
Upgrades for firing rate or reload time?

WUS-WUSWUS-WUS Registered Users 204 Posts
Why not? Make em spendy and maybe one or two levels per gun.


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    mrtnd1970mrtnd1970 Registered Users 25 Posts
    I don't have any assault rifles but don't they fire faster and I know the reload rate on the shotguns ( at least ones i have) are very quick and most of the rifles with full ammo upgrades give me plenty of shells to kill what I need to without reloading at all if I don't miss a ton lol
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    WUS-WUSWUS-WUS Registered Users 204 Posts
    Assault rifles have speed yes and they are the most expensive on top of that. Rifles are very powerful but slow speed. Shotguns are powerful and have fast reload time. My idea was to give us something else to upgrade. Actually the guns you can buy for gold are twice as fast.
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