
Upgraded rifles

Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
Below is a list of rifles for the game, all rifles are not listed, but all game cash rifles are. I spent millions of game cash buying and upgrading rifles I did not even need just to provide information. Hope after all the work is is useful to someone.

Grantham Model 500: Max level 5 Power 129 Stability 85.4% Zoom x22 Infrared 28 sec. Capacity 10 Reload 14.97 sec. Fire rate 2.97 sec.
Clayton Frontline: Max level 5 Power 142 Stability 85.6% Zoom x26 Infrared 30 sec. Capacity 12 Reload 4.73 sec. Fire rate 1 sec.
Grantham Lightning: Max level 5 Power 187 Stability 87.6% Zoom x30 Infrared 8 sec. Capacity 7 Reload 11.27 sec. Fire rate 3.1 sec.
Westin Warfighter: Max level 5 Power 276 Stability 91.4% Zoom x34 Infrared 8 sec. Capacity 7 Reload 11.27 sec. Fire rate 3.3 sec.
Maginot Lineman: Max level 5 Power 405 Stability 95.3% Zoom x38 Infrared 8 sec. Capacity 7 Reload 11.27 sec. Fire rate 3.5 sec.
Maginot Legionnaire: Max level 7 Power 595 Stability 99% Zoom x42 Infrared 10 sec. Capacity 9 Reload 13.73 sec. Fire rate 3.5 sec.
Grantham Huntsman: Max level 7 Power 869 Stability 99.2% Zoom x50 Infrared 10 sec.
Capacity 9 Reload 13.73 sec. Fire rate 3.5 sec.
Westin Vantage: Max level 7 Power 951 Stability 99.3% Zoom x52 Infrared 13 sec. Capacity 11 Reload 4.5 sec. Fire rate 1 sec
G&H Cascadian: Max level 7 Power 1268 Stability 99.2% Zoom x60 Infared 19 sec. Capacity 13 Reload 3.9 sec. Fire rate 0.45 sec.
Clayton Rebel: Max level 7 Power 1268 Stability 99.2 % Zoom x54 Infrared 10 sec. Capacity 9 Reload 13.73 sec. Fire rate 3.5 sec.
Hauer Savage: Max level 7 Power 1394 Stability 99.2 % Zoom x54 Infrared 13 sec. Capacity 11 Reload 4.5 sec. Fire rate 1 sec.
Maginot Vulture: Max level 7 Power 1394 Stability 99.2 % Zoom x60 Infrared 19 sec. Capacity 13 Reload 3.9 sec. Fire rate 0.45 sec.
PHC Model E100: Max level 7 Power 1853 Stability 99.2 % Zoom x54 Infrared 10 sec. Capacity 9 Reload 13.73 sec. Fire rate 3.5 sec.
Grantham Outlaw: Max level 7 Power 2040 Stability 99.2 % Zoom x54 Infrared 13 sec. Capacity 11 Reload 4.5 sec. Fire rate 1 sec.
G&H Valkyrie: Max level 7 Power 2715 Stability 99.2 % Zoom x60 Infrared 19 sec. Capacity 13 Reload 3.9 sec. Fire rate 0.45 sec.
Rohman K.R.: Max level 7 Power 2718 Stability 100% Zoom x60 Infrared 10 sec. Capacity 9 Reload 13.73 sec. Fire rate 3.5 sec.
Kanarre Blitz: Max level 7 Power 2986 Stability 100% Zoom x62 Infrared 13 sec. Capacity 11 Reload 4.5 sec. Fire rate 1 sec.
Westin Siege: Max level 7 Power 3976 Stability 100% Zoom x60 Infrared 19 sec. Capacity 13 Reload 3.9 sec. Fire rate 0.45 sec.


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    SHRUÐESHRUÐE Registered Users 6 Posts
    Excellent work there Kyra420!

    I scoured the forums here the other day wondering what stability my Gratham Huntsman would get to playing level 5 Trophy. Thought I may have needed a rifle upgrade.
    Found the Hntsman was enough and in fact it got me through all the Trophy hunts in L6 as well !
    Thids would have been so nice to find while i was looking for the info.

    Seems Forum Search is broken as well which made it even harder.

    Are you able to edit your post Kyra and maybe make the gun names in bold? :)

    Maybe this could be a sticky.
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    Peteroc317Peteroc317 Registered Users 55 Posts
    It would be cool if next to each rifle you put a total price after all the upgrades
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    Peteroc317 wrote: »
    It would be cool if next to each rifle you put a total price after all the upgrades

    Thought about this but many of the guns were bought over a period of time and so I couldn't. Many of them I could have but not all, so I chose not to for any. In game cash will become useless in higher levels, only spend on what you need and soon you will have nothing to do with it.
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
    SHRUÐE wrote: »
    Excellent work there Kyra420!

    I scoured the forums here the other day wondering what stability my Gratham Huntsman would get to playing level 5 Trophy. Thought I may have needed a rifle upgrade.
    Found the Hntsman was enough and in fact it got me through all the Trophy hunts in L6 as well !
    Thids would have been so nice to find while i was looking for the info.

    Seems Forum Search is broken as well which made it even harder.

    Are you able to edit your post Kyra and maybe make the gun names in bold? :)

    Maybe this could be a sticky.

    Great point to use bold, done. Thanks!
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    Kyra420Kyra420 Registered Users 563 Posts
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