
Not getting any more series finale opportunities

lavender8lavender8 Registered Users, Member 16 Posts
I use to look forward to the weekly series finale opportunity now I’m not getting anymore even if I finished 4 stars on every level in diff venues. Now all is coming is the unlimited supplies or fast flo events and trials of style.     The only thing I have to look forward to is the trial of styles.     Is this a new thing that they did away with series finales? 


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    kokkinokatakikokkinokataki Registered Users, Member 25 Posts
    I’ve noticed that too.  I’ve got about four left to do.  Also can’t spin the high roller wheel because it says I have all the available pets and outfit sets, which I haven’t.
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    lavender8lavender8 Registered Users, Member 16 Posts
    That’s annoying i hope they fix it   I’ve been playing for years and now it’s just like im
    going over the same venues for no goal 

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    KatieHKatieH Registered Users, Member 30 Posts
    I was just thinking this the other day that I haven’t seen a new series finale for ages but instead loads of midweek challenges which only used to be at weekends. There are so many issues with the game now 🙁
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    HeidiFishHeidiFish Registered Users 78 Posts
    I’ve noticed the same - I still have a few to complete! And like @kokkinokataki I can’t spin the high roller wheels because the items I need (like, randomly, the pet for Hipster Cafe) aren’t currently being offered. They need to switch that info up too. 
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    twinklewindtwinklewind Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    I think this happened with the update that fixed the gold video watching crashing completed levels.
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    kokkinokatakikokkinokataki Registered Users, Member 25 Posts
    HeidiFish - I now have ten free spins on the high roller wheel!  Also I have the VIP pet to get but have absolutely no tokens towards the pet for Hipster Cafe and some outfit items left for that venue too.  I can’t really be bothered with these continuous challenges, it’s just too time consuming.  Can’t be playing 24/7.  I’m starting to wonder if they’re going to close the game 
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    twinklewindtwinklewind Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    Has anyone been able to play any series finales?
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    grayreingrayrein Registered Users, Member 1 Posts
    The clapper symbol shows the venue where series finale is available. it is no longer announced. I just noticed that series finale for cutie cakes is available
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    ChangPowPowChangPowPow Registered Users, Member 2 Posts
    I've consistently had the cutie cakes clapper, even though I finished that series finale like a year ago
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    KatieHKatieH Registered Users, Member 30 Posts
    The cutie cakes one is available every time there is a free play event. It must be a bug with the game but I’ve noticed you get the clapper only when that event is on. Cheeky tiki is also randomly always open (but no clapper). So annoying there are no more finales! 
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    twinklewindtwinklewind Registered Users, Member 8 Posts
    grayrein said:
    The clapper symbol shows the venue where series finale is available. it is no longer announced. I just noticed that series finale for cutie cakes is available
    Has anyone else noticed any others ever open?
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    lavender8lavender8 Registered Users, Member 16 Posts
    Can someone describe what the clapper symbol means I don’t notice one anywhere but I’m not sure what it looks like or where it should be. Now that there’s no series finale announcements 
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    KatieHKatieH Registered Users, Member 30 Posts
    it’s on cutie cakes now. It’s the directors clapper thing (the thing they snap together at the start/end of a scene) 
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    wafflesswaffless Registered Users, Member 4 Posts
    Just got a series finale opening notification (barnyard BBQ) today! First time in months
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    HeidiFishHeidiFish Registered Users 78 Posts
    @waffless, me too. It looks like a number of finales were opened, but Barnyard BBQ is the only one of those I still need. It was exciting to play with a real goal!  I really wonder if they will ever open the VIP Valhalla series finales . . . 
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