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  • I usually do win unless either I mess up myself or choose a bad opponent. How do I add a screenshot. I am working on an iPhone?
  • These enemies are not all the time. I have faced 3-4 of them but it is still absurd that they can do this. Their base level has been 2k-3k so it isn't like they should be tough opponents. I have gone up against 5k-6k opponents and has won. The problem as stated in the original post is that only the "player" can not be…
  • So a maxed out defender will let you get to the "player" and all other enemies act normal but when you try to kill them their health bar does not go down at all. I'm not saying that it is harder. I'm saying even though there are 20 critical hits with the assault rifle or with the tesla their health doesn't budge.

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