
10/15 HEAVY GLOBAL (How Are We Doing?)



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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    I just noticed a post by CONCERNED regarding player health now at 10.1M; I assume not yet upgraded.

    I figured as much was coming but thought we had at least another TIER to go before the **** hit the fan. Those massive weapons like the KARMA are no longer a luxury boys and girls; standard weapons won't cut it. Grab one as soon as you can because next month will be hell if you don't.

    I can hear the forum posts now ... I can't win, the spook won't die ... SMH

    Just the latest chapter in the GLU Book on "How To Force The Free Players Into Extinction".
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    My player health is 10.1M. I have 25 minutes to Tier 16 unlock.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    GO Brother GO ... LOL I know you've been chomping at the bit like a true thoroughbred; the gate just opened.

    Here's something to think about; usually health doubles moving to the ODD numbered tier and EVEN numbered tiers show negligible increases in health. When we went from TIER 14 to TIER 15, health went from 2.5M to 5.1M. TIER 16 departed from the "norm" by going to 10.1M (roughly double that of TIER 15). As players upgrade their base, battles are going to start getting much harder without those massive weapons; bringing the KARMA up to 40% power (roughly 16M) should do the trick.

    KARMA @ 20% vs TIER 15 was 100% (double) the player health; KARMA @ 40% vs TIER 16 is down to 60% and that gap will continue to shrink. Fortunately the weapon has plenty of headroom ... for now.

    In other words, GLU just pushed the throttle forward, BIG time.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    With the release on IOS of a new Tier and a new campaign, I am thinking 16.5 Tesla Global tomorrow. Any guesses?
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    GLU definitely has us guessing about these GLOBALS. Since TIER 16 has been released, then the GLOBAL most certainly will be for a 16.5 weapon; whether it's a TESLA is a real guess. HEAVY after HEAVY, SNIPER after SNIPER ... we are definitely overdue for a TESLA.

    If it is a TESLA, then the VIP Event that follows will feature a TESLA ... possibly 18.5; probably 17.5 ... either will be massive.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    bradr752bradr752 Registered Users 1,962 Posts
    amsoft2000 wrote: »
    GLU definitely has us guessing about these GLOBALS. Since TIER 16 has been released, then the GLOBAL most certainly will be for a 16.5 weapon; whether it's a TESLA is a real guess. HEAVY after HEAVY, SNIPER after SNIPER ... we are definitely overdue for a TESLA.

    If it is a TESLA, then the VIP Event that follows will feature a TESLA ... possibly 18.5; probably 17.5 ... either will be massive.

    I need an 18.5 Heavy with optics, I assume that is not in the cards until at least next week.
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    bradr752 wrote: »
    I need an 18.5 Heavy with optics, I assume that is not in the cards until at least next week.

    I wouldn't rule it out completely, but the "old" schedule says next week. I know you want to get rid of those sights LOL The problem I'm now having is that on 09/25 the VIP Event was identical to what just concluded, meaning a KARMA clone might have been the Super VIP Prize and they were just 2 weeks apart so GLU is messing around with the VIP Events as well.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    Only two hours until the GLUTONS go home for the day and no TIER16 as yet. While it would be extremely "strange" to offer 16.5 weapons when the prevailing TIER is 15, it is also equally "strange" to offer 15.5 weapons when the prevailing TIER is 16.

    That being said, TOOBAD says the cycle begins next week on 10/29. Under normal circumstances, this TIER 16 release would have been considered an early release with an option to buy-in to see it early. That strategy failed for GLU, I believe.

    Now it's only 10/21 making this the earliest release ever.

    There is a third possibility, this is an early release but without the buy-in option ... it's simply a freebie. The implications would therefore be that a 15.5 weapon will be offered in tomorrow's Global Event; a 16.5 weapon doesn't change the equation ... its the cost of the upgrades that is the main concern here. This option makes sense because it gives players more time to earn diamonds for those expensive upgrades that TIER 16 brings with it.

    For example, a player who plays for weapons parts would have a considerable obstacle to overcome in order to upgrade a TIER 16 BASE and 1 or 2 16.5 weapons before the next release, if there is one, making those weapons obsolete before they could be used effectively in battle. Forget about drone development for these folks.

    The numbers are simply alarming. For anyone that has NOT seen the upgrade grid for the 17.5 KARMA, I'll post a SS. It's like nothing that most have ever seen. Each upgrade column is literally a new weapon to compete in the next TIER and replace the standard weapons and upgrades. Column #3 upgrades (60% power) costs 30M diamonds.

    I'm starting to see where this game transition is headed.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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    amsoft2000amsoft2000 Registered Users 5,782 Posts
    07:13 PM EST and a New Content Update arrived ... might be the new region; the GLUTONS actually made a deadline WOW. LMAO

    CONFIRMED: RIFLEMEN was downloaded, however POSH KILLERS is still marked as new ... SMH

    First three battles all LONGS 4.1M TIER 16 and the 14.5 BLACK HOLE defeated all handily; that's a load off my mind for I was wondering how it would perform.

    More importantly ... NO RETRIES ... crossing fingers.

    Fourth battle was 5.9M TIER 16 SHORT ... no problems w/KARMA.

    Anyone know the power rating of the new base yet? Upgrade pace seems a little quick to me and I haven't bothered to unlock my stats ... yet. I assume I'm fighting max'd out bots again.
    Complex Minds Require Challenging Games ... SCORPION
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