
Tier 26 Out on IOS



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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    It is now official (as if there were any real doubts) ... the Global Events and VIP Events are now on a concurrent (practically) cycle. Global Events are on a (yet to be confirmed) 4 week cycle; VIP Events are on a 2-3 week cycle. Both offer very little difference in the way of weapons.

    Just three (3) weeks of TESLAS offered in these Events follows. All are equally effective at the current TIER 26 and subsequent TIER 27.

    Only the top two (2) can extend their effectiveness to a future TIER 28.

    27.5 WHIRLPOOL MKII TESLA - 12.58B-20.54B (VIP)
    27.0 MAELSTROM MKII TESLA - 10.7B-18.12B (VIP)
    26.5 UKKO MKII TESLA - 7.55B-11.58B (Global)
    26.5 INDRA NKII TESLA - 6.29B-10.32B (Global)
    26.0 SNOWSTORM MKII TESLA - 5.03B-9.06B (VIP)
    25.5 PERUN MKII TESLA - 3.77B-5.79B (VIP)

    In short, I see no value in the VIP Events vs. the Global Events, so it's time to get down, dirty and fight to earn a living. Of course, the marginally better weapons are available should you prefer to cruise. :cool:

    Now the wait begins for TIER 27, for that will seal our collective fates going forward.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    We may be able to detect a useable pattern in the new VIP schedule:

    July 14 7000 Gold 27.5 Sniper
    5750 Gold 27.0 Tesla

    July 18 7000 Gold 27.5 Assault
    5750 Gold 27.0 Heavy

    July 21 7000 Gold 27.5 Tesla
    5750 Gold 27.0 Assault

    If this pattern holds, the next VIP should be on July 25 with a 27.5 Heavy at 7K and a 27.0 Sniper at 5750.

    This should work for the moderate budget player, because you can hit the ViP of your choice and use the Energy credits purchased to buy in to win the other two in Global play.

    Of course, if we get a new Tier every two weeks, all bets are off.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    YES Sir Brad and Good Morning ...

    A predictable schedule is always a good thing but the quandary remains. The problem is NOT one's budget, rather it's the value of the VIP offering. There should be a HEAVY Global scheduled that week as well ... see what I'm getting at.

    I do recognize however that the SNIPER (#2) and HEAVY (#1) Global Events are the most contested and if a player were to buy in for weapons, that might be the logical VIP Event in which to participate.

    Whether you buy in once or a dozen times, the fact is that you will acquire only a single weapon for spending 7,000 GOLD. The "Sweet Spot" VIP had (has) value since most everything had (has) some utility, most notably, 4 x weapons that were effective for more than a single Battle Cycle.

    It's inevitable, given the costs associated with upgrades, that most players will need to spend some GOLD at some point, and this new VIP format ensures that there will be a VIP Event available 24/7 for the most part. That will guarantee that veteran players will start to accumulate vast amounts of rubbish; LOWER TIER players will find the lower level items appealing and that's the target market, as I see it.

    For the veterans who are current, there simply is NOT enough VALUE to warrant spending that much GOLD, especially when you can acquire the same weapons via the Global Events for a fraction of the price, if not absolutely FREE.

    What I don't understand is your aversion to keeping your money in your pocket ... if only temporarily?

    If I didn't know any better, you would sound like a GLU share holder ... are you? Please don't answer that question *** SMILES ***

    The next Global will provide the final pieces to this latest puzzle ...
    ... Will there ever be another "Sweet Spot" VIP Event?
    ... Is the TIER release schedule on a permanent 2-week rotation?
    Once these questions are answered, we will then know our fate and the future of CKS; if GLU can read (and cares about it's veterans) these answers will be ... well let's wait and see. :cool:
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Good Morning Agents,

    I know many have been wondering about the shortened TIER release going from TIER 25 to TIER 26 and whether it will remain that way going forward. Now it's impossible to predict what GLU will actually do and I've refrained from mentioning the following because I don't want to minimize the problem.

    It is entirely possible that TIER 26 will last for 6 weeks; not probable but definitely possible. There is also a remote possibility that TIER 26 will last forever. :)

    The best advice I can give at this point in time is to proceed with extreme caution.

    As another example of the diminishing value of the VIP Events and why you MUST be cautious:

    25.5 TOMBSTONE MKII - 2.85B-4.19B - 750 GOLD (VIP)
    25.5 LONGSHOT MKII ELITE - 2.52B-3.86B - 240 GOLD (The Store)

    Both rated @ 25.5 with the cheaper store item less than 1/3 the price via VIP.

    I won't re-state the obvious but "VIP" should cater to very important people (players) and by that I mean those who are actually spending $$$; that is where revenue is derived.

    We have an old saying in IT that can be adapted to this situation ...
    ... "If you're willing to buy garbage, that is exactly what I'll sell you!".

    PLEASE be careful !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Good Afternoon Agents,

    Sometimes the CKS repetition conditions our thinking and the way we perceive the progress of the game. You must constantly "reset" yourself in order to maintain a "healthy" perspective.

    For example, we (I) discuss the value of the VIP offerings, the TIER 26 release only 2-weeks following TIER 25, Global Event weapons and schedules. These are only of importance to the veterans right?

    The POV of the vast majority of the players out there is to "progress" when they need to and at their own "comfortable" pace; whether they upgrade the base in a week OR several months is their choice ... there is no pressure at all to do so.

