
Prep Kitchen Helpers don't show up

I've wasted so many prep kitchen helpers who never show up during the game. Anyone else experience this or know why? Is it because I have too many fails on that one episode. I've been playing this for awhile and I never purchase anything. Been doing this through sheer perseverance. I'm currently in the baseball restaurant season 3 episode 13 and I've wasted a durian tart, a dark chocolate pudding and many pralines. Help!


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    SisterbearSisterbear Registered Users 113 Posts
    It does not matter what prep helper you choose they come up at a specific time and order in each level. The level you are talking about both show up near the very end. It is one of the few levels that prep helper customer does not show up at least once in the first 12 customers.
    My advice on levels like this, wait till free play weekend. Then don't use any prep helpers and play the level many times and memorize the orders and the customer that shows up the most. Then use that customer as the prep helper once you feel you have memorized the level and give it your best shot. This is how I usually complete that one last hard level in each venue.
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