
Game wont Load?

Well... I was playing fine and then after the last update game stopd working... it gets stucked on the "Loading Hunter" screen... have tried EVERYTHING. And nothing.

I'm playing from a Galaxy S3 on WIFI from my house... have good memory and perfect internet


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    BBV S2KBBV S2K Registered Users 90 Posts
    Hello? This game doesn't have support or what?
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    BBV S2KBBV S2K Registered Users 90 Posts

    ^^^ that's the reason App crash manager gave me... any ideas?
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    BBV S2KBBV S2K Registered Users 90 Posts
    After all this loading error crap, I lost ALL my progress?? REALLY?
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    thundershotsthundershots Registered Users 36 Posts
    BBV S2K wrote: »

    ^^^ that's the reason App crash manager gave me... any ideas?

    At the top of the forum , third from the right there is a "submit ticket" button. That's the best way to get help directly from the developers. This is more of a community forum for users.
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