
goin to war

BillyBogBillyBog Registered Users 5 Posts
i tells ya, if I ever find myself goin to war, i want me a vest made from egyptian hyena hide!


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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Need 50 cal depleted uranium shells to down those mothers in one, I reckon!
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    Samer MadbakSamer Madbak Registered Users 1,247 Posts
    you need to aim at the heads of these beasts!
    Playing on LG G4 (Android)
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Still takes 2 or 3 shots unless really close with a shotgun. The game is too glitchy to let them get that close in my opinion, as they always seem to become immune to the gunfire. Better to pick them off with the assault rifle from a distance!
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    Tanner96Tanner96 Registered Users 544 Posts
    I was able to finally kill the hyenas by aiming high and to the right with the shotgun. The leopards however are something else. If you wait for them to attack, you run out of time. I guess I will try to pick them off with the assault rifle. Any other suggestions?
    :mad:iPad 4:mad:
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Tanner96 wrote: »
    The leopards however are something else. If you wait for them to attack, you run out of time. I guess I will try to pick them off with the assault rifle. Any other suggestions?

    Not really, that's how I do it. The others will come straight at you once you've shot a couple of their mates.
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    For the leopards and hyenas (these are the worst for me) I always try to kill them with the shotgun before they can leap, or at least get some good damage so the point blank shot actually kills them. After they leap I have countless times that I here the gun fire several times but nothing actually fires.
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Think we would need a rocket launcher to take hyenas out with one shot.
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Have you noticed that they jump you from behind sometimes? You can only swing that far left after they attack...
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    Tanner96Tanner96 Registered Users 544 Posts
    I was finally able to kill the hyenas, now the leopards in the onslaught hunt are giving me fits. I usually am able to kill three and sometimes four, then that last one always gets me. I guess I will just keep trying. I like the idea of a rocket launcher though.
    :mad:iPad 4:mad:
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    Tbuff49Tbuff49 Registered Users 12 Posts
    The leopard and hyena can be killed in one shot with a brain shot. If you practice with inferred to see where to hit the shot can be done without inferred. Without inferred shoot straight on just between the eyes and just above, to a line to the mid vertical point on the back do the skull. If you hit this point they drop like a ton of bricks.
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    I have the G&H Seeker assault rifle from region 8 fully upgraded and use this weapon against the hyenas and leopards with no trouble. 2-4 shots and they're done without aiming at any of the vitals. I just make sure I always reload after a few kills so I don't run out of ammo. Glitches kill me more than the animals.
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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    Tanner96Tanner96 Registered Users 544 Posts
    I don't even have the option of buying the G&H Seeker assault rifle. How do you get access to it?
    :mad:iPad 4:mad:
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    g 78 33g 78 33 Registered Users 158 Posts
    You had to win it in the rare holiday hunts otherwise you have to wait until region 8 comes out because it is a region 8 gun
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    Tanner96Tanner96 Registered Users 544 Posts
    Ok, thanks for the info. All I ever won was a useless pistol.
    :mad:iPad 4:mad:
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Coulda won 3 useless pistols if you'd played more often!
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    Yea I was thankful for that rare hunt that hooked me up with the gun. I had saved up enough cash to buy the highest shot gun possible and was working towards buying the highest available assault gun when I got hooked up. I use it on all hunts. I rarely fail a hunt now in region 7, if I do it's because it glitches. Saving dough for the guns that come with the new updates. I'm at 5.1 million right now. I kinda wish I got into this game sooner!
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    I completed the hunt killing 4 hyenas with a pistol. Didn't think it was strong enough but when the hyena jumps at you you can fire off rapidly... Pretty cool, give it a whirl.
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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    Gary McKinnonGary McKinnon Registered Users 26 Posts
    Yes they r a pain n my but too I just wish I can buy a tank I'm all for that come on region 8
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    Gary McKinnonGary McKinnon Registered Users 26 Posts
    I've tried the g&h seeker many times all I can get is three getting ready to try my pistol now wish me luck
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    Gary, is your seeker upgraded to the max? My out should be able to kill all animals pretty easy if it is.
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    *you should be able to kill all animals pretty easy if it's upgraded. I use region 7 pistol upgraded, and I can kill all animals with it. Some require about 4 to 5 shots though.
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    Region 7 Greater Kudus are thick skinned, too. 2 shots for them unless you get them in the head!
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    Gary McKinnonGary McKinnon Registered Users 26 Posts
    Yes my seeker is max out except for gold upgrades
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    g 78 33g 78 33 Registered Users 158 Posts
    It's the game I also have a fully maxed out seeker and most kudus take 2-3 shots unless you hit something vital I've used it in region 6 and its still 2 to kill a ack wolf the only difference I found is now I can drop a black bear with one shot
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    I play on an IPhone. Are you still having trouble with the cheetahs and hyenas? With the cheetahs I wait till I see them running from the top of the hill, zoom in and start firing away. Some take 3 to 4 shots to die. I zoom out make sure none are close to jump at me and zoom in on the closest to me. Works all the time.
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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    pistoffpistoff Registered Users 865 Posts
    In the region 6 predator hunts the Seeker will kill all the animals with a single head shot. Just depends on whether you want fast or to go for the organs and extra cash.
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    Eli_the_HunterEli_the_Hunter Registered Users 660 Posts
    I have a blast using my pistol killing all the animals. Makes it a bit challenging.
    :cool: iPhone 4s :cool:
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