
WW2 AAA weapons/sugguestions for Ack-Ack

LindyoxLindyox Registered Users 12 Posts
The Ack-Ack Games are the toughest in the App. Even paying for the Octamont, I still haven't come close to earning 3 stars for each game. Here are some suggested WW2 AAA weapons that Glu should develop:

Bofers 40 mm gun\L60 (Autocannon). At 120 rounds a minute this AAA throws out some serious lead. Invented in 1934, this gun is still in use in 2013. It is also the largest machine gun a US citizen can own legally in the United States. 1-2 rounds per fighter, 3-4 rounds per bomber.

90 mm M1A1 Anti-Aircraft Artiliary. Similar to the German 88 mm AAA, this gun was the one of the top Anti-Aircraft guns the US had when used with radar. Fused detonated to cause flak. 25 rounds a minute fire rate. "One shot, One kill"


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    Bustanity0MaxBustanity0Max Registered Users 5 Posts
    Finally some good suggestions, I support this idea!
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    LindyoxLindyox Registered Users 12 Posts
    OK Glu. You got at least $500.00 from me from buying all your gold. I have 444/453 stars, with the 9 stars being 3 Air Missions. They are nearly impossible. Please add more weapons to Ack-Ack to make the missions easier. You have your money, now make the game at least possible to earn all the stars.
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    c-macc-mac Registered Users 140 Posts
    Lindyox wrote: »
    OK Glu. You got at least $500.00 from me from buying all your gold.

    Are you out of your mind??? lol
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    LindyoxLindyox Registered Users 12 Posts
    Well, Glu, I have given you some suggestions on how to improve your Air Missions, but no luck. Making missions impossible is not going to get you loyal customers, just make your gamers leave or find ways to cheat. I've been on the 2nd Air Mission in Juno. I was able to complete it once for 2 stars, but not within 2:30. I've been playing for at least three weeks straight and haven't been able to beat it once. Here are some more suggestions to make the Air Missions realistic.

    1. Slow the planes down! They are powered by propellers, not Jet Engines. Cut the speed of all planes by half.
    2. Get rid of parachutes. They make the game nearly impossible. If you are going to keep them, then have each bomber have only 3 or 4 of them and have them start dropping in the middle of the screen to give gamers a chance to shoot them down before dropping the parachutes.
    3. Cut the number of bombers and fighters. Nazi Germany would survive less than a year after D-Day. The Allies had inflicted heavy damage to the German Air Force. I don't think the German Air Force had as many planes in Normandy as in your Air Missions.

    I'm all for you guys making money, but when your missions are nearly impossible, it not fun for any of the gamers. How your game testers failed to realize your air missions were too difficult is beyond me. What did you give your game testers? Crystal Meth? Seriously, have one of your game testers post on YouTube them defeating the last Air Mission in Omaha three times in a row. I bet it can't be done without tricking the game.
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