    So this latest bout with adversity is fundamentally a self-made, veterans only issue because when we started playing this game, it was a completely "different" game that operated under a different set of rules. There is a reason why your clan never wins, all weapons are nearing "parity" and costs continue to rise.

    We set the rules, the schedules, and how fast we acquire resources and apply upgrades ... nobody is holding a gun to our heads.

    I just wanted to remind us from the proper perspective and keep us grounded.

    I also want you to realize that "speed kills", for all the effort expended trying to stay ahead of the curve not only no longer holds any meaningful purpose, but it also works against you. If there is a single veteran out there, CLAN Members included, that is current with overwhelming firepower AND is actually winning on a consistent basis, I would LOVE to hear from you.

    Just to be clear, I am NOT referring to winning PvP battles; nobody loses those anymore. :)

    On a personal note, Saturday I started using my SNIPER rifle and ROCKETS (just for kicks); I also wanted to burn off some of the thousands of equipment items I've accumulated. The reality that I really don't "need" a TESLA in order to win PvP became crystal clear. But the newcomers realized that fact quite some time ago. :cool: Consider this ... equipment items "power" only diminishes at the higher tiers and the higher you go, the less effective they become.

    Periodically, GLU will make adjustments but it's not to the equipment items ...
    ... they adjust the "effectiveness" by making the opponents "easier" to kill will that equipment; similar to adjusting the effectiveness of weapons by making it "harder" to kill opponents with those weapons.

    *** SMILES ***
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Good Morning Agents :)

    I'm not trying to beat a dead horse here, so try to consider this my latest attempt to keep us informed and advising you to proceed with caution BEFORE parting with your GOLD.

    So another VIP Event is underway as usual ...
    ... but I also noticed 2 x 27.0 EAGLE MKII SNIPER Rifles - 6.71B-12.08B - available in The Store; one as a whole weapon and the other as parts.

    At first it didn't make much sense and was about to dismiss it as yet another GLU hiccup, then I realized both are available as VIP Event Awards:

    @7,000 GOLD: 27.5 ATLAS MKII HEAVY - 12.58B-20.6B.

    @5,750 GOLD: 27.0 EAGLE MKII SNIPER.
    @4,500 GOLD: 27.0 EAGLE MKII SNIPER (10 x Parts).
    @4,000 GOLD: 27.0 EAGLE MKII SNIPER (10 x Parts).
    @3,500 GOLD (and below): a 26.5 HEAVY, 25.5 ASSAULT and 24.5 SNIPER along with the usual rubbish.

    Now I would never presume to advise on how a player should spend their money, but this is clearly a non starter unless you're willing to grab that 27.5 HEAVY (an excellent weapon, by the way) for ...
    ... 7,000 GOLD.

    I do however encourage those, who are willing to join me in boycotting these VIP Events, to acquire your weapons via Global / League Events in an effort to persuade GLU to increase the "value" of prize awards.

    To be perfectly honest, I've been trying to convince players to do this for a year now but have only been partly successful; the Global awards have become fairly consistent, but the VIP awards have lost value.

    For some perspective, if we were in TIER 26 this time last year, we would be seeing at least 2 x 28.5 weapons (maybe 29.5) and it's been gradually losing value ever since. In fact, you would be extremely lucky for a VIP weapon to last much longer than the current battle cycle; so what's the point?

    It's a righteous fight but I DO understand why many are reluctant to join the battle. I just hope that it's not too little, too late.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    It will be two weeks ago tomorrow that Tier 26 was released, only two weeks after the release of Tier 25. Will Tier 27 drop tomorrow? I hope not.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    That's the $64,000 question Sir Brad ... I truly doubt that it will and continue to see the last release as some sort of aberration, maybe even some sort of laboratory experiment.

    With a projected cost for base upgrades exceeding 10,000,000,000 diamonds and with weapons that would barely be able to keep pace, it would be one of the most challenging of all our efforts thus far.

    What I would do for a 28.5 ASSAULT Weapon. LOL

    As the saying goes ... hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. :cool:

    With an adequate TESLA and a stockpile of grenades, I'll give it my best shot and survive. I also have quite a few tricks discovered from hundreds of hours of target practice.

    Should TIER 27 arrive, there most likely will be a Global on Thursday featuring a 27.5 HEAVY, if that is of any solace. Realistically though, it would most definitely be the end of base upgrades for me ... unless "value" is re-introduced into these events.

    I'll just stay @ TIER 26 indefinitely, shoot the place to pieces and should a lost GLUTON wander onto the battlefield, he had better be prepared to duck.

    *** SMILES ***
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Please refer to this recent post: http://ggnbb.glu.com/showthread.php?211973-07-21-TESLA-GLOBAL-(Hybrid-Events-Part-Deux)&p=475582&viewfull=1#post475582

    Remember to always try to see the BIG picture and place yourself in the position of all involved in CKS, from the newest players on the block to the GLU developers ... it may give you a better perspective.

    The "Simple Truth" of the matter is that any and all new development of features and new releases are done solely for those that have been playing for a year or more right? ... basic logic. Consequently and equally as important is that it will take the newest of players at least 1 year (if they last that long), to reach the level of where the veterans are today.

    Now there is always a convergence during the software lifecycle when development costs exceed benefit OR Return On Investment (ROI) ... this is common to any software development project, in this case it just happens to relate to a video game. There are ongoing operational costs as well.

    Now I'm not attempting to predict what GLU's plans are, for that would be impossible, but all of the warning signs are present.

    Good Luck and Good Hunting !!!
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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