR vaults went from 300-450K to 500-750K. Now, SR battles are worth fighting again.

    Also, with larger SR vault, my battle skipping has dropped tremendously.
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