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  • I would not spend money the game is flawed. I was told there are no hackers they watch this carefully. Right.
  • I was at half energy and was killed with one drone hit. Not much you can do when 1 or 2 hit kill you.
  • My thoughts too. 369k drone seems impossible in the time since release of ver 3.0..
  • I also was forced into pvp with the upgrade. Heard there are no guns for cash too??Going
  • Delete folder called wallet then reinstall from where you orig. Installed.
  • I agree I like this game but unless one can play for diamonds in contract missions to help with diamond collection you are stuck waiting for new missions. I always am playing catch up with upgrades. Feel I am falling too far behind to continue for free.
  • Diamonds still hard to get. I purchased the heavy gun and tesla to win diamonds. But between upgrading guns, base, drone the task seems impossible after the diamond missions are gone. Could spend all diamonds to upgrade drone. At 2800 hr I can barely get enough diamonds for anything. Even pvp diamonds are small. Haven't…
  • Have 2 more upgrades on my base. At 2800 diamonds/hr will take over a week to earn them. No diamond missions left so just waiting and 1 week for 2 upgrades is getting to be a spoiler and getting worse may stop game soon
  • I agree. I play the game for fun and am at level 90. I play the missions and have never played pvp. I never get attacked but am having a hard time upgrading because the inflation of bases do not match the rewards given. Told glu they run the risk of pricing everything out of reasonable reach. Like the game but will not pay…
  • You can play the game build your bases and diamonds without playing pvp. I have never played a pvp but have played for months. Never had diamonds taken. Once you start playing pvp your into it.

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