
Club Hunts?

Coach66Coach66 Registered Users 4 Posts
In the badge area, there are badges for club hunts, but I don't see any club hunts. What are they?


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    g 78 33g 78 33 Registered Users 158 Posts
    Club hunts is just a bunch of people hunting in a timed hunt for a share of the cash you can also kill a lot more animals in some of these hunts because you can hunt them till the clock runs out there is no limit on animals like in contract hunts,but if you are playing on android they are still working on making them available to you
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    theangeliitheangelii Registered Users 123 Posts
    g 78 33 wrote: »
    Club hunts is just a bunch of people hunting in a timed hunt for a share of the cash you can also kill a lot more animals in some of these hunts because you can hunt them till the clock runs out there is no limit on animals like in contract hunts,but if you are playing on android they are still working on making them available to you

    I wish you people would get your act together before you push out updates.
    1) ever since the update to get rig of the holiday hunts I am not able to get into or download the map for region 4. every time I try the game restarts. FIX THIS PROBLEM.
    2) Today I started the game and I had Club Huts on my andriod phone I played a few hunts and then had to quit the game.
    when I got home I started up the game again and the club hunts were gone.
    3) I hope you work out all of the bugs in region 8 before you push it out.
    this is getting ridiculous.
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